Questions tagged [artin-ring]

Questions about rings satisfying the descending chain condition on ideals.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Deformations of a blow up

My question is related to this question, but I'm looking for something a bit more explicit. Let $S$ be a smooth surface over $\mathbb C$, fix a point $s\in S$ and take the blow up $\beta \colon S' \...
Roberto Pignatelli's user avatar
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Decidability of theory of modules over a ring of finite representation type

I have read from Mike Prest's model theory for modules (London lecture note series) chapter 17 that a Ring of finite representation type has a decidable theory of modules. Here decidability was ...
Yoneda Lemma's user avatar
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Is it true that monomorphisms of local Artinian $\mathbb{R}$-algebras are regular?

A Weil algebra is a finite-dimensional real algebra, in which each element is the uniquely sum of a scalar and a nilpotent (so nilpotents constitute the only maximal ideal of codimension 1). In other ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
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A Weierstrass product theorem for invertible formal Laurent series over local Artinian rings?

Let $(A,\mathfrak{m},\kappa)$ denote a commutative local Artinian ring. Somewhat by accident, I've stumbled across the following interesting decomposition: $$ A(\!(t)\!)^\times = t^\mathbb{Z} \cdot (1 ...
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