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Average bounds on Rankin-Selberg coefficients for modular forms

Let $f$ be a cuspidal Hecke newform of weight $k$ and level $N$, and denote by $a_f(n)$ its $n$-th Fourier coefficient. The newform $f$ is normalized so that $a_f(1) = 1$. As a consequence of Rankin-...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Hoffstein–Lockhart for non-congruence subgroups

Let $\Gamma$ be a non-congruence subgroup of $\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$ of finite index and let $f$ be a holomorphic cuspidal modular form of weight $k$ for the group $\Gamma$. For simplicity, ...
Krishnarjun's user avatar
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Expression of the root number for Maass forms

Take a holomorphic cusp newform, say $f \in S_k(N)^\mathrm{new}$, for a squarefree level $N$. It is an eigenvalue of the Atkin-Lehner operator, and this feature allows to express its root number as $$\...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Functoriality for triple product GL(2) x GL(2) x GL(2)

Let $f$, $g$ and $h$ be three general automorphic forms on $\operatorname{GL}(2)$. Do we know that $L(s, f\times g\times h)$ comes from an automorphic form on $\operatorname{GL}(8)$?
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