Questions tagged [algebraic-theory]

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Michel Thiébaud's thesis ("Self-Dual Structure-Semantics and Algebraic Categories")

I am looking for a copy of Michel Thiébaud's 1971 thesis Self-Dual Structure-Semantics and Algebraic Categories, which appears to be an early reference for the relationship between the Kleisli ...
varkor's user avatar
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Were algebraic theories and abstract clones defined independently?

Algebraic theories (by which I mean the formalism based on bijective-on-objects functors) and abstract clones both capture universal algebraic structure, and are well-known to be equivalent. Algebraic ...
varkor's user avatar
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The graph of algebraic theories

Fix a logic $L$ and consider the category $\mathbf{AlgTh}_L$ with theories of $L$ as objects and theory interpretations as morphisms. For nice enough logics, this category has pushouts (which we will ...
Jacques Carette's user avatar
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Original reference for the correspondence between commutative algebraic theories and commutative monads

Commutative algebraic theories were introduced by Linton in the 1966 paper Autonomous Equational Categories. Commutative monads were introduced by Kock in the 1970 paper Monads on symmetric monoidal ...
varkor's user avatar
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Characterisation of essentially algebraic theories with a fixed set of sorts

It is well known (e.g. Palmgren–Vickers's Partial Horn logic and cartesian categories) that many-sorted essentially algebraic theories (equivalently partial Horn theories / quasi-equational theories / ...
varkor's user avatar
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Pseudo-morphisms in essentially algebraic theories

Categories with terminal objects can be written as an essentially algebraic theory or a generalized algebraic theory: There is one sort $M$ with unary operations $\DeclareMathOperator\dom{dom}\dom$, $\...
Trebor's user avatar
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Right transferred model structure on the category of algebras in the Grothendieck topos

Let M be a model category that is a Grothendieck topos. Let $T$ be a multisorted finitary algebraic theory. Does there exist the right transferred model structure on the category of $T$-algebras in $M$...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar