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Division of fibration by $\Sigma_{n}$ gives Serre fibration

This is related to a question posted on StackExchange: The question there had received ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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When do quotients of $G$-vector bundles exist?

Let's work in the category of smooth (paracompact, Hausdorff) manifolds. Let $M$ be a manifold and $G$ a Lie group acting on $M$. Suppose $E$ is a $G$-vector bundle on $M$ (that is, $G$ acts on $E$ by ...
skwok's user avatar
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Compact $G$-ENR's and Euler characteristic computed with Alexander-Spanier cohomology with compact support

Let $(Z,A)$ a compact ENR pair, then $$\chi(Z)=\chi_c(Z-A)+\chi(A)$$ where $\chi_c$ is the Euler characteristic taken in Alexander-Spanier cohomology with compact support (ENR means euclidean ...
Victor TC's user avatar
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Connected topological/Lie group $H$ and $Q$, inflate $Q$-cocycle to coboundary in $H$

I am interested in finding mathematical examples and criteria of inflating $Q$-cocycle to coboundary in $H$, under the requirement: (1) Both $H$ and $Q$ are connected topological groups or Lie groups (...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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Automorphism group of indefinite orthogonal Lie group $G=O(p,q)$ vs that of a double covering group $\tilde{G}$

Previously I mentioned in Automorphism group of a Lie group $G$ vs that of a double covering group $\tilde{G}$: same or not? that the automorphism group of a Lie group 𝐺 may be the same as that of ...
wonderich's user avatar
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