Questions tagged [at.algebraic-topology]

Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds.

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6 votes
2 answers

Euclidean algorithm for simple closed curves

In the proof of Proposition 6.2 in Farb & Margalit, "A primer on mapping class groups", an analog of the Euclidean algorithm is used to construct a simple, closed representative (...
MRJ's user avatar
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3 answers

Fundamental group of a generalized connected sum

Let $M$ and $N$ be two $n$ dimensional connected closed manifolds with $n \ge 3$, and let $S$ be a $(n-1)$ dimensional closed submanifold common to $M$ and $N$. Consider the connected sum of $M$ and $...
TopologyStudent's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is the wildness of 4-manifolds related to the diversity of their fundamental groups?

$n = 4$ is the smallest dimension such that the fundamental group of a closed $n$-manifold can be any finitely-presentable group (leading e.g. to various undecidability results stemming from the ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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-1 votes
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About the product of element of homotopy group [closed]

Why does the product coincide with the element naturally defined by oriented $S^2$ in page 29?
math's user avatar
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7 votes
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Morphisms in cube category $\Box$ = Compositions of morphisms in simplex category $\Delta$?

Let $\Delta$ be the simplex category. For $m \leq c \leq n$, let $[m] \to [c] \to [n]$ be the composition of two injective morphisms in $\Delta$. We now define a category $\Box$ with same objects as $\...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
7 votes
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Does there exist a Bousfield localization of the category of spectra which makes the sphere unbounded below?

Let $Sp$ be the category of spectra. Let $L : Sp \to Sp_L$ be the localization functor onto a reflective subcategory. Question 1: Is it ever the case that $L(S^0)$ is not bounded below? Question 2: ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

What are some good examples of spectral sequences which degenerate after the first nontrivial differential?

The difference between algebraic geometry and algebraic topology is that in AG, you usually hope that your spectral sequences degenerate immediately at the $E_2$ page. In AT, you often have to live ...
1 vote
0 answers

Necessary or sufficient conditions for the $k$-fold intersection to be empty in a covering with a "tree structure"

Consider a finite collection of $d$-dimensional balls $\mathfrak{B}=\{B_1,\ldots,B_n\}$ which cover a PL $d$-manifold $M$, i.e. $M=\bigcup_{i=1}^{n}B_i$. Suppose we want to compute the Euler ...
rab's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Linking number and intersection number

Consider a disjoint union of two circles $A$ and $B$ smoothly embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with linking number more than $1$. Suppose we know that there exists a disc $D$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$ such that $\...
user429294's user avatar
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3-manifold is aspherical if fundamental group is not free and torsion-free

I was wondering if the following statement is true. Let $M$ be a closed, 3-manifold such that $\pi_1(M)$ is not a free group and $\pi_1(M)$ is torsion-free. Then $M$ must be aspherical. My ideas: If ...
JE2912's user avatar
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Are Chern classes always vertical?

Let $c_k \in H^{2k}(M, \mathbb{Z})$ be the $k$-th Chern class of the tangent bundle of a Hermitian manifold $M$. Is $c_k$ necessarily vertical, i.e. $$ c_k = \sum_{i_1,\dots, i_{k}} \alpha_{i_1 \dots ...
Severin's user avatar
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Fundamental group of cyclic branched cover of affine plane

Let $f\in \mathbb{C}[x,y]$ be an irreducible polynomial. Let $n>0$ be an integer such that the hypersurface $S:=\{ (x,y,z)\in \mathbb{C}^3|z^n=f(x,y) \}$ is a connected complex submanifold of $\...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Is there an analogue of Steenrod's problem for $p>2$?

An element $\alpha \in H_k(X; \mathbb{Z})$ is said to be realisable if there is a $k$-dimensional connected, closed, orientable $k$-dimensional submanifold $Y$ such that $\alpha = i_*[Y]$. The ...
Crash Bandicoot's user avatar
6 votes
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Does a ring spectrum with even homotopy and even cells always have a polynomial algebra of homotopy groups?

Let $R$ be a spectrum. Assume that $R$ is bounded-below. Then we can “even-ify” $R$: cone off some generating set of the first nonvanishing odd-dimensional homotopy group of $R$. Do this repeatedly. ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 61.6k
7 votes
2 answers

Cover the $n$-disc irredundantly with $n+1$ open sets. Suppose that the $(n+1)$-fold intersection is empty. Then is some $n$-fold intersection empty?

Cover the $n$-disc with $n+1$ open sets $D^n = U_0 \cup \dotsb \cup U_n$. Suppose that $U_0 \cap \dotsb \cap U_n = \emptyset$. Suppose moreover that the cover is irredundant in the sense that no ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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1 answer

Pullback morphism of a hyperplane inclusion is zero in the derived category

Let $L \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be a hyperplane and let $i:L \to \mathbb{C}^n$ be the inclusion. Since $i$ is proper, we have induced maps $i^*: H^k_c(\mathbb{C}^n) \to H^k_c(L)$, and these maps are zero ...
Eduardo de Lorenzo's user avatar
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Relationship between quotient CW-complexes after attaching cells

I have been trying to prove the following simple-looking result which I require for some work in low-dimensional topology. I expect it is likely true and in a textbook somewhere so any reference or ...
William Thomas's user avatar
9 votes
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Does the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for $E^\ast(X)$ collapse whenever $E$ is complex-oriented and $X$ has even cells?

Let $X$ be a (finite, say — or maybe of finite type) spectrum with even cells (in other words, $H_\ast(X;\mathbb Z)$ is free and concentrated in even degrees). Let $E^\ast$ be a complex-oriented ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Whitehead lemma for simplicial Lie algebras

Let $R \to R'$ be a morphism of connected free simplicial Lie algebras. Then the analog of the Whitehead lemma states that if $\pi_* f_{\mathrm{ab}}$ is an isomorphism then $\pi_* f$ is an isomorphism....
thrw's user avatar
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Derivations in the Steenrod algebra

Let $\mathcal A^\ast$ be the (mod 2) Steenrod algebra. Question 1: Is there a classification of homogeneous elements $D \in \mathcal A^n$ such that $D^2 = 0$? Question 2: Is there a classification of ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is the center of Morava $K$-theory?

Let $E$ be an $E_1$ ring spectrum. Then I believe the center of $E$ is an $E_2$ ring spectrum over which $E$ is an $E_1$ algebra, given by the endomorphisms of $E$ as a bimodule over itself. Question: ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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4 votes
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Obstruction to finding a Whitney disk

Let $p,q\geq 3$ be integers. Let $M$ be a compact oriented smooth $(p+q)$-manifold and $P$ and $Q$ compact submanifolds of dimensions $p$ and $q$ intersecting transversely. Assume that $M,P$ and $Q$ ...
João Lobo Fernandes's user avatar
2 votes
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homotopic to a constant map

Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces and more precisely connected finite CW complexes. Let $f\colon X \to Y$ be a continuous map such that there exist a second continuous map $F\colon X^3 \to Y$ and $...
Sebastian Meyer's user avatar
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Stable homology of general linear groups

For what class of rings $R$, is the stable homology (with various choices of coefficients) of $GL_n(R)$ known? Borel computed it rationally for number rings, Quillen computed it for finite fields. Are ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Can Postnikov towers converge without Postnikov completeness?

In Higher Topos Theory, Lurie says that "Postnikov towers are convergent" in a presentable $\infty$-category $\mathcal{C}$ if $\mathcal{C}$ is equivalent to the $\infty$-category $\mathrm{...
Reid Barton's user avatar
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Approximate classifying space by boundaryless manifolds?

As pointed out by Achim Krause, any finite CW complex is homotopy equivalent to a manifold with boundary (by embedding into $\mathbb R^n$ and thickening), and so every finite type CW complex can be ...
0207's user avatar
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Torus equivariant Morava K-theory

Let $X$ be a CW complex with a torus action $T$. Is there an established definition in equivariant stable homotopy theory of $T$-equivariant Morava K-theory, $K_p(n)^*_T(X)$? Any explicit references ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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Are there exotic examples of a Lie group up to coherent isotopy?

This question is based on attempting to construct the (homotopy type) of Lie groups using Cobordism Hypothesis style abstract nonsense. There is an $\infty$-groupoid of smooth, framed manifolds where ...
Charles Wang's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the image of a smooth map? [migrated]

Let $f: S^2 \to \mathbb{R}^n$ be a smooth map from the two-dimensional sphere to euclidean space. Let $X = \mathrm{Im}(f) \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be the image topological space (note: the quotient ...
unknownymous's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Identifying two definitions of orientation on a vector space

Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional real vector space. Here are two definitions of an orientation on $V$: A generator of the $1$-dimensional vector space $\wedge^n V$, up to multiplication by positive ...
Jean's user avatar
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(Derived category of) sheaves over an infinite union

The short version of my question is: Suppose $X$ is a (reasonably nice) topological space such that $X = \bigcup_{n \ge 1} X_n$ for an increasing sequence of (closed) subspaces $X_1 \subset X_2 \...
jessetvogel's user avatar
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An open ended question: The dual of a covering map? Is this a real thing?

Reposted from this Reddit post as I didn't get good answers there: So I've been reading about the Galois theory of covering maps and been staring at this equation for way too long: $$\left| \pi_1(X,...
Tetrahedron's user avatar
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Quasi-isomorphisms of P-algebras

In the paper "Homotopy algebras are homotopy algebras" from Markl a notion of strong homotopy morphism between strong homotopy P-algebras is defined. The author restricts to the case where $...
groupoid's user avatar
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On the induction step in Theorem 2.6 of "Homological stability for linear groups" by Kallen

I am currently reading the proof of the connectivity theorem of Wilberd van der Kallen (Theorem 2.6 in for a seminar talk. I am a little stuck on ...
Womm's user avatar
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Prove a generalization of hairy-ball theorem

I found an interesting question below: Prove that the 6-sphere admits no continuous field of tangent 3-planes.
threeautumn's user avatar
4 votes
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Comparing Kummer maps to étale homotopy at finite level

$\DeclareMathOperator\Mor{Mor}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\newcommand{\et}{\mathrm{et}}\newcommand{\top}{\mathrm{top}}$In Voevodsky's paper "Étale topologies of schemes over fields of finite ...
Thigh High Crocs's user avatar
3 votes
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Extending curves on a surface to a basis for its first homology satisfying intersection criteria

The title suggests a broader scope of inquiry, but my question mostly pertains to the following example: Let $(Y, \mathcal{Z}, \phi)$ be a bordered 3-manifold with Heegaard diagram $\mathcal{H}$ of ...
contingent's user avatar
-6 votes
2 answers

Homotopy theory and algebraic topology last 10 years. Is it a dying field? [closed]

I'm under the impression that algebraic topology is a dying field in mathematics. That was my impression but I think I'm wrong. As every person I do need some evidence that my impression is not ...
0 votes
1 answer

Vector bundles over a homotopy-equivalent fibration

I think this question is related to what is known as "obstruction theory", but I'm not very familiar with this field of mathematics, so I am asking here. Let $\pi:N\rightarrow M$ be a smooth ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Bar construction in commutative algebras is calculated by pushout

$\DeclareMathOperator\colim{colim}$ Also asked in MathStackexchange here This is a statement in Lurie's Higher Algebra Proposition in HA said that the monoidal structure on $\text{...
Xiong Jiangnan's user avatar
9 votes
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$\operatorname{Spaces}/BG$ $\sim$ $\operatorname{Spaces}^G$ $\sim$ $??(\Omega G)$

This is a crosspost (with minor alterations). For a topological group $G$, assigning to a $G$-space $X$ the (canonical) map $EG\times_GX\to BG$ establishes an equivalence between the homotopy category ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Homology of independence complex after removing a vertex

Let $G$ be a chordal graph, $I(G)$ be its independence complex, and $v \in V(G)$ be a simplicial vertex (that is, $v$'s neighborhood is a clique). Is there a way to relate the homology of $I(G)$ and ...
Will's user avatar
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Regular sequence in cohomology of Grassmannians

$\DeclareMathOperator\Gr{Gr}$Consider the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Z}[x_1,\dots,x_m, y_1,\dots,y_n]$, I want to prove that the sequence $$x_1 + y_1, x_2 + x_1y_1 + y_2, \dots, x_my_{n-1} + x_{m-1}y_n, ...
atticusw's user avatar
7 votes
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Bisimplicial spaces as a coequalizer of maps between "simpler" bisimplicial spaces

From a bisimplicial space $T$, one can consider the simplicial spaces $p \mapsto T_{pp}$, $p \mapsto | q \mapsto T_{pq}|$, and $q \mapsto |p \mapsto T_{pq}|$, where $| \cdot|$ denotes geometric ...
ems's user avatar
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Different notions of formality

Quoting from a simply connected complex is called formal if its cohomology algebra is a model (in the sense of Sullivan) for the cochain complex. ...
ThiKu's user avatar
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Projectivity of equivariant K-theory of toric variety

I'm looking at Vezzosi and Vistoli's paper: Higher algebraic K-theory for actions of diagonalizable groups. In Theorem 6.9, they prove that the $T$-equivariant K-theory of a smooth projective toric ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
8 votes
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Cohomology dimensions are well approximated by Gaussian for multiply-fibered manifolds ? (Topological central limit theorem)

Consider some manifold $M$ say compact smooth. Let $b_i$ be its Betti numbers (non-zero), i.e. its cohomology dimensions. Assume $M$ can be subsequently fibered by many manifolds, i.e. there is $ M_{...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Isn't every algebraic operad equipped with a trivial weight?

In Loday–Vallette "Algebraic Operads" they state the following result (Theorem 6.6.2, Operadic twisting morphism fundamental theorem): Let $P$ be a connected weight graded differential ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Co-index of a Space

I am going through this paper by Tanaka. But I got stuck at the Proposition 2.4 given below as well. Here he doesnot provide any proof rather just refers to Theorem 6.6 of another paper. Again given ...
Devendra Singh Rana's user avatar
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Connectedness of deleted symmetric product

Let $X$ be a connected Hausdorff space. It is well-known that the $n$-fold symmetric product $\mathcal{F}_n(X) := \{A\subseteq X : 0<|A|\leq n\}$ is a connected space equipped with the Vietoris ...
Peluso's user avatar
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