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Graph classes which have small edge k-cuts

I am interested in graph classes that have the following property: There exists a function $f(k)$ such that for every graph $G$ in the class, for every choice of $k$ vertices $v_1, \ldots, v_k$ in the ...
Vilhelm Agdur's user avatar
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Minimizing intersections between spanning trees of graph embeddings in polynomial time

Assume I have $N$ complete graphs $G_1, G_2,...,G_N$, and consider their embeddings $E_1, E_2,...,E_N$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Is there a (potentially stochastic) polynomial time algorithm to construct ...
Noam's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Approximation of Hamiltonian cycles

Let's define the $\texttt{MinHalfSimpCycle}$ search problem: Given $G=(V, E)$ a complete, undirected graph with weights on the edges. We want a simple cycle in $G$ (each vertex appears in it at most ...
Beduin's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Efficient algorithm for graph problem

Let $D=(V,E)$ be a directed graph, $S,T\subset V$ and $f:V\rightarrow \{1,\ldots, k\}$ a positive, bounded weight-function and $l\in \mathbb{N}$, find a path $v_1,\ldots, v_l\in V$ with $v_1\in S$ and ...
Martin Clever's user avatar
12 votes
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Finding the diameter of an unknown tree: Is BFS optimal?

I'm interested on the following nice problem that is somewhat standard in CS, but I was surprised on the lack of references on the optimal algorithm to this problem. Ana and Banana plays the ...
Curious's user avatar
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Enumerate spanning trees

I am using Pawel Winter's algorithm to enumerate all spanning trees. What I need to do now is enumerate all spanning trees where one edge say e1 remains in the tree and the edge e2 is in e1's ...
dubc's user avatar
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3 votes
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Algorithm to evaluate "connectedness" of a binary matrix

I have the following problem: given an $m \times n$ binary matrix $A$ like e.g. the following $9 \times 39$ matrix: ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Touring a sequence of convex polygons with minimal energy

There is a known problem of touring a sequence of $n$ polygons: given a starting point $s$, an ending point $t$ and a sequence of polygons $P_1,\dots,P_k$ with a total of $n$ vertices, find points $...
ssss nnnn's user avatar
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1 answer

Complexity of maximum weight-sum matching for cycle graphs

I need to determine a matching with maximal weight-sum for a cycle graph with positive, negative and zero edge-weights. Question: What is the fastest way of calculating such a matching? Because of ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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What is the complexity of computing isomorphism of two non-regular graphs?

Regular graphs are the graphs in which the degree of each vertex is the same. Much research has gone into investigating isomorphism of regular graphs, and we know that computing isomorphism for ...
Eauriel's user avatar
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Building hypercubes from the bottom up

let $H^k$ denote a $k$-dimensional hypercube in a complete symmetric graph $G(V,E)$ without self-loops and parallel edges; let $|V|=2^n$ be the number of vertices. setting $\mathbb{H}^0 := V$, i.e. ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Complexity of finding single source paths with capacity constraints and length constraints

Let $G=(V,A)$ be a directed graph with distinguished vertex $s\in V$ and let $c:A\rightarrow{\mathbb N}$ denote arc capacities. For any $t\in V,t\not=s$ we are given two numbers: $C_{t},L_{t}$. Let $...
Yossi Peretz's user avatar
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(Hyper)Graph canonical labeling - Optimizing for subgraphs [Nauty/Traces?]

To a hypergraph, we can apply the following transformations: [Vertex Removal of Type A] Remove a specified vertex from the hypergraph. As for the edges that contained this vertex, remove all of these ...
Johann Birnick's user avatar
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Minimum cost k-edge connected subgraph

The problem of finding a k-edge connected spanning subgraph with the minimum number of edges is $ \mathcal{NP} $-hard in general. Is it the case for positive weighted graphs with "fractional ...
Bence's user avatar
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Graph vertices selection for paths sum minimalization

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a simple, finite, weighted, undirected, connected graph. Let $P = \{p_{ij}, p_{kl}, p_{il}, ... \}$ be a set of paths, where $p_{ij}$ is a path from $i$-th to $j$-th vertex. Is ...
Tomasz Rybotycki's user avatar
4 votes
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Algorithm for grouping tetrahedra from Voronoi diagram

I have a set of 3D Voronoi generator points and their neighbouring points, which, when connected, should result in a Delaunay tetrahedralization. However, I'm having a hard time implementing this. My ...
catmousedog's user avatar
10 votes
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Deciding homomorphic images of De Bruijn graphs

The De Bruijn graph $B_n$ of dimension $n$ (on the two-letter alphabet) is defined as the directed graph on $2^n$ vertices and $2^{n+1}$ edges, where for every $w = w_0 \dots w_n \in 2^{n+1}$ we put ...
Sam van G's user avatar
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Constructing orientations that increase (directed) distances between vertices in a maximum independent set

An orientation of a simple undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is a directed graph $G' = (V,E')$ that is constructed by including either $(u,v) \in E'$ or $(v,u) \in E'$, but not both, for all $(u,v) \in E$. ...
fawadria's user avatar
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Counting $n$-edge directed graphs

I would like to count the $n$-edge directed graphs. The graphs might contain self-loops (edges connecting a vertex to itself) and multiple edges (multiple edges connecting the same pair of vertices). ...
tim guo's user avatar
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Hard instances for this graph isomorphism algorithm based on powers of weighted adjacency matrices?

In short, I found an algorithm for GI and the only hard instances I found so far are non-isomorphic strongly regular graphs with large automorphism groups. Q1 What are hard instances for the ...
joro's user avatar
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Is there an algorithm to generate non-isomorphic Halin graphs?

A Halin graph is a graph constructed by embedding a tree with no vertex of degree two in the plane and then adding a cycle to join the tree’s leaves. We found a list of the number of Halin graphs ...
Licheng Zhang's user avatar
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Algorithmic complexity of calculating maximum weight $k$-regular subgraphs

Question: what is known about the complexity of calculating the heaviest $k$-regular subgraph of a weighted symmetric graph if edge-weights can also be negative? Please note that in contrast to $k$-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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2 answers

Compute the average path weights of paths with the same path length in a directed acyclic graph (DAG)

Given a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) $G=(V,E)$ with each edge $e\in E$ has a non-negative weight $w(e)$. For a path $p=(e_1,e_2,\dotsc,e_n)$ in $G$, define the path weight as : $w(p)=\sum_{i=...
cbyh's user avatar
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Finding $k$ active elements by evaluating the "any-operator" of subsets of variables

Assume a set $S$ of elements $\{s_1,\dots,s_n\}$, each which has a hidden label 'active' or 'inactive'. Assume there are $m\ll n$ active elements in total. You are allowed to iteratively perform a ...
Erik Hellsten's user avatar
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Do all graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges have a special property?

Given the positive integers $n$ and $m$, consider the set of graphs $\mathcal{G} = \{G=(V,E): |V|=n \land |E|=m\}$. For which values of $n$ and $m$ does the following requirement hold: $\forall G \in \...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
3 votes
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Algorithm for finding a minimum weight circuit in a weighted binary matroid

For a given weighted graph $G = (V, E)$, there is a simple algorithm for finding the minimum weight circuit by running Dijkstra's algorithm $|E|$ times. Also for a matroid $M = (E, I)$ one can use the ...
Patrik Pavic's user avatar
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Sum of products on a directed acyclic graph

Is there a textbook/paper that I can reference for the following problem? I am looking for a concise proof that I can cite. Let $G=(V,E)$ be a weighted directed acyclic graph, and consider $s,t\in V$....
owovrokfop's user avatar
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Vertex cover in bipartite graphs with bounds on cost and size

Suppose we have a bipartite graph $G$ with non-negative integer vertex costs. We would like to find a vertex cover of cost at most $C$ and size (number of vertices) at most $S$, where $C$ and $S$ are ...
Edith Elkind's user avatar
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Perfect matching decomposition algorithm for bipartite regular graphs

It is a well-known result that a bipartite graph can be decomposed into edge-disjoint perfect matchings if and only if it is regular. Now here comes the question. Given a bipartite regular graph, is ...
CCC's user avatar
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How can we hang the weighted trees so that vertices nearer to root (based on distances, not hop count) lie in upper levels?

I have a set of edge weighted trees, each tree rooted at some vertex. Consider these trees are hung from the roots and vertices are arranged in some levels. I wish to design an algorithm (...
Hemraj Raikwar's user avatar
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Find a cut of a graph that minimizes the ratio between the edge weights of the cut and the edge weights inside one subgraph

Given an edge-weighted undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ (can assume the weights are non-negative) and a source node $v_s\in V$, a cut is a partition of $G$'s vertices into two complementary sets $S$ and $T$....
cbyh's user avatar
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Minimum edge-weighted directed subgraph in polynomial time

I am looking for an algorithm with polynomial complexity where, given a strongly connected edge-weighted digraph I can find the minimal subgraph which connects some root vertex v to a known set of ...
Nathan Owen's user avatar
4 votes
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Connecting $2n$ points in $\mathbb R^2$ with line segments s.t. each point belongs to exactly one line segment

I'm trying to do a certain simulation related to the toric code and I'm looking for an algorithm that connects $2n$ points ($n \in \mathbb Z_+$) in $\mathbb R^2$ with line segments with the following ...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar
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Standard test for the recognition of toroidal graphs

Is there a standard test for the recognition of toroidal graphs? I have been using the Boyer–Myrvold planarity algorithm, which has a MATLAB and C++ implementation.
test's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm for edge-coloring complete graphs

Edge coloring of a graph is an assignment of “colors” to the edges of the graph so that no two adjacent edges have the same color with an optimal number of colors. Two edges are said to be adjacent if ...
Xin Zhang's user avatar
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Algorithm to calculate edge orbits of a graph

Vertex orbits are a well-known concept in Graph Theory: these are the equivalence classes of vertices under the automorphism group $Aut(G)$ of a graph $G$. In the example, circled vertices are ...
Lluís Alemany-Puig's user avatar
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Reconstructing a 2-factor from its edge set

Let $G(V,E)$ be a symmetric graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges that has a $2\text{-factor}$ with edge set $F$, i.e. $F$ are the edges of an undirected vertex-disjoint cycle cover of $G$. Question: ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Do there (or might there) exist computable invariants for Aut(G)-invariant subgraphs of a graph G?

I am interested in algorithms for computing all subgraphs (not necessarily induced) of a graph $G$ up to $Aut(G)$ isomorphism. I had the idea of partitioning the edges of the graph like so $$\{F|E(G)\...
healynr's user avatar
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Steiner tree subject to edge capacity constraint

Given a network of routes modeled as a graph where each edge $e$ has a capacity $c_e$. We have a source node $s$ and a set of destination nodes $t_i$ ($1\le i\le k$). We need to transport $q_i$ ...
lchen's user avatar
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Construct a rooted plane tree with nodes labelled

A rooted tree is a tree with a distinguished root node. When a rooted tree is embedded in a plane, a cyclic ordering is induced on the subtrees of the root. Such trees are called rooted plane trees. ...
Xin Zhang's user avatar
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A variant of min-cost flow problem

Given a flow $f$ in graph $G$. For each node $v\in G$, we call the edges ajacent to $v$ containing non-zero quantity of flow as $v$'s active edges. My problem is to find a min-cost flow under the ...
lchen's user avatar
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Deduce unsolvability of $\operatorname{IP}(G_0)$ from the Adian–Rabin Theorem

$\operatorname{IP}(G_0)$: the special isomorphism problem for $G_0$, i.e., given $G_0$, determine if $G$ is isomorphic to $G_0$. My question is that how can we deduce from the Adian–Rabin theorem that ...
Star21's user avatar
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A variant of node-disjoint path problem

Given a graph $G$, I want to find $2$ (or $k$) node-disjoint paths with minimum total cost (or minimum maximum cost). The problem is a classical problem, but I have the following non-trivial setting. ...
lchen's user avatar
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4 votes
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Enumeration of stable graphs of genus $g$

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a connected undirected finite graph, let us call $G$ stable if each vertex has degree at least $3$. Is there a computer algorithm to efficiently enumerate (repetition allowed) all ...
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Max flow with minimum number of edges

A max-flow problem may have multiple solutions. Among these max-flows, I seek the one with the minimum number of positive flow edges (by positive flow edges I mean the edges carrying positive flow). ...
lchen's user avatar
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5 votes
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Diffie Hellman cryptography based on graph isomorphism?

We got a cryptographic algorithm and computer implementation based on graph isomorphism. An isomorphism between two graphs is a bijection between their vertices that pre serves the edges. For a graph $...
joro's user avatar
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A sufficient condition for a subcubic graph having a 2-distance vertex 4-coloring

Let $G$ be a subcubic graph with only vertices of degree 1 or degree 3. Suppose that $G$ has an edge coloring $\varphi$ using colors from $\{1,2,3,4,5\}$ such that each edge is colored with a set of ...
W. Paul Liu's user avatar
10 votes
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Is there a website or a survey collecting all NP-complete problems on graph theory?

I wonder whether there is a website or a survey collecting all known NP-complete or NP-hard problems on graph theory?
W. Paul Liu's user avatar
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Decomposing a planar graph

Thomassen proved that the vertex set of every planar graph can be decomposed into two sets inducing a 1-degenerate graph and a 2-degenerate graph, respectively (C. Thomassen, Decomposing a planar ...
jack's user avatar
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What is a good algorithm to measure similarity between isomorphic graphs with different node labels?

I am using graphs to represent some structured data. In my case, I have a time series of undirected unweighted graphs with the same topology (i.e. isomorphic graphs with same number of nodes and edges,...
Shaun Han's user avatar
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