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3 answers

About the prime divisors of values of polynomials

Let $P$ be a polynomial having integer coefficients (and degree $\geq 3$), and let $\mathscr P_P$ be the set of prime numbers dividing some value $P(n)$ with $n \in \mathbb Z$. Is it true that $\...
Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Least prime $p$ such that an irreducible polynomial of degree $n$ has no root modulo $p$?

This question is inspired by an old question of Greg Kuperberg, about how small is the first prime $p$ which makes a given monic polynomial $P$ with integral coefficient have a (simple) root modulo $p$...
Joël's user avatar
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9 votes
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Semi-primes represented by quadratic polynomials

According to Lemke-Oliver, irreducible quadratic polynomials $G$ with positive leading coefficient and $\rho(2)<2$, (where $\rho(m)$ denotes the number of incongruent solutions to the congruence $G(...
Delmastro's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

An elementary lower bound on the number of primes

Recall the second Chebyshev function: $$\psi(x) = \sum_{p \leq x} \lfloor \log_p x \rfloor \log p$$ where $x$ is a positive integer, and $p$ runs over all primes $\leq x$. In a hunt for an "...
Pablo's user avatar
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6 votes
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On the distribution of roots modulo primes of an integral polynomial

For motivation and related questions, see below. Rough sketch of the question. View $\bigsqcup_{p \text{ prime}} (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$ as a ‘subset’ of the unit circle, via $a\pmod{p} \mapsto e^{...
user98708's user avatar
5 votes
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Divergence of primes dividing polynomials

Let $Q : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}$ be a polynomial. Form the set $$M_{Q} := \{p:\text{ }p\text{ is prime, }\exists n_{p}\in \mathbb{Z}\text{ so that }p|Q(n_{p})\}$$ Is $$\sum_{s \in M_{Q}}\...
Siddharth Iyer's user avatar
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Is there a polynomial version of Wilson's theorem which can avoid Cramer flavored conjectures?

Wilson's theorem states that a natural number $n > 1$ is a prime number if and only if the product of all the positive integers less than $n$ is one less than a multiple of $n$. Is there a version ...
Turbo's user avatar
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2 votes
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quadratic residues and cubic polynomials [closed]

I'm really not sure about this, but I've heard somewhere that for any prime $p$, $|\sum_{x=0}^{p-1} (\frac{ax^3 +bx^2 +cx +d}{p} ) |\le \sqrt{2p}$ holds. Does anyone know a proof for this inequality ...
Junsukim's user avatar
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How to choose a prime p s.t. n-th cyclotomic polynomial splits into as much as possible irreducible polynomials while p is almost constant size?

The reason I ask this question is that cyclotomic polynomial is critical to the construction of lattice-based cryptography. In most of the existing lattice-based cryptographic schemes, $n$ is usually ...
user67451's user avatar
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Prime generating polynomials

Continuation to this previous question. According to Lemke-Oliver, an irreducible polynomial $G$ of degree $g$ with positive leading coefficient and $\Gamma_G\neq0$ (with $\Gamma_G$ a certain factor ...
Delmastro's user avatar
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0 votes
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A density zero set of primes dividing the values of a non-constant integer polynomial

For a given $P\in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ call a positive prime $p$ good if there exists $n\in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $p$ divides $P(n)$. Does there exist a non-constant $P$ such that the set of good primes has ...
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A sufficient condition for a set of primes to be the set of reducibility of an integer polynomial

Let $P$ be the set of all positive primes. Let $S$ an arbitrary infinite subset of $P$ satisfying the following assumption: there exists a finite Galois extension $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}$ and a conjugacy ...
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Polynomials of minimum degree that interpolate primes in intervals

Given an interval $[a,b]$ what is the minimum degree of univariate polynomials in $\mathbb Q[x]$ that passes through all primes between $a$ and $b$ (denoted by $\mathbb P[a,b]$ with total number of ...
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