Questions tagged [applications]

Applications of mathematics to any field inside or outside mathematics

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3 votes
0 answers

Applications of logic in theoretical and practical Computer Science [closed]

Can anyone suggest theoretical and/or practical applications of logic (modal, dynamic, Lukasiewici etc.) in Computer Science (like Markov Chains for linear algebra), as well as some open-source books ...
theSongbird's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

References on computational PDE (in fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, etc) that emphasize both rigorous analysis and coding

I'm interested in learning about computational aspects of PDE and integro partial differential equations. In particular, I'd like to know some reference monographs that cover PDE and IPDE from in ...
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7 votes
5 answers

Applications of Perfect Matching

I'm exploring some applications of perfect matching and I would like some input. I have found many applications in chemistry (storing information, estimating bond lengths, estimating resonance energy, ...
Aidan Kehoe's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

Is algebraic geometry constructive?

Notes: 1) I know next to nothing about algebraic geometry, although I am greatly interested in the field. 2) I realize that "constructive" might be a technical term, here I am using it only in an ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
1 vote
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Envelope of a parametrized family of convolutions

For a certain application I need to compute a pointwise supremum of this family of gaussian convolutions: $$\sup_s f(x)\otimes e^{-\frac{x^2}{s^2}}$$ where $f(x),x\in \mathbb{R}^2$ is known and $\...
Michael's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Using High Level Probability Theory (eg Markov Chain Mixing) in Cryptography/Cryptanalysis

I'm currently doing a PhD in probability theory, specifically (discrete space) Markov chains and their mixing properties. As well as my current main project, I'm looking to have a side project, eg to ...
Sam OT's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What are some applications of Sperner style theorems?

I'm currently working through "Combinatorics of Finite Sets" by Ian Anderson, mostly to improve at a style of mathematics that I've historically been quite bad at, and I find myself wondering why this ...
David R. MacIver's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Applications of linear programming duality in combinatorics

So, I know that one can apply the strong LP duality theorem to specific instances of maximum flow problems to recover some nontrivial theorems in combinatorics, such as Hall's theorem, Koenig's ...
amakelov's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Application for Differential Equation of higher order [closed]

We found some interesting insights in differential equations of the form $y^{(n)}(x)+F_\lambda(y(x),y'(x),...,y^{(n-1)}(x))=0$, i.e. for ordinary differential equations of $n$-th order with $n\geq2$....
Ben's user avatar
  • 31
7 votes
1 answer

Easy Applications of Model Theory

I've also posted this question on MathSE. I'm posting it here in hopes of a more comprehensive answer. The question is inspired by the following: Model theoretic applications to algebra and number ...
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8 votes
2 answers

Applications of Topological Complexity of configuration space

I'm starting to work on topological complexity of configuration spaces. Articles say that this field has applications in robotic and control theory. One of the important articles belongs to Michael ...
Mojtaba's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Formalization of adaptive sampling [closed]

The notion on adaptive sampling or adaptive plotting is fairly popular, but I have not found a formal definition. I have developed an algorithm for plotting implicit algebraic curves in the plane. ...
A. Arredondo's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Applications of space filling curves

I am seeking articles where a space filling curve has been used as a theoretical application, such as in the study of general orthogonal polynomials.
1 vote
0 answers

Applications of systems with multiple time

A dynamical system with multiple time is an action of a group $\mathbb{Z}^d$ or $\mathbb{R}^d$ on a metric space. I am interested in informative examples and applications of such systems. I know ...
demolishka's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Non-Formal Applications: Higman and Kruskal

After looking through many papers, I noticed that most of the discussions and proofs for Higman's Lemma and Kruskal's Tree Theorem only have formal applications in set theory, logic, and type theory. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Least-squares solution of systems of Sylvester equations

The Sylvester equation $AX+XB=C$ has been studied quite a lot and there are known algorithms for solving it. But has the situation where (an over-determined) system of equations $A_{i}X+XB_{i}=C_{i}$ ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Application and usage of representation of integers as sum of powers?

We know that there are many articles and manuscripts from the ancient to date talking about representation of integers as sum of squares, cubes etc. I would like to know what is it the usage and ...
asad's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

How is differential geometry used in immediate industrial applications and what are some sources to learn about it?

Intuitively it might be clear that differential geometry is a very applicable subject in engineering and industry. I'd like to know how some industries/companies use differential geometry. I'd guess ...
14 votes
1 answer

Which journals publish applied mathematics with mostly pure mathematics content?

In the spirit of Which journals publish expository work? please advise: What consistently high quality journals (1) today publish results that would otherwise go to a pure mathematics journal were ...
Gottfried William's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Information theory from negative probability

Szekely provides a convincing argument of negative probability here: What does a reformulation of classical information theory built from negative ...
Turbo's user avatar
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92 votes
14 answers

Deep learning / Deep neural nets for mathematician

I am interested in finding out the math ideas behind the technologies that are under the umbrella of "Deep Learning" or "Deep neural nets". Most of the papers/books that are often quoted in papers/...
5 votes
4 answers

Applications of Szemeredi's Theorem

Szemeredi's Theorem is a famous theorem in Additive Combinatorics, Ergodic Theory and maybe some other parts of Mathemtatics: (Szemeredi's Theorem) Let $\Lambda \in \mathbb{Z}$ be a subset of ...
36 votes
11 answers

What "real life" problems can be solved using billiards?

Recently I gave an interview to local media where I explained some basic open problems in billiard dynamics. After a 45 min interview the reported asked me what "real life" problems can be ...
Ferran V.'s user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Prime labelling of graphs

A prime labeling of a graph is an injective function $f: V(G) \to \{1, 2, ..., |V(G)|\}$ such that for every pair of adjacent vertices $u$ and $v$, $\text{gcd}(f(u), f(v)) = 1$ (labels of any two ...
15 votes
4 answers

Robotics, Cryptography, and Genetics applications of Grothendieck's work? [closed]

I was reading about the passing of Alexander Grothendieck, and something caught my interest: Mr. Grothendieck was able to answer concrete questions about these relationships by finding universal ...
Tring Vu's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Can a monotone exponentially decreasing function be uniformely approximated bt Gaussians?

This question originates an engineering application. There is a certain process that is presumed to be a sequence of diffusions and is usually modelled as a sum of Gaussians: $$\Sigma_n w_ne^{-\...
Michael's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Examples of research on how people perceive mathematical objects

What examples are there on research related to human perception and mathematical objects? For example, the shape of a beer glass influences drinking habits, since people are bad at integrating. ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
2 votes
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Where to read about this kind of "measure of irredundancy" of a set from a family of sets?

Studying a very practical problem from psychometrics, I encountered the following construction. Let $(X,\mu)$ be a measure space; if preferred, you can presume $\mu$ is a probability measure. In any ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is known about $\displaystyle \sum_k{a^{b^k}}$?

What is known about $\displaystyle \sum_k{a^{b^k}}$? I am very interested in the possible applications of this series. I have asked about this on Mathematics Stack Exchange here. I'm wondering if ...
Matt Groff's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Physical and real life interpretation of the concept of regularity used in differential equations?

I guess the title kind of speaks for my questions: I'm curious to know what could be the physical interpretation or real life application of the concept of regularity that arises in PDE: take for ...
Learning math's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

Algebra and cancer research

Let me start by acknowledging the existence of this thread: Mathematics and cancer research It is well-known that mathematical modeling and computational biology are effective tools in cancer research....
Jeff H's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Does Pure Mathematics glue Science together? [closed]

A little while ago, I was reading Cathy O'Neil's post Why is math research important (subtext: why does Pure Math deserve funding), where she discusses 3 possible answers. One of these is the usual "...
7 votes
1 answer

Costa's minimal surface and the structure of lungs

Seeing this image of Costa's minimal surface        (MathWorld image) made me wonder if the fine-grained structure of the human lung is somehow composed of pieces of ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes
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When is it possible to split a non-linear operator into a composition of a linear and local one?

Let $A: L^2(R^n)\to L^2(R^n)$ be a non-linear operator. Is it known when it's possible to split $A$ into a composition of a linear operator $B: L^2(R^n)\to (L^2(R^n))^k$ and a local operator $C: (L^2(...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

Optimal radiating $(d{-}1)$-flats within a sphere

Permit me to revisit an earlier unresolved MO question, "Chord arrangement that avoids confining small or large disks" with a (very!) specific version, inspired by radiation therapy. The main idea is ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
44 votes
2 answers

Applications of Lawvere's fixed point theorem

Lawvere's fixed point theorem states that in a cartesian closed category, if there is a morphism $A \to X^A$ which is point-surjective (meaning that $\hom(1,A) \to \hom(1,X^A)$ is surjective), then ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
47 votes
15 answers

How does the work of a pure mathematician impact society? [closed]

First, I will explain my situation. In my University most of the careers are doing videos to explain what we do and try to attract more people to our careers. I am in a really bad position, because ...
3 votes
1 answer

A mathematical version of the Magic Eye optical illusion

The magic eye optical illusions create stereographic pictures by taking two rectangles and slightly shifting the patterns, so that when you cross your eyes to overlap them, the subtle differences ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

Is Riemannian integration sufficient in physics?

Are there any applications in physics or engineering which require the Lebesgue integral and cannot be treated by Riemannian integration
16 votes
3 answers

Applications of visual calculus

Mamikon's visual calculus (see Mamikon, Tom Apostol, Wikipedia) is a very beautiful and surprisingly efficient tool. The basis is Mamikon's theorem. The area of a tangent sweep is equal to the area ...
0 votes
0 answers

Application of Morse theory to second order systems

Hello I'm looking for some applications of Morse theory to second order differential system,( or boundary value problems ) Someone can help me with a pdf or a book which has these applications ? ...
karima's user avatar
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Mathematical properties of financial prices

Prices of financial assets (stock-market prices or currency exchange rates) obviously resemble trajectories of stochastic processes. What is known about their mathematical properties ? I know ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Examples of applications of the Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem.

The Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem states the following: Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a small abelian category. There exists a unital ring $R$ and a full, faithful and exact functor $F\colon\mathcal{A}\...
archipelago's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

On mentioning recommenders' names in cover letter for postdoctoral applications

If I want to apply for a postdoctoral job, can I mention the name of my recommenders in my cover letter just to bolster my application, particularly when I am sure that the people who will read my ...
4 votes
6 answers

Applications of discrete-time dynamics

Hello, I am a graduate student in the field of discrete-time dynamics. I am wondering about applications of this field outside of mathematics. More precisely, I would like to know if there are "real ...
Albert's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Math behind databases management and SQL ?

Are there some mathematical theories/theorems/... behind modern development of database management systems and in particular of SQL ? I am refreshing my knowledge of these things which are quite down-...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Signal processing reference for pure mathematician

Before giving a more detailed question below, the basic one is: can anyone recommend a good signal-processing reference which would be maximally readable by a pure mathematician (who nevertheless ...
Pure mathematician's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Question on "publication List" for applying to post-doctoral jobs

1) Many Mathematics departments ask to send a "list of publications" while applying for research postdoctoral jobs. My question is: how important is it to post my papers in arXiv. I know, posting on ...
6 votes
1 answer

Minimizing |FT(X)|_{\infty} by permutation of X_i - question on Fourier transform related to engineering problem (peak factor of OFDM system)

Consider vector X =( X_1 ... X_N), consider the discrete Fourier transform $Y=F(X)$. I am interested to minimize $|Y|_{\infty}$, by permutation of numbers X_i, how to do it ? Here $|Y|_{\infty}$ is ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
1 vote
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Decay rate of Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences in frequency

What is the decay rate of DPSS sequences in frequency? Consider an interval $T\subset\mathbb{Z}$ of length N in time. Consider another interval $[-W,W]$ in frequency with $W<1/2$. Let $\phi_0$ ...
Armin Eftekhari's user avatar