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Compactness of bounded index solutions of the Yamabe problem

Consider, a closed Riemannian manifold $ (M^n,g) $ , $ n \geq 3 $, with positive Yamabe invariant: $$ 0< Y(M, [g]):= \inf_{0<v \in H^1} Q_g(v), $$ where $$ Q_g(v) = \inf_{0 <v \in H^1} \...
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Existence of ground state solutions for the critical exponent

I have been recently reading Kwong's paper on the uniqueness of positive solutions for the equation $\Delta u-u+u^p=0$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$. The authors show that the above equation has a unique positive ...
Student's user avatar
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Is there a concentric map from the disk onto the ellipse with constant sum of singular values?

$\newcommand{Vol}{\text{Vol}}$ Let $c > 2$, and let $0<b<1$ be fixed parameters. Does there exist a $C^1$ monotone bijection $\psi:(0,1] \to (0,1]$, and a $C^1$ function $h:(0,1] \to \mathbb{...
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