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Growth of residues of $1/\zeta(s)$: conjectures?

Let $\rho$ range over the non-trivial zeroes of the Riemann zeta function. Let $$M(T) = \max_{|\Im \rho|\leq T} \left|\mathrm{Res}_{s=\rho} \frac{1}{\zeta(s)}\right| = \max_{|\Im \rho|\leq T} \frac{1}...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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12 votes
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Computing Mertens' function in time O(sqrt(x)) - in practice

As far as I know, there is one way currently known to -- in principle -- compute the Mertens function $M(x) = \sum_{n\leq x} \mu(n)$ in time essentially $O\left(x^{1/2}\right)$, namely, a modification ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Bounding $1/\zeta(s)$ given RH

Let $T\geq 0$. Assume RH(T+100), that is, assume that all non-trivial zeros $\rho$ of the Riemann zeta function with $|\Im(\rho)|\leq T+100$ satisfy $\Re(\rho)=1/2$. Can we then give a good upper ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Implications of divergence of $1/\zeta(s) $ at 1/2

$1/\zeta(s)=\sum_{n>0}\frac{\mu(n)}{n^s}$ where $\mu$ is the Moebius function. This series is known to converge for $s\ge 1$ and diverge for $s\le 1/2$. Its convergence is unknown if $1/2< s&...
Koushik's user avatar
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From holes in the image of peculiar functions to new perspective on the Riemann Hypothesis

I am working with the Dirichlet eta function $\eta(z)$, with $z=\sigma+it$, $\sigma > \frac{1}{2}$, and $t>0$. Let us define $$\eta_n(z,\gamma)= \sum_{k=1}^n (-1)^{k+1}\lambda_k^{-\sigma} e^{-it\...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
9 votes
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Functional equation or analytic continuation of certain approximations to $\zeta^z(s)$?

Let $z$ be a complex number and $\omega(n)$ denote the number of distinct prime factors of the natural number $n$. I am considering the arithmetic functions $|\mu(n)|z^{\omega(n)}$ and their ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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Does $\frac{1}{\pi}\operatorname{Arg} \zeta(1/2+2\pi i t)$ have mean value $0$?

I'm curious about what is known about the distribution of the function $\frac{1}{\pi}\operatorname{Arg} \zeta(1/2+2\pi i t) \in (-1,1]$, on a linear or logarithmic scale, where $\operatorname{Arg}$ ...
Jesse Elliott's user avatar
7 votes
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Fully explicit version of Atkinson's formula?

Let $$I(T)=\int_0^T \left|\zeta\left(\frac{1}{2} + i t\right)\right|^2 dt$$ and let $E(T)$ be $I(T)$ minus what turn out to be its main terms: $$E(T) = I(T)- T \log \frac{T}{2 \pi} - (2 \gamma - 1) T.$...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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7 votes
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When does the function $F(x)=\frac{\operatorname{li}(x^{1/2})}{\operatorname{li}(x)-\pi(x)}$ reach $F(x) > 8$?

We know from Ramanujan and Riemann that, $$\pi(x) = \operatorname{li}(x) -\tfrac12\operatorname{li}(x^{1/2})-\tfrac13\operatorname{li}(x^{1/3})-\tfrac15\operatorname{li}(x^{1/5}) +\dots$$ with prime ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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Empirical bounds on $\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right|$

It is reasonable to expect that $$\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right| < 2 \log \log t$$ for all $t\geq 4$ (say): a somewhat stronger bound is known for $t\geq 10^{165}$ or so (Theorem 5 ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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6 votes
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Approximating $\zeta'/\zeta$ (and its derivatives) by a finite sum

Let $A(s) = (-\zeta'/\zeta)^{(r)}(s) = \sum_n a_n n^{-s}$, where $r\geq 0$. (We can consider $r=0$ first for simplicity.) Say I want to approximate $A(s)$ for $s=1+it$ by a finite sum - preferably a ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Best explicit bound on $\zeta'(1+it)/\zeta(1+it)$

Assume the Riemann hypothesis. We know that $$\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right| \leq 2 \log \log t + O(1)$$ (see, e.g., Thm. 13.13 in Montgomery-Vaughan). What is the best explicit bound ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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6 votes
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Conditional results on average size of Mertens' function

Let $M(x) = \sum_{n \le x} \mu(n)$ where $\mu$ is the Möbius function. Titchmarsh, in his book on the Riemann zeta function, considers consequences of the hypothesis that $$\int_{1}^{X} \left( \frac{M(...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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Generalized prime number theorem and Riemann Hypothesis for non-number math objects

My question is about some math objects (matrices, polynomials) and operators that satisfy a number of properties which can lead to a theory similar to PNT, RH, Dirichlet functions, abscissa of ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Is there a conjectured uniform Lindelof hypothesis for Hurwitz zeta functions

Consider $\zeta(s, a) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (n+a)^{-s}$ (alternatively, consider its functional equation Dirichlet series $\sum_{n=1}e(a n) n^{-s}$). What is the expected growth-rate of $\zeta(1/2 + ...
Ralph Furman's user avatar
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Lindelöf Hypothesis and the Karatsuba conjectures

I'm aware of Shao-Ji Feng's result that Karatsuba's weaker conjecture ("conjecture 1") is true conditionally on the Lindelöf Hypothesis. Shao-Ji Feng, "On Karatsuba conjecture and the Lindelöf ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Approximating $\zeta^{(r)}(s)$ by a sum

Let $\eta:[0,\infty)\to [0,\infty)$ be compactly supported, continuous and piecewise $C^1$, with its derivative $\eta'$ being of bounded variation. It is completely unsurprising that one can prove (...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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What is the winding behavior of the Riemann zeta function around zero along the line $s=1+it$?

Let $\phi: \mathbb R \setminus \{0\} \to S^1 \subset \mathbb C$ be defined by $$\phi(t)= \zeta(1+it)/|\zeta(1+it)|$$ (the nonvavishing of the denominator being a bit weaker than the prime number ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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The Basel problem revisited?

In the Basel problem, the $sinc$ function is considered at the Wikipedia page. Let me try to make an alternative function definition: $$f(x) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left ( 1+ \frac{x^3}{n^3} \right ) = \...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Can the inverse of the Riemann zeta function in $s > 1$ be expressed as a series?

In this post, we are interested in the Rimenann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ in $s > 1$ only where it is strictly decreasing rather than $s$ in the entire complex plane. We have the Stieltjes series ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
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On the asymptotics of some sum involving the Mertens function

Let $a_n$ be a sequence of nonnegative real numbers such that $\sum_{n\leq x} a_n \gg \frac{\sqrt x}{\log x}$ for large enough $x$. Denote by $\mu$ the Mobius function, and let $M(N)=\sum_{n\leq N} \...
Q_p's user avatar
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Compensation by the residue of the zeta function

(Repost of a question from MSE, where it found no success) Let $F$ be a global number field. Introduce a local quantity at every place $$x_p = \frac{\zeta_p(1)}{\zeta_p(2)}$$ for instance. The ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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An explicit formula for $\zeta(2m+1)$ with good convergence

The question: Is the following formula known? $$\zeta(2m+1)=\frac{(-1)^m 2^{4m+2}\pi^{2m}}{2^{2m}-1} \sum\limits_{k=1}^m \frac{(2^{2k}-1)b_{2k}}{2^{2k}(2k)!}\cdot \sum\limits_{v=k}^m \frac{(2^{2v-2k+...
user90369's user avatar
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Moments of completed L-functions?

This is a follow up question to this one. It seems that results on moments of L-functions, that is, estimates for integrals of the form $$\int^{T}_1|\zeta(\sigma+it)|^{2k}dt$$ are typically for the ...
Tian An's user avatar
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Zeta function double product

Is it possible to write the following double product in terms of the zeta function? \begin{align} &\prod_{i=1}^{\infty}\prod_{j=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{1-(p_i\ p_j)^{-s}} \end{align} Extending the ...
martin's user avatar
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Explicit bounds on gaps between zeros of $\zeta^\prime(s)$

In $\S$9.1 of "Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function", Titchmarsh uses Borel-Carathéodory and Hadamard Three Circles to show that every circle of radius 6 and center $3+iT$ contains a zeros of ...
Stopple's user avatar
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Order of growth of $\left|\frac{1}{\zeta’(\rho)}\right|$ as $\Im(\rho)\rightarrow\infty$?

Let $\zeta$ denote the Riemann zeta function, and let $\rho\in\mathbb{C}$ be a variable that takes its values among the zeros of the zeta function, so that $\zeta(\rho)=0$, and write $\rho=\sigma+it$. ...
EGME's user avatar
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Question about a paper by Franca and LeClair in analytic number theory

I am reading an article "Transcendental equations satisfied by the individual zeros of Riemann $\zeta$, Dirichlet and modular L-functions" by G. Franca and A. LeClair (2015) see here. The ...
Williams's user avatar
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Is there a relation or formula between the correlations of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function and the correlations between high points

Consider an interval of length $(\log T)^{\theta}$ for some fixed $\theta > −1$, around a point $1/2 + i y$ on the critical line where $y\in[T,2T]$ and $T$ is large. How do the correlations between ...
Aftermath 12345's user avatar
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Can $ x \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k} \Big{(}- \gamma - \psi \big{(}1-\frac{x}{k} \big{)} \Big{)} $ be simplified?

I'm interested in sums of the form $$f_{p} (x) = \sum_{k=2}^{\infty} \zeta(k)^{p} x^{k} .$$ For $p=1$, the following result is known: $$f_{1} (x) = -x \big{(}\psi(1-x) + \gamma \big{)} .$$ (That is, ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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What is the closed form of this integral?

Consider the Chebyshev first function $\psi(y):=\sum_{p^j \leq y} \log p$, where $p$ is a prime. Define $$F(s, k) = s\int_{1}^{\infty} \psi(x + x^k)x^{-s-1} \mathrm{d}x$$ for $ \Re(s) >$ max $(1, ...
user156584's user avatar
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Guessing of $n$th prime from "super- regularized" product of primes

( I've been thinking about asking this for a long time . Though this is not rigorous; It can be thought of as heuristic or extraction of information from different viewpoint.) We know "super-...
TPC's user avatar
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A sharper estimate for a generalization of the sum-of-divisors function

I am interested in the function $f_n(m)$ which can be defined by the Dirichlet generating function $$\zeta(s)\zeta(s - 1) \cdots\zeta(s - n + 1) = \sum\limits_{m = 1}^\infty \frac{f_n(m)}{m^s} $$ This ...
Bear's user avatar
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Is there a general relationship between definite integrals over functions involving the complete elliptic integral of the first kind and zeta values?

Background Let $\textbf{K}(k)$ be the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, where $k$ is its elliptic modulus [1]. Moreover, define $k' := \sqrt{1-k^{2}} $ as its complementary modulus. I've ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Regularised value of cardinality of non trivial Zeta zeros:

This is a straight forward question so apologies in advance Consider the following sums: $$\sum_k1_{\rho_k}$$ $$\sum_k{\rho_k}$$ (i.e. first sum counts non trivial zeros of Zeta function) I want ...
TPC's user avatar
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$\zeta(s) = \sum_{n\leq x} n^{-s} - x^{1-s}/(1-s) + ...$ through bounded-order Euler-Maclaurin?

It is a basic classical result (Titchmarsh Thm 4.11; credited to Hardy-Littlewood) that, uniformly for $\Re s \geq \sigma_0>0$, $t\leq 6 x$ (say), $$\zeta(s) = \sum_{n\leq x} \frac{1}{n^s} - \frac{...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Intuition for the bias of the partial sums of the Liouville function

It's a well known result that the Dirichlet series of the Liouville function $ \lambda(n) $ is given by $$ \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{\lambda(k)}{k^s} = \frac{\zeta(2s)}{\zeta(s)} $$ If we use Perron's ...
Ege Erdil's user avatar
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Laplace transform of power of zeta function

Let $s$ is the complex variable. I would like to figure out the region of absolutely convergency of the following integral $$ e^{\frac{is}{2}}\int\limits_{\frac{1}{2}-i\infty}^{\frac{1}{2}+i\infty}\...
Mark's user avatar
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Lower bound of the modulus $|\eta(s)|$ of the Dirichlet Eta function if $0.6 < \Re(s) < 0.9$

Let $s=\sigma + it$, with $0.6 < \sigma < 1$ and $\sigma=\Re(s)$. I am trying to get good enough approximations for $\eta(s)$, hoping something useful might come out of it. I stumbled upon a ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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What is known about products of zeta values?

A couple of years ago, I asked this MSE question on the evaluation of the product of even zeta values: $$ \prod_{n=1}^\infty \zeta(2n) \approx 1.82 \quad .$$ While it can be shown that the product ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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About generalized binomial theorem and Grünwald-Letnikov fractional derivative

I have run into a problem while computing the fractional derivatives of order $\alpha$ for the Riemann zeta function. My Theorem states Let $s\in\mathbb{C}$, $\mathfrak{Re}(s)>1$, then the ...
Flammable Maths's user avatar
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Riemann hypothesis and ternary Goldbach

Is there any result of the following shape: There exists an absolute constant $\delta>0$ such that the Riemann hypothesis for some $L$-functions is equivalent to the following estimate for all ...
Dr. Pi's user avatar
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Estimating integral of product of terms $\cos(t\log p)$

I would like to prove the following proposition from A. Harper's paper "Sharp conditional upper bound for moments of the Riemann Zeta Function" Proposition. Let $T$ be large and let $n=p_1^{\...
asd's user avatar
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Supremum of certain modified zeta functions at 1

Let $D$ be an integer number and let $\chi$ be the Dirichlet character defined by $$\chi(m) = 0 \text{ if $m$ even, } \chi(m) = (D/m) \text{ if $m$ odd,}$$ where $(D/m)$ denotes the Jacobi symbol. ...
Davide Cesare Veniani's user avatar
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Relation between the sign of the Stieltjes constants and some zero-free region of $\zeta$

One may recall that the Stieltjes constants $\gamma_{k}$ appear as the scaled coefficients in the regular part of the Laurent series expansion of the Riemann zeta function about $s = 1$: $$ \begin{...
Olivier Oloa's user avatar
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The simple zero conjecture for the Riemann zeta function

The simple zero conjecture says that all zeros of the Riemann zeta function are simple. Suppose the conjecture is not true. Namely there is an $s$ in the complex plane such that $\zeta(s)=0$ and the ...
Mahdi Teymuri Garakani's user avatar
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Solving a system of differential-like equations for reverse Euler-Maclaurin summation

Aim A particular instance of a rational zeries that has as of yet not been evaluated is: \begin{align} Z:= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\zeta(2n)}{(2n)!}. \label{EM1} \tag{EM1} \end{align} This sum ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Elementary functions such that $\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} f(n) \left( \zeta(n)-1 \right)$ can be evaluated, but $\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} f(n)$ can't

Background The general context for this question is the topic of rational zeta series. What I've found so far, is that it usually the case that sums of the form $$\zeta_{f} := \sum_{n=2}^{\infty} f(n) ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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The logarithmic derivative of a twisted L-function?

Let $F$ be a quadratic number field with class number $h_F = 1$. Let $\zeta_F$ be the Dedekind zeta function, we have $$ \frac{\zeta_F ' (1+it)}{\zeta_F (1+it)} \ll \frac{\log t}{\log\log t} .$$ (I ...
Misaka 16559's user avatar
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Possible regularisation for sum of function of primes

Consider the following sum of function of primes: $$-\sum_{p}\ln\left( 1 - \frac{1}{(ep)^{1/2}} \right){\ln(p)}$$ Here $p$ runs through all primes and $e$ is Euler's constant. We can see that the sum ...
Zaza's user avatar
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