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Dimension of critical set of p-harmonic function

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a smooth domain and $u\in W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ a non-constant $p$-harmonic function, for some $1<p<n$. Question: What is the Hausdorff dimension of the critical ...
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$W^{1,p}-$regularity on the boundary for solution of Laplace equation with Robin boundary condition

I came across with the attached paper and here is the part that I try to understand. If the non-tangential maximal function of $\nabla u$, i.e $(\nabla u)^*$, belongs in $L^p(\partial \Omega)$, then ...
kaithkolesidou's user avatar
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The decay rate of the spectrum of the Gaussian kernel on compact manifolds

It seems that the $k^{th}$ largest eigenvalue of the intergral operator induced on $S^n$ by the Gaussian kernel, $e^{-\frac{\vert \vec{x} - \vec{y} \vert _2^2}{2\sigma^2}}$ decays as $k^{-k}$. This is ...
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