Questions tagged [algorithms]

Informally, an algorithm is a set of explicit instructions used to solve a problem (e.g. Euclid's algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two integers). For more specific questions on algorithms, this tag may be used in conjunction with the approximation-algorithms, algorithmic-randomness and algorithmic-topology tags.

463 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Time complexity of randomized algorithm: right-multiplying by random elements $z_i$ from a group $H$ to achieve $H$-invariance

Note: This question was inspired by a related question about the Quantum Merlin Arthur (QMA) complexity class on Quantum Computing Stack Exchange. I was deliberating whether to ask this on CS Theory ...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar
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Given positions find the symmetry group

Given a finite set of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$ ($n=2,3$), is there any algorithm to find its symmetry group? For example, if the input is {(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)}, then the output is the dihedral ...
Marcelo Pedro's user avatar
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Check rapidly if a map of finite groups is a homomorphism

I have two non-abelian finite groups $G$ and $H$ of equal size $n$ and a map $f$ from the underlying set of $G$ to the underlying set of $H$. I store the groups as their multiplication tables (i.e. ...
Zhang's user avatar
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Worst case performance of heuristic for the non-Eulerian windy postman problem

The windy postman problem seeks the cheapest tour in a complete undirected graph, that traverses each edge at least once; the cost of traversing an edge is positive and may depend on the direction, in ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Calculating Minimum Spanning Trees in Very Big Graphs

I need to determine Minimum Spanning Trees (MST) of very big complete graphs, whose edgeweights can be calculated from data that is associated with the vertices. In the planar euclidean case, for ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Difference Between Total Least Squares Plane and Plane Orthogonal to Principal Axis of Inertia Tensor

Given a finite set $P$ of points in $\mathbb{E}^3$ , one can calculate an approximating plane either as the solution of a Total Least Squares problem or by interpreting the problem physically, ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Complexity of weighted fractional edge coloring

Given an edge-weighted multigraph $G=(V,E)$ with a positive, rational weight function $(w(e): e \in E)$, the weighted fractional edge coloring problem (WFECP) is to compute ($\min 1^T x$ subject to $...
mo2019's user avatar
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Heuristic for lower bounding the time for integer factorization?

I am posting this question here in hope that someone finds this heuristic useful, and maybe someone with more experience will make use of this: As @GerryMyerson suggested here is a statement of what ...
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Succinct circuits and NEXPTIME-complete problems

I am fascinated by a recent fact I was reading: Succinct Circuits are simple machines used to descibe graphs in exponentially less space, which leads to the downside that solving a problem on that ...
ACGT's user avatar
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Fastest Algorithm to calculate Graph pebbling number?

I am interested in Graph Pebbling, and in particular what are the fastest known algorithm is to find the pebbling number of a graph. Also, i am interested whether there are lower limits on the runtime ...
ACGT's user avatar
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Can one optimize the probability that an identity is satisfied until the probability is $1$?

I wonder how well one can obtain algebraic structures that satisfy interesting algebraic identities by simply slowly modifying those algebraic structures until they satisfy the required identities. I ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Known Methods for "Mutexing" Antiparallel Arcs in Graphs

I recently faced the problem of calculating shortest paths in undirected graphs in the presence of negative edge weights; I could not find any applicable algorithms via online search. Transforming the ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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First appearance of "structure tree"?

Let $G$ be a transitive permutation group acting on a set $\Omega$. A structure tree $T$ for $(G,\Omega)$ is defined as follows: if $G$ is primitive, then it consists of a root node connected by edges ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Stochastic Approximation Algorithms Converging to Local Equilibriums

Consider the stochastic iterative updates \begin{align} \theta_{t+1} \leftarrow \theta_t + \alpha_t \cdot \left [ h(\theta_t) + M_t \right ], \end{align} where $\theta_t \in \mathrm{R}^d$, $h \colon ...
Steve's user avatar
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Complexity of tensor decomposition vector over $\Bbb F_q$ or $\Bbb Z$

Suppose we have a matrix $$T\in\Bbb K^{n^k\times m}$$ and a target vector $v\in\Bbb F_q^m$ where $m<n^k$ and $1<k$ holds. We need to find $k$ vectors $u_1,\dots,u_k\in\Bbb K^n$ such that $$v=...
Turbo's user avatar
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Can the Moler and Morrison Algorithm be Improved?

In a nutshell, the Moler and Morrison algorithm is a fast method for calculating euclidean distances in a numerically stable way by using reflections instead of the pythagorean theorem. In order ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
  • 12.7k
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Inverse set cover problem

Given a universe $U$, and a set of subsets $S=\{S_i:S_i\subseteq U\}$, find $k$ such subsets so that their union size is minimal. Is there a name for this problem? Is it NP? Are there efficient ...
curl-up's user avatar
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Randomized algorithm to verify the uniqueness of non-negative solution to a linear system

Assume we have the under-determined linear system $$ Ax = y $$ $$A \in \mathbb R^{m \times n}_{\geq 0},\, y \in \mathbb R^m_{\geq 0},\, m < n,$$ for which we know a non-negative solution $x^* \in \...
Yauhen Yakimenka's user avatar
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Does there exist a linear-time algorithm to find a basis of the null space of the adjacency matrix of a tree?

I am working on a decomposition of trees based on the null space of the adjacency matrix of the tree. Most algorithm on trees are really fast. The decomposition could give some algorithms to find ...
Daniel Alejandro Jaume's user avatar
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Is pos(n) an algorithmic counter?

Let $\ \mathbf N = \{1\ 2\ \ldots\}\ $ be the set of natural numbers. Let $\ f : \mathbf N\rightarrow\mathbf N\ $ be an arbitrary function, and $\ \forall_{n\in\mathbf N}\, F(n)\ :=\ \max_{k = 1\ldots ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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Finding good high-dimensional sphere coverings in Euclidean space

Suppose we want to cover the unit sphere $\mathcal{S}^{d-1} := \{\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^d: \|\mathbf{x}\|_2 = 1\}$ with spherical caps $\mathcal{C}_{\mathbf{y}} := \{\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{S}^{d-1}...
TMM's user avatar
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Finding orthogonal basis with constraint

Is there any fast algorithm that output an orthogonal basis $e_i,i\leq n$ of $R^n$ with $e_i\in V_i$? Where $V_i,i\leq n$ are given linear subspaces of $R^n$. And is there any condition on $V_i,i\leq ...
Jiayi Liu's user avatar
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smallest ball enclosing one point of each color

I have a set of colored points (say 10 colors with 50 points of each color) in a 100-dimensional space. I want to choose one point of each color so that the 10 points are as close to each other as ...
summerstay's user avatar
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Calculating a Combinatorial Generalization of Planar Convex Hulls

In this question I have suggested a generalization of the notion of a set of points in the Euclidean plane being in convex configuration to the set of vertices of symmetric weighted graphs via $k$-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Is there a name for this variant of the MST and the TSP?

Suppose I am given a weighted graph $G$ that contains a "start vertex" $v_0$, and my goal is to construct a set of paths that all originate at $v_0$ and touch all of the vertices of $G$, with as ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Blossoms and Colorings

There is a striking analogy between finding maximum matchings in graphs and determining the chromatic number of graphs: both problems are fairly easy for bipartite graphs, but harder, resp. too hard ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Avoiding Chinese Remainder Theorem

Given $k\in\Bbb N$ with $k<(\log_2N)^{\frac1\alpha}$ where $\alpha>2$ is fixed and $N$ being some integer such that $$N<\prod_{i=1}^k\pi_i^{a_i}$$ where $\pi_1,\pi_2,\dots,\pi_{k-1},\pi_k$ ...
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Worst case performance of a simple averaging algorithm

Let $u_1,\ldots,u_n$ be a sequence of rationals with finite binary expansion. Consider the following simple averaging algorithm: while the sequence is not monotone increasing, pick $i$ with $u_{i+1}&...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Does knowing $g, g^r, g^{r^2}, g^{r^3}, \dotsc$ sometimes offer a significant advantage in finding $r$?

Is there a cyclic group $\mathcal G$ with generator $g$ for which the discrete log problem is assumed to be hard, but knowing $g, g^r, g^{r^2}, g^{r^3}, \dotsc$ for random $r$ makes finding $r$ easy? ...
wlad's user avatar
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A basic minimization problem over finite fields

Let $p$ be a prime, and suppose we are given $n$ values mod $p$: $a_1,...,a_n\in Z_p$. Is there a fast algorithm for finding $\alpha\in Z_p$ which minimizes the value $\max_i (\alpha\cdot a_i$ mod $p$...
Jason Bourne's user avatar
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Select n vectors from k vectors (in 3D) such that each component of the resultant vector >= each component of a given vector M

this was left unanswered for 1 week on MStackExchange, so I thought MOverflow would be more appropriate. Thanks :) Let $R = (R_x, R_y, R_z)$ be the resultant vector of the n vectors and $M = (M_x, ...
Jean Lille's user avatar
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Computing maximal ideals of a Lie algebra

Would you know an algorithm (or an automatic method) that computes all maximal ideals $J$ of a given Lie algebra? Or an algorithm that computes all maximal ideals $J$ containing a given minimal ideal ...
Nina's user avatar
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NP hard problems on geometric graphs

I have posted this question before but i don't feel i expressed my confusion clearly enough. So i would like to try and explain again. This is a proof of the minimum vertex cover for unit disk graphs ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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Containing a "fuzzy" ellipsoid within an ordinary ellipsoid

Consider the ellipsoid described by the inequality $(x - x_c)^T P^{-1} (x - x_c) \leq 1$, where the vector $x_c \in \mathbb{R}^n$ denotes the center of the ellipsoid and the symmetric positive ...
Mehmet Ozan Kabak's user avatar
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Complexity of an algorithm to solve linear diophantine equations

A friend of mine ask me yesterday a problem, however, the interesting part for me it is not his problem, but what I will ask here. I want to know the optimal complexity of an algorithm (I mean the ...
user39115's user avatar
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Computing the chromatic polynomial of graph modulo $x-3$

The chromatic polynomial of graph $P(G,x)$ is univariate polynomial which counts the number of colorings of $G$ with $x$ colors for natural $x$. Graph is not $k$ colorable iff $P(G,k)=0$. The ...
joro's user avatar
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Is finding a single vector in the null space as difficult as discovering the whole null space?

Let $A \in \mathbb R^{k\times n}$ be a matrix of rank $k$, where $k \ll n$. One can use Gaussian eliminations to discover $\operatorname{null}(A)$ at the cost of $O(nk^2)$. My question is: Is the ...
Yuan Gao's user avatar
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Lanczos algorithm with thick restart on a dynamic matrix

currently, I'm working on a way to compute the 2 biggest eigenvalues of a real, symmetric, huge and sparse matrix that changes a few entries from time to time. The problem should be solved using an ...
Hubert's user avatar
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Smallest distribution of points with genuinely different clusterings

An hierarchical clustering algorithm for (finite) sets of points in a given metric space is essentially determined by its linkage criterion, which defines the distance between arbitrary (finite) sets ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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largest size for a randomness extractor

I am not so expert in theoretical computer science, so sorry if the question is trivial, i just could not find it in literature. Suppose we have a source $X$ with min-entropy $\ell$, the randomness ...
math-Student's user avatar
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Algorithms to compute largest gap between smallest nonzero eigenvalues of sparse symmetric matrix

I am looking mainly for implementations but also for theoretical algorithms to compute gaps between smallest positive eigenvalues of symmetric, singular matrix or real numbers. To be precise, I want ...
user47459's user avatar
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In what paper was the shrinkage parameter introduced to the nelder-mead simplex direct search algorithm?

I have read lots of papers referencing a 4th shrinkage parameter when talking about the Nelder Mead Simplex method. However, I cannot see any shrinkage parameter in the flow chart of the original ...
Craig's user avatar
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Most efficient algorithm for computing norm of the residual for the least squares problem in the rank deficient case

I have a large $m\times n$ data matrix $A$, $m>n$, and response $m$-vector $b$. I need to calculate $E = ||Ax-b||_2$ as quickly as possible, where $x$ is the least squares solution. I don't need ...
user30651's user avatar
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Find minimum-area ellipse enclosing a set of ellipses, all centered at the origin

Given a set of N > 2 (two-dimensional and coplanar) ellipses, all centered at the origin, how do I find the ellipse with the minimum area which encloses all of them? Background: Thanks to Will Jagy ...
Dave's user avatar
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Choosing a base where a given digit of a given number appears the most times

Is there an algorithm for choosing a base where a given digit of a given number appears the most times, that works better then trial and error? (see also this)
goiken's user avatar
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Randomized alternative to Buchberger's algorithm

Richard Lipton's blog describes a A New Way To Solve Linear Equations by Prasad Raghavendra. Can the ideas in this algorithm be generalized to systems of polynomial equations to provide a randomized ...
user19172's user avatar
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Algorithm for keeping a concrete version of Euclid's argument simple

(A version of this same question was posted to stackexchange.) Suppose we do what Euclid wrote about: starting with a finite set of primes, multiply them, add or subtract 1, factor the result, append ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Prime generating algorithm

If I want an algorithm that outputs any $n$ distinct prime numbers, is there anything faster than Atkins' Sieve $O(n/log(log(n))$ ?
a_MSE_user's user avatar
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Hamiltonian paths in subgraphs of rectangular lattice graphs

Is following decision problem NP-hard / NP-complete: Having vertex-induced subgraph of rectangular lattice graph determine if any Hamiltonian path exists Having vertex-induced subgraph of rectangular ...
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz's user avatar
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Recovering a linear map from a non-linear approximation

The problem described here is algorithmic. We are given "black box access" to a map $f:R^d\to R^d$. By this we mean that one may query the value of $f(v)$ for an arbitrary $v\in R^d$. We assume that ...
Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira's user avatar

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