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12 votes
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Short time existence on nonlinear parabolic PDE

I saw several papers that without proof accept the fact "Short time existence on nonlinear parabolic PDE" is there any affirmative proof of this fact? in which book we have this fact, the number of ...
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11 votes
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Fundamental solution of an elliptic PDE in divergence form with non-symmetric matrix

I am looking for the fundamental solution of the following PDE $$\partial_i (a^{ij}\partial_j u)=f$$ where $a^{ij}(x)$ is a non-symmetric matrix with possibly non-constant coefficients. I could find a ...
Sepideh Bakhoda's user avatar
7 votes
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Uniform bound on the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian

Is it possibly to have $L_\infty$ bounds on the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator on bounded regular domains with Dirichlet condition? I found several papers by Sogge but these are pretty ...
John Zheng's user avatar
5 votes
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Analytic solution of a system of linear, hyperbolic, first order, partial differential equations

In a try to solve a physical problem, I've faced a system of first-order partial differential equations of the form $$\cos\left(t\right)\partial_{x}\mathbf{u}+\sin\left(t\right)\partial_{y}\mathbf{u}+...
FraSchelle's user avatar
3 votes
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Method of characteristics of a system of first order pdes

I asked the question on, but didn't get any reply. So, I asked it again here. Any suggestion or hint is welcome, and thank you for your attention. Consider the system of first ...
William Wu's user avatar
14 votes
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Regularity of the Maxwell equations

As is well-known, the Maxwell equations can be phrased vectorially as, \begin{align} \nabla \cdot \mathbf E &= \frac{\rho_f}{\varepsilon}, &\text{Gauss's law,}\\\ \nabla \cdot \mathbf ...
Jonas T's user avatar
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11 votes
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Poincaré lemma for distributions

Let us consider a current on $\mathbb R^n$, that is a differential form whose coefficients are distributions. For simplicity, let us check the case of a $1$-form $$ u=\sum_{1\le j\le n} u_j dx_j,\quad ...
Bazin's user avatar
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8 votes
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What does the flow of the principal symbol of the differential operator tell us about the PDE?

Disclaimer: Let me apologize in advance for asking this slightly vague question Let $M$ be a manifold and let $P$ be a partial differential operator acting on $C^{\infty}(M)$. Associated to $P$ there'...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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8 votes
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Bounded input Bounded output stability for heat equation

This is a cross-post from Computational Science. I am interested in proving or obtaining a counterexample to the following conjecture. Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded open domain. Let ...
fred's user avatar
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5 votes
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Structure of sign changes under the heat flow

Let $f$ be a smooth function on $R^2$, and define $N_f$ to be the set of points $p$ such that the nodal set of $f$ ($\{x\in R^2: f(x)=0\}$) divided every neighborhood of $p$ into four regions. Indeed, ...
A random mathematician's user avatar
5 votes
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Reference request: Optimal $L^p$-decay for nonhomogenous heat equation in $\mathbb R^d$

Let $u$ be a classical solution for the nonhomogeneous heat equation in $\mathbb R_+ \times\mathbb R^d$: $$ \begin{cases} \partial_tu(t,x)-\Delta u(t,x) = f(t,x), \\ u(0,x)=u_0(x). \end{cases} $$ ...
Juhana Siljander's user avatar
5 votes
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Linear transport equation with unbounded coefficients

Consider the PDE $$\partial_t f(x,t) = \langle q(x), \nabla \rangle f(t,x) + p(x),$$ with Schwartz initial data $f(0,x) = f_0(x) \in \mathscr S(\mathbb R^n).$ I am wondering then if $q$ and all its ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
5 votes
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General solution to an ultrahyperbolic PDE

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$The following PDE defined on $\mathbb{R}^2$ $$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}f(x,y) = 0,$$ has solution $$f(x,y) = g(x) + h(y),$$ where $g,h : \...
Jojo's user avatar
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4 votes
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The sum of linear partial differential operators of equal strength

If $P$ and $P'$ are linear partial differential operators with constant complex coefficients on $U = \mathring U \subseteq \Bbb R^m$, we say that $P \sim P'$ if and only if $\dfrac {\tilde P} {\tilde {...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Linear PDE, analytic continuation, Green's function and boundary conditions

I'm looking at the linear PDE in 3+1 dimensions, $$ \left[ -(\partial_t - \xi)^2 - \partial_k \partial_k \right] \phi(t,x) = 4\pi^2 \delta(t)\delta(x)\label{1} \tag{1} $$ Where $\xi$ is generally a ...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
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Heat equation and evolution of number of critical points

Let $u_0$ be a smooth function on the unit sphere $S^1$ and assume that $u(t,x)$ is a smooth solution of the heat equation with initial data $u(0,x)=u_0(x)$. How one can apply the maximum principle to ...
A random mathematician's user avatar
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Uniqueness of the "weak solution" to Fokker-Plank PDE

Let $C_b^2(\mathbb R_+)$ be the set of functions $f: \mathbb R_+\to\mathbb R$ s.t. $f, f' ,f''$ are bounded and $f(0)=0$. Consider a measurable function $p: \mathbb R_+^2\to\mathbb R_+$ satisfying $$\...
GJC20's user avatar
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Analytic solution to two component, first order, linear PDE system

I would like to obtain analytic solutions to the following PDE system: \begin{equation} \rho_t + D(\lambda)\,\rho_\lambda = A(\lambda) \rho, \tag{1} \end{equation} with $\rho = (\rho_0,\rho_1)^T$, $D$ ...
Frits Veerman's user avatar
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Method of characteristic for a system of first order PDEs

I am working with this system of first order PDEs: \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{aligned} %Suscettibili &\frac{\partial{S}(a,t)}{\partial{t}} + \frac{\partial{S}(a,t)}{\partial{a}}= -\lambda(a,...
CrishaD's user avatar
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BVPs for elliptic PDOs: When do Green functions ($L^2$ inverses) define pseudo-differential operators in the interior?

I asked the following question on math.SE ( just over two months ago, and it ...
JahvedM's user avatar
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Singularity of the solution of a PDE whose coefficients have zeros

The following PDE arises in a problem of finding the stationary measure of a 2d system of stochastic differential equations (see this math.stackexchange post): $$\mathcal{A}p=0, \quad p\in C^2(\...
S.Surace's user avatar
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Poisson equation estimates near boundary

Fix $ \Omega$ a bounded smooth domain in $\mathbb R^N$ (take $N$ big) and let $ \frac{N+1}{2}<p<N$. We now consider nonnegative smooth functions $f$ such that $-\Delta u(x)=f(x) $ in $ \Omega$ ...
Math604's user avatar
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Multivariable Variation of Parameters $\psi_1(x, k)\int^{(x,t)}e^{ik^3(t-\tau)}[M_1(\xi,k)q(\xi,\tau)d\xi-X_1(\xi,\tau,k)d\tau]+\dots$

I am trying to read through the paper titled IBV problems for linear PDEs with Variable Coefficients by P. A. Treharne and A. S. Fokas (link here). For greater clarity, I split my question up into two ...
Talmsmen's user avatar
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