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Reference request: Name or use of this group of diffeomorphisms of the disc

Let $k \in \{0,\infty\}$, $G\subseteq \operatorname{Diff}^k(D^n)$ be the set of diffeomorphisms $\phi:D^n\to D^n$ of the closed $n$-disc $D^n$ (with its boundary) satisfying the following: $ \phi(S_r^...
ABIM's user avatar
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$\omega$-nilpotent cover of a recurrent surface

Theorem. Any $\omega$-nilpotent cover of a recurrent Riemannian manifold is Liouville. $\omega$-nilpotent ($\Gamma=\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty}Z_{i}$, $Z_{i}$ normal in $\Gamma$, where $Z_{n+1}$ maps to ...
Yu Feng's user avatar
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Restrictions on $\pi_1(X)$ of geometric origin (Kähler groups as example)

There's and old and extensively studied question about characterisation of fundamental groups of smooth compact Kähler manifolds. Restrictions imposed by Kählerness are somewhat fragile, and if we ...
Denis T's user avatar
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How many quotients can a finitely generated group have or how many bundles over aspherical spaces does a fixed total space support?

Consider $M^3_{pq}$, a torus bundle over $S^1$ with fundamental group the HNN extension generated by three generators $x,y,z$ satisfying the relations $\quad [x,y], \quad x^z = x^p \quad$ and $y^z = y^...
Malte's user avatar
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cohomological dimension of a group acting on a product

I recently came across an interesting result of Kobayashi [Corollary 5.5], a special case of which is the following: Suppose $\Gamma$ is a discrete torsion free subgroup of $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$ which ...
Andrew Zimmer's user avatar
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Is $SL(n,\mathbb{Z})$ a CAT(0) group?

Is it possible to find a CAT(0) space on which the matrix group $SL(n,\mathbb{Z})$ acts properly discontinuously and cocompactly? Note: when the cocompactness is dropped , it is possible.
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