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Orientation-reversing homotopy equivalence

If there is an orientation-reversing homotopy equivalence on a closed simply-connected orientable manifold is there an orientation-reversing homeomorphism? It is not true, for instance, that if there ...
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
13 votes
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Exotic smooth structures on Fano manifolds

If two Fano projective manifolds are homeomorphic are they diffeomorphic? There are examples with one manifold being Fano and the other of general type (Barlow surfaces). Moreover, the number of ...
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11 votes
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Triangulation of manifolds with corners

Let's begin with some definitions: A (smooth) manifold with corners is a Hausdroff (and second countable if you want) space that can be covered by open sets homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^{n-m} \times \...
D1811994's user avatar
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Do smooth maps with nowhere-maximal rank have small image?

I’m trying to better understand the concept of “maps with small image” as used by Lipyanskiy in his construction of “geometric homology” in Lipyanskiy utilizes ...
Greg Friedman's user avatar
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The limitation of $G$ and loop group $\Omega G$ in Atiyah's and Donaldson's work on Instantons

In Atiyah's work [Ref. 1], Atiyah states that "Essentially we shall show (at least for $G$ a classical group and probably for all $G$) that Yang-Mills instantons in 4D can be naturally identified with ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Does $\#_n S^2×S^1$ really admit a map of non-zero degree from $B×S^1$?

In Proposition 4 on page 6 of this paper,, the authors claim to produce a degree 2 $\pi_1$-surjective map $f$ between $M=S^1 \times \Sigma_2$ and $N=\#_2 S^2 \times S^1$ ...
thedonkey's user avatar
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Gompf's invariant of $2$-plane fields

I am interested in low dimensional contact topology. These days I read "Handlebody construction of Stein surfaces" written by R. E. Gompf, and study an invariant $\theta (\xi)$. This invariant is ...
Math1016's user avatar
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geometry and connected sum of aspherical closed manifolds

Let $ G $ be a Lie group with finitely many connected components, $ K $ a maximal compact subgroup, and $ \Gamma $ a torsion free cocompact lattice. Then $$ \Gamma \backslash G/K $$ is an aspherical ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Minimal sum of Betti numbers of Kähler manifold with trivial canonical bundle

Let $M$ be a closed Kähler manifold of real dimension $2n$. Suppose the canonical bundle of $M$ is holomorphically trivial. Is it true that $\sum_{i=0}^{2n} b_i(M)=n+3\implies n=1$?
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Can Euler Class be defined by the Splitting Principle for Real Vector Bundles?

Let $M$ be a manifold and $S$ its sphere bundle with fiber $\mathbb{S}^n$. As we know, the notion of the Euler class is raised from the problem of finding a global form on $S$ which restricts on each ...
Acky's user avatar
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Basis of topology on space of properly embedded smooth manifolds

In A Short Exposition of the Madsen-Weiss Theorem, Hatcher discusses (starting at p.6) a basis for a topology on the space $\mathcal{C}^n$, the space of all smooth oriented $d$-dimensional ...
jasnee's user avatar
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Postnikov square explicitly on a simplicial complex

$\DeclareMathOperator\Z{\mathbb{Z}}$ Following Wikipedia, a Postnikov square is a certain cohomology operation from a first cohomology group $H^1$ to a third cohomology group $H^3$, introduced by ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Topology of Brody hyperbolic manifolds

Let $M$ be a Brody hyperbolic complex projective manifold with $\pi_1(M)=\{0\}$. Can $M$ be homeomorphic to $P\times S^2$ where $P$ is a manifold?
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Instanton numbers for diverse gauge bundles on diverse manifolds --- their relations to characteristic classes

It is standard (?) that the $SU(N)$ gauge theory has the instanton number $n$ quantized as $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ $$ n = { 1 \over 8\pi^2} \int_{\mathcal{M}_{4}} \text{tr} \left(F \wedge F\right) = {1 \...
wonderich's user avatar
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Is there such an isotopy for every homology sphere?

Let $n \geq 3$, and $\Sigma^{n-1} \subset \mathbf{S}^n$ be a smoothly and properly embedded, orientable, and connected submanifold of the sphere. This divides the sphere into two open sets, $U_-$ and $...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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Intersection number for 4 manifold with boundary

Let $X$ be a closed oriented smooth $4$-manifold. Suppose there is an embedding $\Sigma\to X$, it is known that the self-intersection number satisfies $[\Sigma]\cdot [\Sigma]=\pm\int_\Sigma c_1(N)$, ...
DLIN's user avatar
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The first Stiefel Whitney class v.s. fermion eta invariant v.s. spin structure v.s. $H^1(M,\mathbb{Z}_2)$

$H^1(M,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ specifies the 1st cohomology class of manifold $M$ (can be regarded as spacetime) with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ coefficient, it is often to see that we say the 1st Stiefel Whitney class $$...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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Infinitely many deformation equivalent Hodge diamonds II

Let $S$ be a connected smooth complex-analytic space. Let $\phi:X\to S$ be a proper holomorphic submersion with connected fibers. Can the fibers of $\phi$ have infinitely many distinct Hodge diamonds? ...
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Exotic smooth structures on HK manifolds

An HK manifold is a closed simply-connected Kähler manifold $M$ such that $H^0(M, \Omega_M^2)=\mathbb{C}\omega$, where $\omega$ is a holomorphic 2-form on $M$ which is nowhere degenerate as a skew-...
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Holomorphic homeomorphisms

Let $M$ be a connected closed smooth manifold. Consider the group $\mathrm{Homeo}(M)$ of homeomorphisms $M\to M$ endowed with the $C^0$-topology. If $M$ has a symplectic structure some people study ...
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Non-diffeomorphic surface bundles over homeomorphic 4-manifolds

For a smooth manifold $M$ an $M$-surface is the total space of a smooth surface bundle over $M$. Let $M_1$ and $M_2$ be two homeomorphic closed simply-connected smooth 4-manifolds. Can there be an $...
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Exotic smooth structures on Calabi-Yau manifolds

A Calabi-Yau manifold is a simply-connected closed Kähler manifold with holomorphically trivial canonical bundle and $h^{2, 0}=0$. If two Calabi-Yau manifolds are homeomorphic are they diffeomorphic?
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Kähler manifolds deformation equivalent to projective manifolds

Let $M$ be a closed non-projective Kähler manifold. There are three possibilities there is a proper holomorphic submersion $f:X\to \Delta$ with $f^{-1}(0)\cong M$ such that the projective fibers ...
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All Kähler threefolds embed into a common complex manifold

Is there a closed complex manifold into which all closed complex threefolds admitting a Kähler structure embed?
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Cobordism theory of some weird space

Let $G=SU(3)$ and $N=SO(3)$, then $G/N= SU(3)/SO(3)$ = a 5-dimensional Wu manifold $W$. The $W$ is a homogeneous space (also a quotient space), but not a group. Previously, I am aware of the ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Two questions regarding flat fibre bundles and the corresponding group action on the fibre

Let $F$, $B$ be smooth, closed manifolds and $\phi:\pi_1(B) \rightarrow Aut(F)$ a smooth group action of the fundamental group of $B$ on $F$. Consider the flat fibre bundle $E_\phi := \widetilde{B} \...
ort96's user avatar
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When does the normal bundle of a submanifold of Euclidean space admit a flat connection?

Given a smooth submanifold of $R^n$, I was wondering if there is a reasonably simple criterion for deciding whether its normal bundle admits a flat connection. I am not ruling out monodromy in the ...
Hari's user avatar
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Generalized Stokes's theorem and the relationship of volume to surface area of objects of arbitrary genus

In this post I saw that it could be explained with the Generalized Stokes's theorem why the derivative of the area of a circle is equal to the boundary of the circle (the circumference): $$C=\frac{d}{...
User198's user avatar
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Minimal first Pontryagin class $p_1=1$?

From Hirzbuch theorem, the signature of 4-manifold $\sigma = p_1/3$ with the first Pontryagin class $p_1$. I know that the $\sigma=p_1/3 =1$ so $p_1=3$ for complex projective space $\mathbb{P}^2$. Is ...
zeta's user avatar
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about codimension two foliation

Are there examples of codimension 2 foliations on closed compact 4-manifolds or 5-manifold I am curious about examples of codimension Are there any previous studies or lecture notes of foliation ...
user473085's user avatar
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Decomposing the homology of a connected sum of surfaces in a way which highlights the combinatorics of gluing

For each $i = 1,2$ and $j = 1,\ldots,n$, let $C_{i,j}$ be a connected compact oriented surface with $k$ boundary components. For $i = 1,2$, let $C_i = \sqcup_{j=1}^n C_{i,j}$, and let $C$ be the ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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A question on existence of gradient vector field on manifold with boundary

Let $M$ be a compact manifold with smooth boundary $\partial M$. Does $M$ admit a gradient vector field $\nabla u$, which has no zeros, i.e. $\nabla u(x)\neq 0$, $\forall x\in M\cup\partial M$? Thanks ...
yuan's user avatar
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Density of $G$-invariant morse functions

Let $G$ be a finite group acting on a compact manifold $M$. Let $f$ be a $G$-invariant smooth function. Can it be approximated by $G$-invariant Morse functions?
user123090's user avatar
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Covers of a 4-manifold pull back a cohomology class to any algebraic multiple

Fix an algebraic integer $x\neq 0$. Is there a closed smooth 4-manifold $M$ with a class $\rho\in H^{1}_{\mathrm {dR} }(M)$ and a smooth covering map $\phi:M\to M$ such that $\phi^*\rho=x\rho$? Is ...
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Geometric representatives of homology classes of manifolds

Is it true that for even dimensional differentiable manifold $M^{2n}$ all singular homology classes in dimension less than $n$ can be represented by a submanifold?
user69122's user avatar
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PL or projective PL map on the links of a PL manifold

Let $M$ be a PL manifold and $f: M\rightarrow M$ be a PL homeomorphism. Suppose that $f(x)=x$ for some vertex $x$. Is the restriction map of $f$ on the links of $x$ also PL? Someone claims that this ...
yeshengkui's user avatar
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Define a characteristic class on a simplicial complex (non-manifold)

Given a simplicial complex with only triangulation and only branching structure, is it enough to define Stiefel–Whitney class? (Please provide Yes or No answers, and reasonings.) Given a fixed ...
wonderich's user avatar
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when is "fibering" preserved under homotopy equivalence

Suppose I have an oriented $F$ bundle over $B$ with total space $E$ (all of the three are closed manifolds) and i have a closed manifold $E'$ which is homotopy equivalent to $E$.Is there any condition ...
sara's user avatar
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There is no quasiregular diffeomorphism from punctured ball into ring (on the plane)

The idea is to use l2 cohomology as a quasiregular map invariant. It is easy to see that there are closed 1-forms on the ring which are not exact, but it occures that every closed l2-form $f_1(x,y)dx +...
Gordon Mayer's user avatar