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Are any of these complex surfaces ever projective?

Let $C$ and $T$ be compact connected Riemann surfaces (or: smooth projective connected curves over $\mathbb{C}$) of genus at least two and let $X:=C\times T$. Let $(c,t)$ be a point of $X$, and let $...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Non-isotrival fiber bundle over compact Riemann surface

In this paper, Kodaira constructed a fiber bundle $\Phi:M_{m,n}\to S$ from a compact complex surface $M_{m,n}$ to a compact Rieman surface $S$ of genus $>0$. In particular, (on p.212) for any point ...
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Surfaces containing curves of arbitrarily negative self-intersection

Olivier Wittenberg and I are curious about the following : Let $S$ be a smooth projective complex surface. Are the self-intersection numbers of integral curves on $S$ always bounded below ? Or can $S$...
Olivier Benoist's user avatar