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On an inequality for the arithmetic function counting the number of primes $\lfloor n^c\rfloor$ in the spirit of Ramanujan's prime counting inequality

In page 3 of [1] (please see if you need it the book by Berndt) Axler refers an inequality that involves the prime-counting function $\pi(x)$ and that was deduced by Ramanujan. I'm curious to know if ...
user142929's user avatar
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Friedlander-Iwaniec Flipping moduli

I am reading section 12 (Flipping Moduli) of the paper "The polynomial $X^2+Y^4$ captures its primes" by Friedlander and Iwaniec. At page 997, just below equation (12.7) we start estimating the ...
user133643's user avatar
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On sets of coprime numbers

We know that from prime number theorem that the number of primes below $n$ and above $\frac n2$ (denoted by $\pi_{n,\frac n2}$ is approximately $$\pi_{n,\frac n2}\approx\frac{n}{2\ln n}.$$ Denote by $...
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Does the Riemann hypothesis predict a bound for this prime-counting function?

Does the Riemann hypothesis predict an upper bound for $$\left|f(x)-\left(\operatorname{li}(x)-\frac{x}{\log x} \right)\right|,\quad x\ge 2\tag{1}$$ where $$f(x)=\sum\limits_{n=2}^x \frac{\Lambda(n)}{\...
Steven Clark's user avatar
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Series with the smallest number whose square is divisible by $n$

I was looking into this sequence. And I'm particularly interested in the asymptotic behavior of the following series (which is stated on the site) $$\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{a(k)} \sim \frac{3(\log n)^2}...
Denys Lohvynov's user avatar
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complete estimates of the error for a well-known asymptotic expression of partition p(n,m)

Let $p(n,m)$ be the number of partitions of an integer $n$ into integers $\le m$, we have a well-known asymptotic expression: For a fixed $m$ and $n\to\infty$, $$p(n,m)=\frac{n^{m-1}}{m!(m-1)!} (1+...
QHLIU's user avatar
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On $\sum_{\substack{p\leq x\\p,p+2\text{ twin primes}}}\frac{(\log p)^m}{p}$, on assumption of the first Hardy–Littlewood conjecture

I wondered, inspired in a result from [1] (Proposition 17) what should be the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence, on assumption of the First Hardy–Littlewood conjecture, $$\sum_{\substack{\text{...
user142929's user avatar
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The asymptotic behavior of $F(\lambda):=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{\Gamma{(a k)}}{\Gamma{(b k)}}{\lambda}^{-k}$, $b>a>0$

Let $b>a>0$. Given $ \lambda>0$, what is the asymptotic behavior of $$F(\lambda):=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{\Gamma{(a k)}}{\Gamma{(b k)}}{\lambda}^{-k}$$ as $\lambda\to 0^{+}$ and as $\lambda \...
Medo's user avatar
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How to get asymptotic expansion of the sum of modified Bessel function $\sum_{n=1}^\infty K_0(s\, n)$ as $s\to 0^+$?

I guess for the modified Bessel funcion $K_0(z)$, $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty K_0(s\, n) \sim \frac{-2\log 2 - \log \pi + \gamma}{2} + \frac{\log s}{2} + \frac{\pi}{2\, s}, \quad s\to 0^+,$$ if taking $$\...
Rui's user avatar
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Asymptotic behavior in a modular color-cycling problem

Consider the following problem: We have $k$ rooms, each equipped with a light that cycles through three colors – red, green, and blue – in a cyclic order. Initially, all lights are set to red. Each of ...
PianothShaveck's user avatar
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Interpretation of an equivalence to the Riemann hypothesis due to de Reyna and Toulisse in the spirit of a formula from an article

In [1] the authors present an equivalence to the Riemann hypothesis that is the Theorem 6.2. On the other hand I know a statement from [2], in English this is the article Andrew Granville and Greg ...
user142929's user avatar
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What is the growth rate of the sum of powers of distinct primes closest to a given a integer?

Let $n$ be a positive integer, and $$2 = p_1 < p_2 < \dots < p_m \le n$$ be the sequence of all primes less than or equal to $n$. For each index $j$ let $p_j^{e_j}$ be the largest power of $...
Naysh's user avatar
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Bombieri-Vinogradov in short intervals

In 1985 Perelli, Pintz & Salerno proved a short-interval form of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem with $\theta \in (7/12, 1]$. Have there been any improvements on this, in particular with the ...
Stijn's user avatar
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Sums of multiplicative functions over residue classes

It was stated in this Shiu, P. work, page 169, Theorem 2, that $$\sum_{\substack{n\le x\\ n\equiv a\pmod k}}d_r^{\ell}(n)\ll\frac{x}{k}\left(\frac{\phi(k)}{k}\log x\right)^{r^{\ell}-1}.$$ Here, $d_r(n)...
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Asymptotic formula for the number of ways to write a number as the sum of $k$ triangular numbers

How would one derive an asymptotic formula for the number of representations of a number $n$ as the sum of $k$ numbers of the form $\frac{m(m + 1)}{2}$ I think that one could use the circle method, ...
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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A Brun-Titchmarsh type result for divisor sums; asymptotic/improved bound

In Shiu's work ('A Brun-Titchmarsh theorem for multiplicative functions') he proved that if $r\le x$ is a natural number, we have $$\sum_{r<n\le x}d(n)d(n-r)\ll x\log^2x\sum_{d|r}\frac{1}{d}.$$ I ...
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Asymptotics of $\vartheta(x+y)-\vartheta(x)$, where $\vartheta$ is the Chebyshev function, when $y\in[x^\alpha, x]$ for some $\alpha\in(0,1)$

Introduction Consider $\vartheta$ to be the Chebyshev function, that is, $\vartheta(x)$ denotes, for $x\in\mathbb N$, the sum $\sum_{p\le x,\ p\text{ prime}} \ln p$. I am interested in asymptotics for ...
Maximilian Janisch's user avatar
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Asymptotic behaviour of a sum involving Möbius function

(This is a cross-posted simplification of this question posted in MSE which did not have a complete answer.) I am trying to get the asymptotic behaviour when $n$ grows to infinity of a partial sum of ...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Sequences with high densities of primes: how to boost them to get even more and larger primes

I propose a methodology to help find large prime numbers with a much higher probability than picking up random numbers and testing them for primality. This would help speed up prime number generators ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Asymptotics on a double sum over primes

I am attemping to find asymptotics of $$\sum_{p \leq n}\ln p \left( \sum_{k=1}^\infty \left(\left\{\frac{n}{p^k} \right\} - \left\{\frac{n-1}{(p-1)p^k} \right\} \right) - \left\{\frac{n-1}{p-1} \...
Brian's user avatar
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On variations of a claim due to Kaneko in terms of Lehmer means

This post is cross posted from Mathematics Stack Exchange, due that there was a mistake from my part (see the excellent partial answer and my thread of edits of my question on MSE) this post on ...
user142929's user avatar
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What about series involving strong primes?

I know about the importance in analytic number theory of the sutdy of series involving prime numbers or constellations of prime numbers, for example, if I am not wrong, major theorems are Mertens' ...
user142929's user avatar
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Generalization of regularly varying functions

A continuous function $L :\mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}_+$ is called regularly varying (at infinity) if for all $a > 0$, $$ \lim_{x\to \infty} \frac{L(ax)}{L(x)}= g(a) $$ for some function $g(a)&...
Raziel's user avatar
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A sum with integer parts

Let $ \mathcal{A} $ be a set of reals such that $ \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A} } \frac{1}{a} = \infty $ and $ \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A} } \frac{1}{a^2} < \infty $. For instance, $ \mathcal{A} = \mathbb{N}^...
Synia's user avatar
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Integrating a product of integrals involving Bessel functions

I have asked similar questions on Math Stack Exchange, but not been able to receive many helpful responses. Therefore, I am posting this problem here, and any input would be extremely valuable. I ...
user363087's user avatar
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Bounds on the number of zeros of a quadratic form

Let $Q(x_1, \dots, x_n)$ be a non-degenerate indefinite quadratic form with integer coefficients. Let $N(Q,T)$ be the set of vectors $x=(x_1, \dots, x_n) \in {\mathbb Z}^n$ such that $|x|<T$ and $Q(...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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$n$th prime: a better approximation

Let $p_n$ be the $n$-th prime, then from Wikipedia I got that $p_n \approx n \left(\ln n + \ln \ln n -1 + \frac{\ln \ln n-2}{\ln n}+\frac{6\ln \ln n-( \ln \ln n)^2-11}{\ln^2 n} \right)$. What is a ...
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On the behaviour for the quotient involving Fermat numbers of $\frac{\psi(F_m)}{F_m}$ where $\psi(x)$ denotes the Dedekind psi function

In this post we denote the Dedekind psi function as $\psi(m)$ for integers $m\geq 1$. This is an important arithmetic fuction in several subjects of mathematics. As reference I add the Wikipedia ...
user142929's user avatar
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On non-singularity of integer matrices with bounded entries

Given $B>0$ and $n\in\Bbb N$ what is the probability that a given $n\times n$ integer matrix with all entries bound by absolute value $<B$ is non-singular? I am looking for precise scaling.
Turbo's user avatar
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Asymptotic lower bound for the number of square free with at least two prime factors

In one of Soundararajan's papers, he claims without proof that it is a standard exercise to show that the number $N(X)$ of positive square-free integers $d \equiv 1 \; \bmod \; 8$ less than $X$, with ...
Melanka's user avatar
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Asymptotics for a special sum with a divisor function

Is there an asymptotic for: $$\sum_{n\leq x\atop n \not\equiv 0(mod\ 2)}d(n)\ \mathrm{\mathbf{and}}\ \sum_{n\leq x\atop n \not\equiv 0(mod\ 2,3)}d(n)$$ I need this for this
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Sum of an arithmetic sequence involving Euler factors

I am trying to find an asymptotic formula for the following sum as $T \to \infty$. $$ \sum_{t = 1}^{T} \prod_{\substack{p \; \textrm{prime} \\ p | t}} \rho(p) \frac{1 - \frac{1}{p^2}}{1 - \frac{\rho(p)...
Melanka's user avatar
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Sum of divisors of Stirling numbers of the second kind

In this post we denote the Stirling number of the second kind as ${n\brace k}$, I add as reference the article Stirling numbers of the second kind from the encyclopedia Wikipedia. And we denote the ...
user142929's user avatar
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A question about a sum that involves gaps between twin primes, on assumption of the First Hardy–Littlewood conjecture

I wondered, inspired in a result mentioned from [1] (page 45), what should be the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence on assumption of the First Hardy–Littlewood conjecture $$\sum_{\substack{\text{...
user142929's user avatar
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Compare $\operatorname{rad}(an+b)$ and $\varphi(cn+d)$ in a simple and interesting inequality, for some choice of integers $a,b,c$ and $d$

We denote for an integer $n>1$ its square-free kernel as $$\operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid n\\p\text{ prime}}}p,$$ with the definition $\operatorname{rad}(1)=1$. You can see this ...
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Asymptotic for a number theoretic sequence and its Dirichlet series' convergence

I would like to know the asymptotic behaviour at large $n$ for $t\in\mathbb{R}$, $t\neq0$ of the following function: \begin{align*} A_n(t)&=\sum_{q=\frac{a}{b}\in \mathbb{Q}^+|\gcd(a,b)=1 \& ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Are there any known statistics on the sign of the Stieltjes Constants?

The Stieltjes Constants $\gamma_n$ arise from considering the laurent series of the Riemann Zeta function at $s=1$ $$ \zeta(s) = \frac{1}{s-1} + \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n \frac{\gamma_n}{n!} (s-1)^n $...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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On Zudilin's linear forms in $1,\zeta(5)$ and $\zeta(7)$

I am reading an article "Well-poised hypergeometric service for diophantine problems of zeta values" by W. Zudilin. Consider the quantities defined here in pg. $617$ $$\tilde{F_n}:= \frac{1}{...
Max's user avatar
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Asymptotics of $\sum \frac{d(n)}{n}$ with generating functions

We can determine the asymptotics of partial sums involving the divisor function accurately by means of, for example, the hyperbola method: $$\sum_{n\leq N}\frac{d(n)}{n}=\frac{1}{2}(\log(N))^{2}+2\...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Asymptotic behaviour of $\sum_{k=1}^{n}\frac{R_{k+1}+R_k}{R_{k+1}-R_k}$, where $R_k$ are the Ramanujan primes

I was inspired in the following post from this Math Overflow that was asked yerterday Asymptotic behavior of a certain sum of ratios of consecutives primes to ask about a similar question for ratios ...
user142929's user avatar
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On a continuous function as a substitute of the prime-counting function in the second Hardy–Littlewood conjecture satisfying certain asymptotics

It it well-known that the prime-counting function $\pi(x)$ satisfies the prime number theorem and that were in the literature two related conjectures to this arithmetic function, these are: the ...
user142929's user avatar
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From an inequality for the Euler's totient function to a combination of Firoozbakht's conjecture and Nicolas' criterion for the Riemann hypothesis

In this post we ask about the veracity of an inequality deduced from a combination of Firoozbakht's conjecture (see [1] or [2]) and Nicolas' criterion for the Riemann hypothesis (see for instance [3])....
user142929's user avatar
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Asymptotic of $\sum_{1\leq n\leq x}a_n$ where $\exp(\sum_{n=1}^\infty\alpha\operatorname{rad}(n)n^{-s})=\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{a_n}{n^s}$

Yesterday I tried to study the article [1] in wich were showed incredible expressions related to Dirichlet series. In the same way I wondered about next question. We denote for integers $m>1$ the ...
user142929's user avatar
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Asymptotic size for the number of terms not exceeding $n$ in the class $r$ for a classification of the type Erdös-Selfridge for square-free integers

It is possible to define a classification similar than the Erdös-Selfridge classification of primes for different sequences. Please ee [1], section A18 and the references cited in this book. Because ...
user142929's user avatar
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Size of a set defined by divisor function

After some computations, I guessed the following conjecture. How can I prove or disprove it? thanks! Let $$ A(k)=\#\left\{\left(t,\frac{k+t+a}{4t-1}\right):1\leq t\leq k,\ 1\leq a\leq k+t,\ a\mid(k+...
asad's user avatar
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Asymptotics for certain sum involving the divisor function, Ramanujan sum

Let $c_q(n)$ be the Ramanujan sum, and let $\tau(n)$ be the divisor function. Is there an asymptotic formula for $$\sum_{n\le x}\tau(n)c_q(n)$$ with error terms that do not depend on $q$?
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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Related to derivative of Modified Bessel I function wrt the order

I recently met some problems related to the modified Bessel I funtions. Let $I(\nu,x):=I_\nu(x)$, and $I'_\nu(\nu,x):=\dfrac{\partial}{\partial \nu}I(\nu,x)$. Using maple, it seems that $Re(\dfrac{I'...
Wiener Schmidt's user avatar
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Asymptotics of "ugly" function elucidate Goldbach's conjecture?

Question We now define the following "ugly" function: $$ A_c(s,r,n,m) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if only $sr+nm=2c$ } \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$ How does the "ugly"...
drewdles's user avatar
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Asymptotic of $\sum_{k=1}^n \operatorname{rad}(k!)$ and similar deductions

We denote for integers $m>1$ the product of the distinct prime numbers dividing $m$ as $$\operatorname{rad}(m)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ prime}}}p,$$ with the definition $\operatorname{rad}(...
user142929's user avatar
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On $(\prod_{\substack{1\leq s\leq X\\s\text{ semiprime}}}s)(\sum_{\substack{1\leq s\leq X\\s\text{ semiprime}}}\frac{1}{s})$ as $X\to\infty$

Few weeks ago an user from Mathematics Stack Exchange answered my question On an inequality that involves products and sums related to the sequence of semiprimes (asked May 26). It seems that for ...
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