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47 votes
10 answers

Algebraic theorems with no known algebraic proofs

What are some good examples of algebraic theorems that have no known algebraic proofs? A few I know concern classifications of (not necessarily associative) division algebras over $\mathbb{R}$: the ...
13 votes
2 answers

What does $\mathrm{Conf}_n(M)^{h S_n}$ look like?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Conf{Conf}$Let $M$ be a manifold, and $\Conf_n M$ the ordered configuration space of n points on $M$. The symmetric group $S_n$ acts by permuting the points. Is there a simple ...
Nicolas Guès's user avatar
7 votes
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What does Robert Stong mean when he says $H^*(MO(k))$ is a free Steenrod algebra in dimension less than $2k$?

$\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}\newcommand{\a}{\mathfrak a}\newcommand\widetildeH{\smash{\widetilde H}}$In Robert Stong's notes on Cobordism Theory, on page 95 he asserts the following: $\widetildeH^* (...
Chris's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Are there any tests for knowing whether a topological space admits a CW structure?

We know that for n $\ge$ 5, a manifold admits a piecewise linear structure if and only if its Kirby-Siebenmann class vanish and Galewski and Stern showed the existence of a similar invariant to test ...
Tyrannosaurus's user avatar
8 votes
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Reduction of structure group and classifying spaces

Let $H, G$ be topological groups and $\phi : H \to G$ a group homomorphism. Let $M$ be a paracompact topological space. For any principal $G$-bundle $P \to M$, a reduction (or sometimes 'lift') of its ...
Arnav Das's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Cohomology version of Moore space

I asked this question on MSE a few days back but could not get any helpful response. So I am rewriting the post. It is known to me that given a simply connected finite dimensional (which is also level-...
piper1967's user avatar
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Is this true of the frame bundle $\operatorname{Fr}(M)$?

On an orientable (Riemannian) $n$-manifold $M$, with orthonormal frame bundle $\operatorname{Fr}(M)$, we have that the tangent bundle classifying map $\tau_M : M \to B{\operatorname O(n)}$ lifts to $B{...
Arnav Das's user avatar
3 votes
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Do the two orientations on an orientable manifold $M$ witness the same lifts of $\tau_M: M \to B\text{O($n$)}$ to $B\text{SO($n$)}$?

For an orientable $n$-manifold $M$ and its (orthonormal) frame bundle classifying map $\tau_M : M \to BO(n)$, we have a lift diagram of the following sort: There are two orientations on $M$. Is it ...
Arnav Das's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Function $\phi$ such that $f(\phi(x,y)) = f(x) + f(y)$

I have a continuous function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$, and I am looking for a continuous (or at least measurable) function $\phi:\mathbb{R}^{2n}\to\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $f(\phi(x,y))=f(x)+f(y)$....
gmvh's user avatar
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5 votes
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Codimension zero embeddings and maps with small fibers

Edit: as explained in my comment on alesia's answer, I mistakenly did not ask below the question I intended (due to my misguided efforts to simplify it). Thus, I revised and reposted my question here. ...
Matthew Kvalheim's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Express fundamental group of $\mathcal H/\Gamma$ by $\Gamma$

Suppose $\mathcal H$ is the upper half plane, and $\Gamma$ is an arithmetic subgroup of $\operatorname{PSL}_2(\mathbb Z)$, I want to ask can we interpret the fundamental group of $\mathcal H/\Gamma$ ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is it always possible to connect the endpoints of a smooth injective path, so the resulting path is smooth, closed and simple?

Motivation The motivation for this question arises from the following problem: Is there a closed, simple, and infinitely differentiable path on the (complex) plane such that every straight line has a ...
Gabriel Franceschi Libardi's user avatar
4 votes
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When does a cofibrantly generated model category have this factorization property?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cofibrantly generated model category, which is generated by $I$ and $J$. According to the small object argument (Hovey Theorem 2.1.14) of cofibrantly generated model categories, ...
Frank's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

Is there a theory of completions of semirings similar to $I$-adic completions of rings?

Let $L = \text{Con } (\mathbb{N}, 0, +) \setminus \Delta$ be the lattice of monoid congruences on the naturals, excluding the trivial congruence. As it happens, every $\theta \in L$ is the meet of ...
Keith's user avatar
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The double of the genus two handlebody minus three tori [closed]

I am exploring the properties of the manifold $M$ defined as follows. Start with the handlebody $H$ of genus two, whose boundary surface is $\Sigma$. Let $P$ be a pants decomposition of $\Sigma$, ...
Donggyun Seo's user avatar
8 votes
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Maps with small fibers between manifolds of equal dimension

The following question is an attempt to revise this one into what I intended. Important revisions are shown in bold. Are there any known examples of a compact Riemannian manifold $M$ with (possibly ...
Matthew Kvalheim's user avatar
12 votes
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When do (or don't) residue fields generate the derived category of a ring?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, and $D(R)$ its derived category of unbounded chain complexes. I'm interested in when the residue fields $k(\mathfrak{p}) = \mathrm{Frac}(R/\frak p)$ for $\mathfrak p \in ...
Drew Heard's user avatar
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Deformations of cotangent bundles

Let $M$ be a smooth variety of even dimension over $\mathbb C$. I am interested in necessary or sufficient conditions such that $X$ is a deformation of a family of cotangent bundles. In other words, ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Cell structure on the function space $\operatorname{Hom}(X,Y)$

By the Theorem of Milnor in his paper "On spaces having the homotopy type of a CW-complex", the function space $\operatorname{Hom}(X,Y)$ (with the compact-open topology) is homotopy ...
May's user avatar
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Classification of principal $\mathrm{SO}(3)$-bundles on a 4-manifold via characteristic classes

I am interested in a reference with a detailed (as simple and topological as possible) proof of the following fact: Theorem. A principal $\mathrm{SO}(3)$-bundle on a compact oriented 4-manifold are ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
2 votes
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Question about maps on cofibers being zero

I have the following problem, I am skeptical that the solution is as easy as the one I wrote so would be grateful if some expert can enlighten me. Let $G\colon \mathcal{C}\to \mathcal{D}$ be a functor ...
user197402's user avatar
3 votes
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Cellular structure of $F_4$

Is there the cellular structure of the Exceptional Lie group $F_4$? Is there a reference to it? Thanks
Sajjad Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
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An attempt at an alternative calculation of the rank of $\pi_n(MO)$

$\newcommand{\a}{\mathfrak a}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}$Let $MO$ be the Thom Spectrum, then I am trying to come up with an alternative calculation that the rank of $\pi_n(MO)$ as a $\Z_2$ vector space ...
Chris's user avatar
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Analogs of Plücker relations in Clifford algebras, and Bott periodicity (?)

Classical Plücker relations can be viewed as conditions on coefficients of an element $x=\sum_Sc_Se_S$, $S=(i_1,...,i_k)$, $i_1<\cdots<i_k$, $\{i_1,...,i_k\}\subset\{1,...,n\}$ of an exterior ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the fixed point index bounded?

I am working with the notion of fixed point index presented in the book "The Lefschetz fixed point theorem" of Robert Brown (MR283793, Zbl 0216.19601) and I would like to know if given any ...
Ghfjskal's user avatar
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Induced homology map zero implies zero in cobordism?

I had asked this in math stackexchange, but got no reply. Hence, I'm asking here. [I'm no expert in (co)bordism theory, and I've been struggling with it for the past few weeks. Any good references on ...
CoffeeTime's user avatar
4 votes
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Full subcategories of stable $\infty$-categories closed under all shifts

Is there a name for an $\infty$-category C that admits a zero object and suspensions such that the suspension functor $C \to C$ is an equivalence but which does not necessarily admit cofibers and ...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of monoids that distribute over each other?

Let $(M, e_1, \times_1, e_2, \times_2)$ be an algebraic structure such that $(M, e_1, \times_1)$ and $(M, e_2, \times_2)$ are monoids $x \times_1 (y \times_2 z) = (x \times_1 y) \times_2 (x \times_1 ...
Keith's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of flags and the role of the rook monoid and Kazhdan–Lusztig theory in $M_n(\mathbb{C})$

Let $G = GL_n(\mathbb{C})$, $B$ be its Borel subgroup, and $P$ a parabolic subgroup. The space $G/B$ corresponds to complete flags in $ \mathbb{C}^n$, and $G/P$ corresponds to partial flags. The ...
Learner's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can I get a spherical coordinate from a real cocycle?

The Setting I am currently working on a project in Topological Data Analysis (TDA), where I aim to construct a density-robust spherical coordinate associated with a dataset $X$, sampled from a ...
Womm's user avatar
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Grothendieck spectral sequence (cohomology version) for posets with functor coefficient

In this paper, Quillen mentioned a spectral sequence as follows. Let $f:X\to Y$ is a poset map and $\mathcal{F}:X\to Ab$, where $Ab$ is the category of abelian groups, a functor which is contravariant ...
GURI920826's user avatar