Questions tagged [at.algebraic-topology]

Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds.

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8 votes
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Combinatorial spin$^{\mathbf{C}}$ structures

Below is a brief introduction to spin$^{\mathbf{C}}$ structure that I took from Wikipedia. For more information, one should refer to A ...
Zitao Wang's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Compute characteristic classes of principal bundle over closed surfaces

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group and $\Sigma$ a closed oriented surface. We know that principal $G$-bundles $P$ can be topologically classified by a characteristic class $c(P)\in H^2(\Sigma,\pi_1G)\...
YYF's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Compactification of open manifolds in the form of a manifold( with zero Euler characteristic)

Edit: According to the interesting comments of Michael Albanese and Nick L we revise the question as follows: By manifold compactification of a manifold $M$ we mean a compact manifold $\tilde{M}$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

non-simple local coefficient system on a fibration of classifying spaces

Long story short; I posted in MSE It is well known that if $G$ is a lie group ...
C. Zhihao's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can Bockstein Spectral Sequence detect multiple summands of the same power, in homology?

I understand that the differential $d^k$ of the Bockstein S.S. (mod p) is nonzero iff the homology $H_*(X;\mathbb{Z})$ has summand of the form $\mathbb{Z}/p^k$. How about for multiple summands in the ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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13 votes
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Cohomology of a blow-up of a real algebraic variety

Let $X$ be a complex algebraic variety, $Z \subset X$ a closed subvariety, $\mathrm{Bl}_Z X$ the blow-up and $E$ the exceptional divisor. There is an isomorphism of cohomology groups $$ H^k(X(\mathbf ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

a comparison between LS and cohomological dimension

Let $X$ a simply connected elliptic space. Assume $\pi_\star(X)\otimes\Bbb{Q}$ is concentrated in odd degrees. So, we have $dim~\pi_\star(X)\otimes\Bbb{Q}=TC(X_\Bbb{Q})=catX_\Bbb{Q}$ (ie) the ...
tarik's user avatar
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6 votes
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Bialynicki-Birula Decomposition and moment polytopes/graphs

Let $X$ be a possibly singular projective scheme which admits a torus $T$ action and has finitely many $T$ fixed points and one-dimensional $T-$orbits. There are many such schemes in the Grassmannian/...
Qiao's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Loop space of a Simplicial Abelian group

Let $X$ be a simplicial abelian group. Let $NX$ be its normalised chain complex denoted ...$\rightarrow NX_{K}$ $\rightarrow$ $NX_{k-1}$ $\rightarrow$... Now define a new chain complex $Y$ by ...
iron feliks's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Does there exist a Haken manifold where all its incompressible surfaces are non-separating?

Every non-zero element in $H_2(M,\mathbb Z)$ corresponds to an incompressible surface. So these surfaces are non-separating. But I'm interested in knowing about separating incompressible surfaces. A ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

A question on connected sum of compact manifolds

Let $M$ be a compact orientable manifold which is homeomorphic to its connected sum with itself $M\# M$. Must $M$ be homeomorphic to a sphere? I will explain why I am interested (at the risk of being ...
Chaitanya's user avatar
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20 votes
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What is the status of the 4-dimensional Smale Conjecture?

4-dimensional Smale conjecture claims the following: The inclusion $SO(5)$ → $SDiff(S^4)$ is a homotopy equivalence. or Does $Diff(S^4)$ have the homotopy-type of $O(5)$ ?. The inclusion $SO(n + 1$)...
Rieendstac's user avatar
3 votes
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Is a simply connected elliptic space rationally homotopy equivalent to a loop space or a suspension?

Let $X$ be an elliptic simply connected space. Is it rationally homotopy equivalent to the suspension of some connected space $Y$? If not, is it rationally homotopy equivalent to a loop space?
tarik's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is the homology of $\Omega^2\Sigma^2X$ free as a Gerstenhaber algebra?

Let $X$ be a connected space. According to Getzler BV-algebras and two-dimensional topologcial field theories , page 271, we have and isomorphism $ H_*(\Omega^2\Sigma^2X) \cong {\cal G}( \widetilde{H}...
Agustí Roig's user avatar
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15 votes
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Must any continuous odd map from $\mathbb{S}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}$ have a path of zeros between antipodal points?

Let $f : S^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous map such that $f(-x) = -f(x)$. Consider the set $Z = f^{-1}(0)$. Must $Z$ contain some path from some point to its antipode? Indeed, must $Z$ contain a ...
Sridhar Ramesh's user avatar
15 votes
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Cohomology with compact support for determinant varieties

I wonder if anyone knows anything about the cohomology with compact supports for determinantal varieties, such as the varieties of $m \times n$ matrices of full rank.
Gunnar Carlsson's user avatar
6 votes
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Are 2d gauge anomalies determined by genus-one data?

Let $G$ be a (finite, say) group and $\alpha \in \mathrm{H}^3(\mathrm{B}G; \mathrm{U}(1))$ a 3-cohomology class. For each oriented 3-manifold $X^3$ equipped with a $G$-bundle $P : X \to \mathrm{B}G$, ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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connectedness of fibers of torus-equivariant moment maps

Given a possibly singular, connected, symplectic algebraic variety with a torus action, every fiber of the moment map admits a torus action. Is each fiber of this moment map connected? Any examples or ...
Qiao's user avatar
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Triangulation induces morphism of Cochain Complexes

Let $X$ be a topological space, $R$ a ring, $n \in \mathbb{N}$ natural. Let $S_n(X, R) = \bigoplus_{s: \Delta_n \to X} R$ where the $s: \Delta_n \to X$ are the singular n-simplices, therefore ...
user267839's user avatar
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30 votes
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Does there exist any non-contractible manifold with fixed point property?

Does there exist any non-trivial space (i.e not deformation retract onto a point) in $\mathbb R^n$ such that any continuous map from the space onto itself has a fixed point. I highly suspect that the ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
4 votes
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Do trivial homotopy groups imply existence of boundary preserving homotopies?

This is a cross-post from MSE. Let $N$ be a smooth $d$-dimensional connected orientable manifold which have the following property: For every smooth $d$-dimensional manifold $M$ with non-empty ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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14 votes
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Pullback and homology

Suppose I have two maps of topological spaces, $f:X\rightarrow B$ and $g:Y\rightarrow B$, such that $f$ induces a homology isomorphism and $g$ is a fibration and $B$ is connected. Is it true that the ...
mathphys's user avatar
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Homological dimension of configurations spaces

Please feel free to delete or move it to somewhere. I just need a confirmation or a reference. Let $D_r(\mathbb{R}^l,S^n)=F(\mathbb{R}^l,r)_+\wedge_{\Sigma_r}(S^n)^{\wedge r}$ be the $r$-th stable ...
user51223's user avatar
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41 votes
12 answers

Why is the definition of the higher homotopy groups the "right one"?

If someone asked me the question for the fundamental group, I would answer as follows: The connection to classification of covering spaces. The fundamental group of many spaces is an object of ...
16 votes
2 answers

Teaching Steenrod Operations

I am teaching a class on topology and want to introduce Steenrod Operations. I have talked about simplicial sets and classifying spaces of groups but have not talked about Eilenberg–MacLane spaces. ...
rrrrrrr's user avatar
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13 votes
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Does Grayson/Quillen's "pre group completion" have a universal property?

Algebraic $K$-theory of a symmetric monoidal category $C$ is defined in two steps: first take geometric realization, then group complete: $K(C) = \Omega B |C|$. In HAK II, Grayson (following Quillen)...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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5 votes
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Attribution of theorem saying that inducing isomorphism on homology implies homotopy equivalence between H spaces that are CW complexes

Who was the first to prove this theorem and is there an "official" name for it? Let $\phi:X\rightarrow Y$ be a map of H-spaces that are also CW-complexes. Assume $\phi$ induces isomorphisms on ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
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How to decide a closed Top/PL manifold is a boundary?

For a closed smooth manifold, we can use the Stiefel-Whitney number of the manifold to decide it is boundary or not. For a closed topology or PL manifold, how to decide it is a boundary of compact ...
Jialong Deng's user avatar
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3 votes
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Survey article on quasitoric manifolds

I am looking for a good overview on quasitoric manifolds. I have read Toric Topology by Buchstaber and Panov which was good but I was wondering if there is something that has more. Something like a (...
R_D's user avatar
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10 votes
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Copies of topological fundamental groups inside etale fundamental groups given by different embeddings of your field into $\mathbb{C}$

Let $X$ be a smooth curve over a number field $K$ (not necessarily proper). Fix an algebraic closure $\overline{K}$ of $K$. Let $i,i' : \overline{K}\hookrightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be two abstract ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is this generalization of Borsuk Ulam true? Roots of unity

Consider a continous map from $S^2$ to $C$. Is it true that there exists 3 points equially spaced on a great circle, $x_1,x_2,x_3$, such that if $w$ is the third root of unity, $f(x_1)+wf(x_2)+w^2f(...
Andy's user avatar
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-6 votes
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The Betti numbers of of $CP^n\sharp CP^n$ [closed]

I have known that $b_2(CP^n\sharp CP^n)=2$, however I have no idear how to prove this fact ! I appreciate any help for this simple question! Thank you!
Faith's user avatar
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8 votes
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Question regarding the paper by Atiyah, Bott and Shapiro: alternative description of K-theory

In Atiyah, Bott, and Shapiro - Clifford modules (journal, MSN), the authors discuss the alternative description of K-theory in terms of sequences of vector bundles. I would like to understand the ...
truebaran's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Is there a geometric interpretation for Reidemeister torsion?

Given a finite CW or simplicial decomposition of a space $X$ and a ring homomorphism $\varphi:\mathbb{Z}[\pi_1(X)]\to F$ for a field $F$, if the $\varphi$-twisted homology is trivial, then the ...
Kyle Miller's user avatar
7 votes
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Eilenberg-Zilber-type theorem for good fiber products?

My question is: If $p\colon X \to B$, $q\colon Y \to B$ are proper submersions, is there a characterization of $H_*(X \times_B Y)$ in terms of $H_*(X)$, $H_*(Y)$, $H_*(B)$ that is simpler than the ...
Nathaniel Bottman's user avatar
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$C_2$-equivariant Betti realization of MGL

Let $MGL$ denote the motivic spectrum representing algebraic cobordism. Over $\mathop{Spec}(\mathbb{C})$ there is a Betti realization functor $\mathop{SH}(\mathbb{R}) \to \mathop{SH}$, which takes $...
Drew Heard's user avatar
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Todd genus of symplectic $4$-manifolds a smooth invariant?

Suppose that $(M_{1},\omega_{1})$ and $(M_{2},\omega_{2})$ are compact symplectic $4$-manifolds, that are (oriented) diffeomorphic. Is it true that the Todd genus ($\frac{1}{12} (c_{1}^{2} + c_{2})(M_{...
Nick L's user avatar
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Obstructions for existence of a fiber wise covering space structure( A bundle of covering spaces)

Let $S^n \times \mathbb{T}^n$ be the trivial Torus bundle over $S^n$. Assume that we have a continuous fiber preserving map $\phi :TS^n \to S^n \times \mathbb{T}^n$ which restriction to each fiber ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
6 votes
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Decribe the $S^2$ fibration over $S^2$ that gives $\mathbf{CP}^2\#\overline{\mathbf{CP}}^2$

According to this MO post, there is two possible $S^2$ fibration over $S^2$. One is obviously $S^2\times S^2$, another one is the connected sum of two copies of $\mathbf {CP}^2$ with different ...
JSCB's user avatar
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Chromatic Completion of Suspension Spectra and affine results

There is the Chromatic Convergence Theorem by Hopkins and Ravanel which states that the homotopy inverse limit of the chromatic tower of a finite spectra $X$ is $X$. Let's call any spectra with this ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Getting the most general form of Mayer-Vietoris from the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms

I asked this question a while ago on MSE, got no answer, put a bounty on it, still got no answer, was advised to ask here instead, hesitated, forgot about the question for a while and now remembered ...
Johannes Hahn's user avatar
4 votes
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$\pi_0$ in arbitrary category of simplicial objects

Let $\mathcal C$ be a category (let it be pointed and cocomplete) such that the category of simplicial objects $s\mathcal C$ is a model category. In particular, I'm interested in two cases: $\mathcal ...
res's user avatar
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29 votes
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Quillen + construction for finite groups

Is there an example of two non isomorphic finite groups $G$ and $H$ such that $BG^{+}$ is homotopy equivalent to $BH^{+}$ ?
mathphys's user avatar
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5 votes
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Poincaré duality for Deligne (co)homology

My question is about the papers Hélène Esnault and Eckart Viehweg, Deligne-Beı̆linson cohomology Uwe Jannsen, Deligne homology, Hodge-D-conjecture, and motives (both from the Beı̆linson's ...
AAA's user avatar
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12 votes
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Universal covering of a 2-sphere without $n$ points

Let $X$ be the $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1$ with $n$ points deleted. Let $n\geq 3$. If I understand correctly, the universal covering of $X$ is isomorphic to the upper half plane as a complex analytic ...
asv's user avatar
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6-manifolds admitting SO(3) action with 2 orbit types

Let $M^6$ be a 6-dimensional smooth manifold, on which the group $G=SO(3)$ acts smoothly with 2 orbit types $SO(3)/SO(2)$ and $SO(3)$, such that the orbit space $X=M/SO(3)$ is a 3-ball $B^3$, whose ...
Yuhang Liu's user avatar
16 votes
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Mathematical/Physical uses of $SO(8)$ and Spin(8) triality

Triality is a relationship among three vector spaces. It describes those special features of the Dynkin diagram D4 and the associated Lie group Spin(8), the double cover of 8-dimensional rotation ...
wonderich's user avatar
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example of smoothing of quotient surface singularities with maximal Milnor number

In Wahl's paper "Smoothing of normal surface singularities", he shows that smoothing in the Artin component of a quotient surface singularity has the maximal Milnor number in the versal family. ...
jhan's user avatar
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What functions have the same persistence diagrams?

The panels in the figure below show, from left to right: a piecewise affine function with support equal to a bounded interval and an indication of its superlevel filtration; the corresponding ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Open subsets of the n-torus containing no nontrivial loops

Let $T^n$ denote the $n$-dimensional torus. Suppose there is an open subset $U\subset T^n$ not containing any nontrivial loop. Does this imply that the inclusion $U\hookrightarrow T^n$ is ...
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