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Twisting cochain intuition

I'm currently reading through Ed Brown's paper "Twisted tensor products, I", (MR105687, Zbl 0199.58201) and I couldn't find any simple examples of twisting cochains. I understand all ...
VadimKSt's user avatar
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$E_k$-operads and actions on objects inside $k$-tuply monoidal $n$-category

I understood more or less the claim that $k$-tuply monoidal $n$-categories can be seen as $n$-categories equipped with an action of the $E_k$-operad. For $k=2$, we have a homotopy equivalence $E_2(r) \...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Action of $V$ on the homology of a subposet of the poset of affine subspaces of $V$

Let $(V,Q)$ be a pair, with $V=\mathbb{F}_2^{2n}$ ($n\geq 2$) and $Q$ a nondegenerate quadratic form on $V.$ We consider the poset $\mathcal{P}_n$ of affine totally isotropic (with respect to $Q$) ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Intersection pairing on non-compact surface

Let $S$ be a smooth oriented connected $2$-manifold. We have an algebraic intersection pairing $\omega\colon H_1(S) \times H_1(S) \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}$. If $S$ is compact, then this is ...
Roger's user avatar
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Which sheaves are good for calculating extraordinary restriction?

Let $X$ be a sufficiently nice locally compact Hausdorff space and let $i:Y\subset X$ be the inclusion map of a sufficiently nice closed subspace. For example, one could take $X$ to be a locally ...
algori's user avatar
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$\infty$-category of spectra and cofibrancy

I have two options for the $\infty$-category of spectra. I would like to know they are equivalent as $\infty$-categories. Premise: by work of Dwyer and Kan, if we have a simplicial model category, the ...
vap's user avatar
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Are monomorphisms in an $\infty$-topos preserved by $0$-truncation?

Let $\mathfrak{X}$ be an $\infty$-topos and let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a morphism of $\mathfrak{X}$. We say that $f$ is a monomorphism if it is $(-1)$-truncated which means that for every $Z\in\mathfrak{...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Reference about cancellation property for semigroups

Have the semigroups with the following cancellation property been studied? Property: Let $S$ be a semigroup and $x,y\in S$ such that $xz=yz,$ for all $z\in S,$ then $x=y$.
Hector Pinedo's user avatar
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Product structure in Milnor exact sequence

Let $h^*$ be a (multiplicative) generalized cohomology theory. Let $X$ be a CW complex which is a union of an increasing sequence $X_0 \subset X_1 \subset X_2 \subset \cdots$ of subcomplexes. Then ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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Algebraic K-theory and Witt groups

Let $S$ be a ring with involution (with 2 invertible). Suppose that the non connective algebraic K-theory $K(S)$ is 0 (i.e. $K_{n}(S)=0$, for all $n$). Can we say something about the (higher) Witt ...
cellular's user avatar
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Nilpotency of generalized cohomology

$\newcommand\pt{\mathrm{pt}}$Let $(X,\pt)$ be a connected, pointed, finite CW complex and let $h$ be a generalized cohomology theory. Let $\smash{\tilde{h}}^*(X)$ denote the kernel of restriction $h^*(...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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Shub Conjecture and polynomial entropy

The Shub conjecture on topological entropy $h(f)$ of self map f on manifold M says that the topological entropy is greater (or equal) than (to) the log of maximum absolute values of the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Fundamental group of the homeomorphism group of a compact manifold

Let $X$ be a compact connected manifold and $\mathcal H(X)$ be the group of all homeomorphisms of $X$, equipped with the compact-open topology. Is the fundamental group of $\mathcal H(X)$ countable? ...
William of Baskerville's user avatar
14 votes
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When can we extend a diffeomorphism from a surface to its neighborhood as identity?

Let $M$ be a closed and simply-connected 4-manifold and let $f: M^4 \to M^4$ be a diffeomorphism such that $f^*: H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})\to H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})$ is the identity map. Moreover, let $\Sigma \...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
13 votes
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Low dimensional homotopy groups of $\operatorname{Top}(4)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Top{Top}$I would like to compute $\pi_3\Top(4)$ and $\pi_4\Top(4)$. It is known that $\Top(4)/O(4) \rightarrow \Top/O$ is 5-connected and $$ \pi_k(\Top/O) = \begin{cases} ...
Oleksandr Kharchenko's user avatar
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LS category of 4-manifolds with free fundamental group

In this math overflow question asked almost 5 years ago about the (normalized) Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of $4$-manifolds, the second-last comment (by Jeff Strom) says the following: A $4$-...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Equivariant cohomology of fixed points using the localisation theorem

I am trying to understand the Smith-Thom inequality for spaces equipped with an action by a cyclic group and also the case, when it's an equality: In the following, let $G=\mathbb{Z}/p$, $\mathbb{F}$ ...
0hliva's user avatar
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Unimodular intersection form of a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold with boundary

Let $X$ be a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold with nonempty boundary. Its intersection form $$ Q_X : H^2(X,\partial X;\Bbb Z)/\text{torsion}\times H^2(X,\partial X;\Bbb Z)/\text{torsion}\to \Bbb Z$$ ...
user302934's user avatar
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Nerve theorem for simplicial sets

There are various kinds of nerve theorems. I am wondering if the following version of nerve theorem for simplicial sets is true: Let $X:\Delta^{\mathrm{op}}\to \mathrm{Set}$ be a simplicial set. Let $\...
Xiaomeng Xu's user avatar
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Topological Properties of Subsets of $R^{m}$ induced by Smooth Manifolds in Matrix Spaces

We know that $M_{m \times n } $ is isomorphic to $R^{mn}$. Let's take a smooth manifold $\mathbb{M}$ in $R^{mn}$ and fix a point in $R^{n}$, say, $p$. Now realize the manifold $\mathbb{M}$ as a subset ...
Debu's user avatar
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Generalized Stokes's theorem and the relationship of volume to surface area of objects of arbitrary genus

In this post I saw that it could be explained with the Generalized Stokes's theorem why the derivative of the area of a circle is equal to the boundary of the circle (the circumference): $$C=\frac{d}{...
User198's user avatar
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Finding $\mathbb{C}(u,v)$ such that $\mathbb{C}(u,v,x^p+y^p)=\mathbb{C}(x,y)$, for every prime number $p$

Denote the set of prime numbers by $P$, $P=\{2,3,5,7,\ldots\}$. Let $F \subseteq \mathbb{C}(x,y)$ be a subfield of $\mathbb{C}(x,y)$, and for $w \in \mathbb{C}[x,y]$ denote by $F(w)$ the subfield of $\...
user237522's user avatar
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Is automorphism on a compact group necessarily homeomorphism? How about N-dimensional torus? [closed]

Is automorphism on a compact group necessarily homeomorphism? I don't think so,but I think it is possible on the N-dimensional torus.
user530909's user avatar
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Why is the Vietoris–Rips complex $\operatorname{VR}(S, \epsilon)$ a subset of the Čech complex $\operatorname{Čech}(S, \epsilon\sqrt{2})$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Cech{Čech}\DeclareMathOperator\VR{VR}$I am reading Fasy, Lecci, Rinaldo, Wasserman, Balakrishnan, and Singh - Confidence sets for persistence diagrams (see here for a version of ...
Kindness Chen's user avatar
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Seifert invariants for Brieskorn manifolds $\Sigma(p,q,r)$

I've been studying Brieskorn manifolds $\Sigma(p,q,r)$ for $p,q,r\geq 2$. I know they are defined as the intersection of the complex surface $z_1^p+z_2^q+z_3^r=0$ as a subset of $\mathbb{C}^3$ and $S^...
user13121312's user avatar
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How to determine the LS category of branched covers?

Define the (normalized) Lusternik-Schnirelmann (LS) category of a space $X$, denoted $\mathsf{cat}(X)$ to be the least integer $n$ such that $X$ can be covered by $n+1$ number of open sets $U_i$ each ...
SRhonda's user avatar
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Tannaka reconstruction for homotopy types

All sorts of things can be reconstructed from their "linear representations". One example is Tannaka (Deligne, Tannaka-Krein, etc.) reconstruction where a group is recovered from its ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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Cohomology of the complement of a subvariety

Let $X$ be a complex manifold, $Y\subset X$ a subvariety, and $U:=X\setminus Y$ of codimension $d$. It is well known that the restriction map $$ H^i(X,\mathbb Q)\to H^i(U,\mathbb Q) $$ is an ...
fgh's user avatar
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Connected pre-images spanning $n$-cubes under dimension reducing maps

Let $I^n = [0,1]^n$ be the $n$-dimensional hypercube. For a continuous function $f: I^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ with $m < n$, we're interested in the existence of points $p \in \mathbb{R}^m$ whose ...
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References for variations of Seifert–van Kampen's theorem: HNN extensions and "sensible" intersections

A basic consequence of the Seifert–van Kampen theorem is the following. Theorem: Consider a union of topological spaces $X$, $Y$ whose intersection $X\cap Y = Z$ is open connected and $\pi_1$-...
NWMT's user avatar
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Topological meaning of a "totally recurrent" 1d foliation in 3-manifold

I'm trying to understand Sullivan's "cycles for the dynamical study..": which I find very complicated being ...
Tali's user avatar
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Morse Theory for Time-Periodic Constrained Path Spaces

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth, compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \geq 2$. Define a time-periodic constraint field $\Phi: M \times \mathbb{R} \to \{0,1\}$ with period $T > 0$, where $\Phi(x,t) = ...
LLeytonAussie's user avatar
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Detecting a PL sphere and decompositions

Question 1. A PL $n$-sphere is a pure simplicial complex that is a triangulation of the $n$-sphere. I'm looking for a computer algorithm that gives a Yes/No answer to whether a given simplicial ...
Uzu Lim's user avatar
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Reference request for a theorem of Jaworowski

Jan Jaworowski, in 2000, proved the following theorem (I came to know about it from here) Jaworowski (2000) : Let $Y$ be a finite simplicial complex of dimension $k$ and let $n\ge 2k$. If $f:S^n\to Y$...
HackR's user avatar
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Does a "good" homotopy equivalence between pairs imply homotopy equivalence between quotient spaces?

If $(X,A)$ and $(Y,B)$ are (good) pairs of topological spaces, and $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is a homotopy equivalence such that the restriction $f\restriction_A$ is a homotopy equivalence between $A$ and $B$...
Ondrej Draganov's user avatar
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A topological space has the homotopy-type of a CW-complex, then is it locally contractible?

Let $X$ be a topological space which has the homotopy-type of a CW-complex. As well-known, a CW-complex is locally contractible. Question: Is $X$ locally contractible? If not, can some one give a ...
Lelong  Wang's user avatar
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Are simplicial commutative inverse semigroups fibrant?

Let $X$ be a simplicial object in the category of commutative inverse semigroups (or monoids, if needed). Is the underlying simplicial set of $X$ always a Kan complex? If so, are there some nice ...
Aurélien Djament's user avatar
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Connectivity of a induced map between homotopy pullbacks

Consider cospans of continuous maps $A\stackrel{f}{\rightarrow }C\stackrel{g}{\leftarrow }B$ and $A'\stackrel{f'}{\rightarrow }C'\stackrel{g'}{\leftarrow }B'$ along with maps $\alpha :A\to A'$, $\beta ...
Jose Calcines's user avatar
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Can an upper hemicontinuous correspondence be discountinuous everywhere?

Let $\phi: X \rightrightarrows Y$ be an upper hemicontinuous correspondence. If $K \subset X$ is a compact and convex set, $K$ contains an open set $U$, and $\phi(x)$ is nonempty, compact, and convex ...
Kai's user avatar
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details of a dévissage argument for constructible sheaves

I am working on the following Künneth-type isomorphism from [SGA5, exposé III, 2,3]: $\mathrm{Settings}.$ Let $X_1, X_2$ be separated finite type schemes over the spectrum of a field $S=\mathrm{Spec}...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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A $\mathbb{Z}_2$-equivariant map from $n$-torus to $2$-sphere that is null-homotopic is $\mathbb{Z}_2$-homotopic to a non-surjective map?

I have been thinking on the problem below for a while and I am not sure if it is correct or not. I am trying to see if there exists a counter-example for the problem below. Problem: Let $f: (S^1)^n \...
Arash's user avatar
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Large volume growth of covering space

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold with non-negative Ricci curvature. The Bishop-Gromov volume comparison says that: if $$\alpha_M=\lim_{r\rightarrow\infty}\frac{VolB^M(p,r)}{\omega_nr^n},$$ then $0\...
Chandan Kumar Mondal's user avatar
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A question about cohomology of the classifying spaces of compact groups

Let $G$ be a compact group (maybe non-Lie group). Let $B_{G}$ denote the classifying space of $G$. If $G$ contains a circle group $\mathbb{S}^{1}$, then I think that $H^{\ast }( B_{G};\mathbb{Q} )$ is ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Defining convex sums locally on the sphere?

$S^1$ and the torus $T^2$ are spaces in which convex combinations don't make sense globally but do locally. Despite their standard representations in $\mathbf{R}^2$ and $\mathbf{R}^3$ respectively not ...
aleph2's user avatar
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Explicit description of transfer for $K_1$

Let $R$ be a commutative regular ring and let $s \in R$ be an element such that $R / s$ is also regular. Then we have a long exact localization sequence $$ \ldots \rightarrow K_i(R/s) \rightarrow K_i(...
Daniel Schäppi's user avatar
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Relation beween Chern-Simons and WZW levels, and transgression

3d Chern-Simons gauge theories based on a Lie group $G$ are classified by an element $k_{CS}\in H^4(BG,\mathbb{Z})$, its level. Via the CS/WZW correspondence the theory is related with a 2d non-linear ...
Andrea Antinucci's user avatar
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Model structures on simplicial presheaves of piecewise-linear manifolds

Let $\mathbf{PL}$ denote the category of piecewise-linear manifolds. The goal is to embed $\mathbf{PL}$ into a category of simplicial presheaves, endow it with a model structure, and then localize it ...
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A few questions about Priddy’s construction of $BP$

In A Cellular Construction of BP and Other Irreducible Spectra, Priddy gives an interesting approach to constructing the Brown-Peterson spectrum $BP$. His result is often summarized as If you start ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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If $\widehat{\Gamma}$ is a simply connected clique complex then $\mathrm{Out}(A_\Gamma)$ is an infinite group

Let $\Gamma$ be a simplicial graph and $\widehat{\Gamma}$ be the corresponding clique complex (the flag complex obtained after adding simplices for each compete graph). We can costruct the right-...
Marcos's user avatar
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A roof genus of high dimensional lens space

Let $p$ be a natural number, and for $i\in \{0, ..., p-1\}$, denote the irreducible rank one complex representation of $\mathbb{Z}/p$. by $\rho_{i}$. Let $a=(a_{1},\ldots a_{d}) $ ...
Nicolas Boerger's user avatar