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Two sets of independent Bernoulli random variables

There are two sets of random variables $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ and $Y_1,\ldots,Y_n$ satisfying: Each $X_i$ and each $Y_j$ has a symmetric Bernoulli distribution ($-1$ and $+1$ with probability $\frac12$ ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Asymptotic distribution of the extreme, standardized order statistics of uniform distribution?

Let $\{U_{k, n}\}_{k=1}^n$, denote the order statistics of a sample of $n$ iid uniform $[0, 1]$ variates. Note that, marginally $U_{k, n}$ is distributed $\mathrm{Beta}(k, n+1 -k)$. Therefore, let us ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Is this conjecture about the binomial and beta distributions true?

Let $X$ follow a binomial distribution with parameters $n$ and $p$, and also fix $k$ such that $1<k<n$. Define $$a = \mathbb{E}(X-k)^+$$ and $$b = \mathbb{E}\log\binom{X}{(X-k)^+}$$ where the ...
Margaret Kail's user avatar
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Asymptotics of the joint pdf of two sums of powers of independent $\mathcal U(0,1)$ random variables

As a warm-up in words: The sum of twelve uniform random variables is a classic approximation to a normal distribution. What is the joint pdf for the sum of their cubes and the sum of their fourth ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Probabilistic behavior of greedy point selection in the plane

Let $\mathcal{X} = X_1,\dots,X_n$ be a collection of independent, uniform samples in the unit square. Let $\mathcal{S}=\{X_1\}$, and consider the following process: for $i=2,\dots,n$, let $x^*$ be ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Growth of inner products between two random vectors on the sparse hypercube

We define the $s$-sparse hypercube in $\mathbb{R}^d$ as \begin{align} \mathbb{H}_s = \bigl \{ {\bf{v}} \in \{ -1, 0 , 1\}^d \colon \| {\bf{v}} \|_0 = s \bigr\}, \end{align} where $ \| {\bf v} \|_0 $ ...
Steve's user avatar
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approximate the square of 2-norm distance between binary distributions with high probability

Suppsose we take $m$ samples from a Bernoulli distribution with probability $p$, and $m$ samples from another probability distribution with probability $q$. We want to calculate a statistic $x$ from ...
gondolf's user avatar
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Asymptotic distribution of L infinity norm of Gaussian random vector

Let $\mathbf{X}_n = (X_{n,1}, \ldots, X_{n,n})$ be a $n$-dimensional random vector with $N_n( \mathbf{0}_n, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_n )$ distribution. The asymptotic distribution of the $L_\infty$-norm of ...
joy's user avatar
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How to use the mixed normal distribution to construct a proper statistics?

For a random vector $\xi_n \in \mathbb{R}^p$, if $\xi_n \rightarrow_d N(\mu, \Sigma)$, we can construct \begin{equation*} \Psi := \xi_n^{\top} \widehat{\Sigma}^{-1} \xi_n \end{equation*} for ...
香结丁's user avatar
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A natural sum over multisets (expectation over multinomial)

I think this is a natural question but am not sure where to find resources. Consider the possible multisets arising from choosing $n$ times an item from one of $k$ categories. We can represent one ...
usul's user avatar
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The reason why a test is undersized?

Now I have a statistic $T_n$ for testing $H_0 \leftrightarrow H_1$, and I have proved that: $$n T_n \rightarrow_d \chi_K^2$$ under $H_0$. Then an asymptotic $\chi^2$ test can be used, an asymptotic ...
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