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Roth's theorem for primes in a given arithmetic progression to a large modulus

Let $\mathbb{P}_{a, q}$ denote the set of primes congruent to $a$ modulo $q$. Are there any estimates for the number of $3$-Arithmetic Progressions in the set $\mathbb{P}_{a, q}\cap [1, X]$, where $(a,...
MathPanda's user avatar
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What is the density of numbers which have at least two divisors whose sum is a perfect square?

Note: This question was posted in MSE about two years ago but it not receive an answer. Hence posting in MO. A positive integer is said to have square-sum divisors if it has at least two divisors ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
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Prime divisors of the difference set

Fix $c\in(0,1)$, and let $N$ be a (large) positive integer. Given a set $A=\{0=a_1<\dots<a_n=N\}$ of density $\alpha:=n/N>c$ with $\gcd(A)=1$, I want to find a prime dividing as few ...
Seva's user avatar
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On certain number theoretic sextuples?

Given small parameters $0<\epsilon<\epsilon'$ is there an $n_\epsilon>0$ such that at every $n>n_\epsilon$ if we are given a prime $n^2<p<2n^2$ then can we always find integers $a,b,...
Turbo's user avatar
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