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Is there a rigid analytic geometry proof of the functional equation for the Riemann zeta function?

The adèles $\mathbb A$ arise naturally when considering the Berkovich space $\mathcal M(\mathbb Z)$ of the integers. Namely, they are the stalk $\mathbb A = (j_\ast j^{-1} \mathcal O_\mathbb Z)_p$ ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is every prime $q$ of the form $x^2 + py^2$ for some prime $p<q$?

For every odd prime $q \geq 3$, does there exist a prime $p < q$ and integers $x,y$ such that $$\displaystyle x^2 + py^2 = q?$$ One can easily show that all primes $q \not \equiv -1 \pmod{3}$ can ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
9 votes
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How small may the discriminant of an $S_d$-field be?

In every degree $d$, the Galois closure of the typical number field has the maximal possible Galois group $S_d$. Denote by $f(d)$ the least absolute value of a discriminant of an $S_d$-field of degree ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
7 votes
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Relation between the additive Haar measure on $(K,+)$ and the multiplicative Haar measure on $K^{*}$ for a global field $K$

The following question comes from my studying of Alain Connes's paper Trace Formula in Noncommutative Geometry and the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function. In it, on p. 11, Connes notes that if $K$ is ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
7 votes
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Upper bound on $\#\{p \leq B :\#E(\mathbb{F}_p) \equiv a \mod b\}$ for large $b$

Let $E$ be a fixed elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Is there a good upper bound on $\#\{p \leq B :\#E(\mathbb{F}_p) \equiv a \mod b\}$ when $b$ is large (maybe around $\sqrt{B}$)? I don't mind ...
johng23's user avatar
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Conditions under which an $\eta$-quotient becomes a **weak** modular form (reference request for theorems similar to Ligozat's theorem)

For any $z \in \mathcal{H}$, let $q = e^{2\pi iz}$; and the eta function is defined as ${\displaystyle \eta (q) =q^{\frac {1}{24}}\prod _{n=1}^{\infty }\left(1-q^{n}\right).}$ By an $\eta$-quotient ...
Davood Khajehpour's user avatar
6 votes
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Quadratic fields with moderately large fundamental units

Let $d > 1$ be a fundamental discriminant, and let $K_d = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{d})$. Denote by $\varepsilon_d$ the fundamental unit of $\mathcal{O}_{K_d}$, namely the smallest algebraic integer $\...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
6 votes
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Cubic, abelian analogue of a result of Mertens-Siegel

For a number field $K/\mathbb{Q}$, put $h_K, R_K$ respectively for the class number (of the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ of $K$) and the regulator of $K$ respectively. Moreover, put $\zeta_K(s)$ ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
5 votes
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Smallest prime $p$ such that $2\mid\operatorname{ord}_p(q)$, the multiplicative order of $q$ modulo $p$

$\DeclareMathOperator\ord{ord}$Let $q$ be prime. I want to upper bound the smallest odd prime $p$ such that $2\mid\ord_p(q)$ (where $\ord_p(q)$ is the multiplicative order of $q$ modulo $p$). Using ...
Tejas Rao's user avatar
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Is there a polynomial version of Wilson's theorem which can avoid Cramer flavored conjectures?

Wilson's theorem states that a natural number $n > 1$ is a prime number if and only if the product of all the positive integers less than $n$ is one less than a multiple of $n$. Is there a version ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Goldfeld resolution of the quadratic class number problem

Goldfeld proved the following result. Let $E$ be an elliptic curve (with conductor $N$) over $\mathbb{Q}$ whose Hasse-Weil L-function has a zero at $s = 1$ with multiplicity $g$ then for sufficiently ...
Melanka's user avatar
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When are the Artin symbols of two primes equal?

Let $K$ be an abelian number field. Let $p$, $q$ be rational primes. Is there some condition like $p\equiv q$ modulo some integer which depends on conductor of $K$ or $\operatorname{disc}(K)$ that ...
user11333's user avatar
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Exponential sums with prime power modulus

I am looking for an analogue of the following result of Fouvry and Katz for prime power modulus ("A general stratification theorem for exponential sums, and applications", J. reine angew. Math. 540 (...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
5 votes
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Analytic class number formula for orders

In the article "The analytic class number formula for orders in products of number fields" (, it is shown that the analytic class number formula holds for ...
pencil_sharpener's user avatar
4 votes
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Bailey's lemma in number theory

A pair of sequences $(α_n,β_n)$ is called a Bailey pair if they are related by $$\beta_n=\sum_{r=0}^n\frac{\alpha_r}{(q;q)_{n-r}(aq;q)_{n+r}}$$ or equivalently $$\alpha_n = (1-aq^{2n})\sum_{j=0}^n\...
gagamaga's user avatar
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Traces vs. Determinants in Artin's $L$-functions

Loosely put, my question is: What happens if we swap determinant by the trace in an Artin $L$-function? This question is not very precise and can be a little misleading, so I explain the specific ...
Santi's user avatar
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Class fields without class field theory

Is there an English reference for the analytic construction of the Hilbert class field of an imaginary quadratic field without using class field theory? I am in particular interested in a proof of the ...
Shimrod's user avatar
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Computation Hasse unit index for biquadratic fields

For a totally real (resp. imaginary) biquadratic number field $K$ with quadratic subfields $K_1$, $K_2$ and $K_3$, is there an explicit method to determine Hasse unit index $(U_K:U_{K_1}U_{K_2}U_{K_3})...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
4 votes
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small factors of $p^k + 1$

I am a beginner in number theory and interested to know about what is the minimum value of $k$ such that $p^k+1$ has a small factor, by small I mean of $O(poly(log p))$. I don't know how to start ...
Himanshu Shukla's user avatar
3 votes
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Maximum value of newform from Galois representation

One can attach $\ell$-adic Galois representations to holomorphic cuspidal newforms of weight $2$ on the upper half-plane. If a newform is $L^2$-normalized, can one extract its maximum value from the ...
sup's user avatar
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Serge Lang's proof of Brauer-Siegel theorem

I was reading through chapter 16 of Lang's Algebraic Number Theory book. The chapter is fully devoted to proving the Brauer-Siegel theorem: Let ${(k_n/ \mathbb{Q})}_n$ be a sequence of galois ...
Melanka's user avatar
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Modular root of $-1$

Take two distinct coprime integers $a,b$ and take $q=a^2+b^2$. Consider the equation $(xy^{-1})^2\equiv-1\bmod q$. The solutions are two roots which correspond to $(x,y)=(a,b)$ and $(x,y)=(b,a)$. Look ...
Turbo's user avatar
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How to show that $h(-D)\geq \displaystyle\sum_{a\in A_1\\, 1\leq a\leq{\frac{\sqrt D}{2}}} 1$?

Here $A_1=\{u;p|u\Longrightarrow \chi(p)=1\}$ with $\chi$ a real quadratic character and $h(-D)$ the class number of the imaginary quadratic field of the fundamental discriminant. This problem occurs ...
user173185's user avatar
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Averages of $L(s,\chi)$

Let $(\frac{m}{n})$ denote the usual quadratic Jacobi symbol. What is the abscissa of convergence of the double Dirichlet series ? $$ \sum_{\substack{m,n \in \mathbb{N} \\ \gcd(m,n)=1 \\m,n\equiv 1 \...
Dr. Pi's user avatar
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Record for determining complete list of imaginary quadratic fields with small class number

In 2003, Mark Watkins (Class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields) determined all imaginary quadratic fields having class number at most 100. Has this list been improved? That is, what is the largest ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Gaussian primes in translations of lattices in $\mathbb{Z}[i]$

I am considering undertaking some independent research in my summer break studying Gaussian primes in translations of lattices in $\mathbb{Z}[i]$, i.e. sets of the form $ \{ a+sx+tw:s,t \in \mathbb{Z} ...
Daniel Lang's user avatar
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On equidistribution of primes in positive characteristic

In S. Lang's book "Algebraic Number Theory" (1986), page 317, Theorem 6 states essentially that given $P$ a set of primes, let $\tau:P\longrightarrow J$ be the typical idèle map taking ...
Hair80's user avatar
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Classifying solutions of a certain Diophantine Equation

The following question arose from a problem I am working on. Let $N, k$ be positive integers. Consider the Diophantine equation in $a, b, c$: $$ \frac{1}{a} + \frac{N - 1}{b} = \frac{N^k}{c} $$ with ...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Advanced texts on analytic number theory?

So a friend of mine is very interested in analytic number theory, and is looking for resources past the basic level. He has studied analytic number theory from several books, among them are Hardy’s ...
2 votes
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Ambiguity about the exact definition of coefficients of modular forms

You can see the parts after my questions in the boxes. I received the answer to my first question in the comments. I am confused about the definition of $a_n$ and $b_n$ in Part II below. I know the ...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
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Generalized Siegel Weil formula

I am studying the following Poincare-like series, \begin{equation} F_k(\tau,\bar{\tau})=\sum_{\gamma\in\Gamma_{\infty}\backslash\Gamma}\sqrt{\text{Im}\gamma\tau}(q_{\gamma}\bar{q}_{\gamma})^k, \end{...
Sounak Sinha's user avatar
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Have the following summations been studied before?

Suppose $q^2-4pr<0$, and consider the set of integral points $$\mathcal Z=\{(X,Y)\in\mathbb Z^2:$$ $$px^2+qxy+ry^2+sx+ty+u=0\}$$ which lie on an ellipse. Then define $$M=\sum_{(X,Y)\in\mathcal Z}\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Subsets of particular values of $\zeta'(k)$ that contain irrational numbers

We consider the set of elements $\zeta'(2),\zeta'(3),\zeta'(4),\zeta'(5),\ldots$ where $\zeta(z)$ is the Riemann zeta function and $\zeta'(z)=\frac{d}{dz}\zeta(z)$ its derivative. Thus we consider ...
user142929's user avatar
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Trying to understand why Eisenstein series is well defined

I am struggling to see why Eisenstein series is well defined, and I would greatly appreciate clarification. Let $$ E(x, \lambda) = \sum_{\delta \in P(\mathbb{Q}) \backslash G(\mathbb{Q}) } e^{\...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Averaging the Mobius function on arithmetic progressions

The Mobius function $\mu\colon \mathbb{N}\to\{-1,0,1\}$ is given by $\mu(n)=(-1)^{k}$ if $n$ is the product of $k$ distinct prime numbers, and $\mu(n)=0$ otherwise. It is classical that for all $a,b\...
Wenbo Sun's user avatar
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Lattice Sieving in Number Field Sieve

I am currently going through Pollard's article on Lattice Sieving and have a few confusions. Firstly, how to figure that $C$ and $D$ in the two-dimensional array so that every $(c,d)$ pair corresponds ...
swati setia's user avatar
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Number Theory Problem for 1st/2nd Year Graduate Student

I am looking for a problem in (algebraic) number theory in which a 1st/2nd year graduate student in number theory can make some nontrivial progress. I am not looking for something that can conceivably ...
CL1337's user avatar
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Particular case of the class number formula, Dirichlet characters

Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character modulo $4$ such that $\chi(-1) = -1$, and let $\chi'$ be a Dirichlet character modulo $5$ such that $\chi'(-1) = 1$, $\chi'(2) = \chi'(3) = -1$. How do I see the ...
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Automorphy of the twisted representation

The Artin reciprocity says that if $$ \chi: \operatorname{Gal}(K/\mathbb Q) \to \mathbb C $$ is a 1-dimensional representation of a finite Galois extension $K/ \mathbb Q$, then it corresponds to a ...
LWW's user avatar
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A question on generalized bases

I just came to know that it is possible to define a generalized base as an infinite sequence of natural numbers $\mathbf b=(b_1,b_2,\dots)$ where $b_i\ge 2$ for all $i$. With this definition, any $m\...
Dumbest person on earth's user avatar
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Integral points in smooth cubic curves

Let $X$ be a smooth affine cubic curve in $\mathbb A^2$ defined by $f(T_1,T_2)\in\mathbb Z[T_1,T_2]$ (of course $\deg(f)=3$ by definition), and $$n(f, B)=\{(x_1,x_2)\in\mathbb Z^2| |x_1|\leq B, |x_2|\...
var's user avatar
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How common are semiprimes with equally bitsized factors among semiprimes with equal bitsize?

I am curious about the following after having looked at the paper "Almost primes in almost all short intervals", theorem 3 says: Almost all intervals $[x, x + \log^{3.51}{(x)}]$ with $x ≤ X$...
factorn's user avatar
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Does Lemma 5.4 in Deligne's Ramanujan paper generalize to Shimura varieties of PEL type?

It is generally not known if a smooth variety over a perfect field embeds into a smooth proper variety. Lemma 5.4 in Formes modulaires et représentations $\ell$-adiques provides such an embedding for ...
soft-drinks's user avatar
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Degree of compositum of all number fields under given discriminant

For an integer $n\geq 1$ define $f(n)$ to be the degree of the compositum of all number fields with discriminant at most $n$. What bounds are known on $f(n)$?
J Xiang's user avatar
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Stabilizers of points in the upper half-plane

Suppose that $\Gamma$ is a group acting discontinuously on $\mathcal{H} = \{ z \in \mathbb{C} : \operatorname{Im}(z) > 1\}$. In order to keep things simple, suppose that $\Gamma \subseteq \...
Oiler's user avatar
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Siegel's formula for generalized theta series with characteristics?

Siegel's formula(Siegel-Weil) directly relates the weighted sum of theta functions to Eisenstein series. (Or equivalently, the weighted sum of the cusp form is zero). I wonder if there is a ...
Y.J.'s user avatar
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A mixed of the Dedekind zeta function and the L-function

I have recently come across the following function, which seems like a "mix" between the Dedekind zeta function and the L-function: $\sum_I\frac{\chi_k(N(I))}{N(I)^s}$ where $\chi_k(n)$ is the ...
pencil_sharpener's user avatar
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Asymptotic counts for imaginary quadratic discriminants with fixed splitting conditions

Let $p$ be prime and $r$ be a positive integer. I am interested in asymptotics for the number of imaginary quadratic discriminants $d$ such that $p$ does not divide the conductor of $d$, $p$ splits ...
stillconfused's user avatar
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prime decomposition in even dihedral extensions

Let $L/K$ be a finite extension of number fields of degree $n$ with $n$ an even integer such that the normal closure of $L$ has the Galois group isomorphic to $D_n$, the dihedral group of order $2n$. ...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
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On Prime Numbers which can be Norms of an Integral Ideal of a Number Field

We know that since the ring $\mathbb Z [i]$ of Gaussian integers is a Principal Ideal Domain, the only integer primes which can norms of some ideal of $\mathbb Z [i]$ are those which can be expressed ...
asrxiiviii's user avatar