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Motives and topological data analysis

Here is some meta mathematics question. During the last decade there has been some progress in the field of applied maths, called topological data analysis. The setup starts with some set of points in ...
nxir's user avatar
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6 votes
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Homotopy equivalence between two basepoints of the etale homotopy type of the one-torus

Let $T = \mathbb{G}_m$ be the torus, and let $\tilde{T}$ be its étale universal cover (a pro-object in schemes of finite type). Then both $T$ and $\tilde{T}$ have a well-defined étale homotopy type. ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
5 votes
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On triangulated categories of pro-objects

Which term is used for model categories whose homotopy categories are triangulated? Stable proper model categories? I want $Ho(Pro-M)$ to be triangulated ($Pro-M$ is the category of pro-objects of M) ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar