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When do 27 lines lie on a cubic surface?

Consider $27$ (pairwise distinct!) lines in $\mathbb{P}^3$ whose intersection graph is that expected¹ of the $27$ lines on a smooth cubic surface. Question: Is there a simple necessary and sufficient ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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10 votes
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Automorphisms of del Pezzo surfaces

Let $S$ be a del Pezzo surface of degree six over $\mathbb{C}$. Then $S$ is the blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^2$ in three general points $p_1,p_2,p_3$. Is it true that its automorphism group is $((\mathbb{C}...
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6 votes
2 answers

Generalisations of Riemann-Roch for surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective algebraic surface (over $\mathbb{C}$ ). For all $L\in \mathrm{Pic}(X)$, we have $$\chi(L)=\chi(\mathcal{O}_X)+\frac{1}{2}(L^2-L\cdot \omega_X).$$ This is the famous ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Embedding of algebraic surfaces

If I am not mistaken there is a theorem that says any curve $C$ can be embedded in $\mathbf{P}^3$. What can be said about surfaces? Do we have a theorem like: All surfaces can be embedded in $\...
Najdorf's user avatar
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Self intersection and deformations

Suppose I have a smooth projective surface $S$ and a curve $C\subset S$. The self-intersection of $C$ is by definition the degree of the restriction to $C$ of the normal bundle of $C$ inside $S$. By ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Embedding degree 1 Del Pezzo surfaces in $\mathbb{P}(1,1,2,3)$

In the projective bundle $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{O}(-1)\oplus \mathcal{O}(-1)\oplus \mathcal{O})\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^1$ consider the hypersruface $$ X := \{a_{00}y_0^2+a_{01}y_0y_1+a_{02}y_0y_2+a_{11}...
Robert B's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Nef divisors on surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective rational surface over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and $D$ a divisor on $X$ such that $D$ is nef and $D^2 = 0$ with the following properties: $...
Puzzled's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Surface of type $(2,2)$ on the Segre cubic scroll $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^2 \subset \mathbb{P}^5$

Let $S=\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^2 \subset \mathbb{P}^5$ embedded with the Segre embedding given by $\mathcal{O}_S(1,1)$. If we intersect $S$ with a general smooth quadric $Q \subset \mathbb{P}^5$...
gigi's user avatar
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Symmetric groups acting on rational surfaces

Let $X$ be a complex projective rational surface. Is there an upper bound on $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $S_n\subset \text{Aut}(X)$? Here $S_n$ is the symmetric group on $n$ elements.
Robert B's user avatar
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4 votes
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A question on young persons guide to canonical singularities

In the Corollary at pag 407 of Young persons guide to canonical singularities there is a formula to compute the contributions $c_q(D)$ to Riemann-Roch of a divisor $D$ passing through a point $q\in X$,...
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4 votes
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Infinitesimal deformations of a singular projective surface

Let $X$ be a normal projective surface with just two singular points $x_1,x_2\in X$, where $X$ has rational quotient singularities. Assume that both the singularities in $x_1$ and in $x_2$ admit a ...
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3 votes
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octic K3s inside cubic 4-folds

From the Thesis of B.Hassett I seem to understand that a smooth cubic 4-fold $X$ containing a $\mathbb{P}^2$ should contain also a octic K3, but I cannot see a natural way by which this K3 octic could ...
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Quartic symmetroids and 10-points sets

A quartic surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$ is said to be a "symmetroid" if its equation is obtained as the determinant of a 4x4 symmetric matrix of linear forms. It is well known that the general symmetroid ...
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degeneration of a Veronese surface

Let $V$ be the Veronese surface, obtained as the image of $\mathbb{P}^2$ in $\mathbb{P}^5$ by the complete linear system of conics. I understand that $V$ can degenerate to the union of a cubic scroll $...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Singularities of surfaces fibered in rational curves

Let $S$ be a projective surface with a morphism $S\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^1$ whose fibers are either smooth $\mathbb{P}^1$'s or the union of two smooth $\mathbb{P}^1$'s intersecting in a point. ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Surface in $\mathbb{P}^N$ covered by rational normal curves

Assume that for some $n \in \mathbb{N}$ I have a (possibly singular) irreducible, non-degenerate complex surface $X_n \subset \mathbb{P}^{N}$ with the following properties: for all $p \in X_n$ there ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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singularities of the dual variety of a surface

I am looking for a proof/reference of the following simple fact, which I think it holds true. Let $S\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ be a surface embedded by a very ample linear system. Then I know that the ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Surfaces singular along a curve

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^3$ be a smooth curve a degree $d$ and genus $g$. Let $\mathcal{S}$ be the system of surfaces of degree $k$ in $\mathbb{P}^3$ containing $C$ with multiplicity $\beta$. What is ...
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Classification of quartic surfaces

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero (non necessarily algebraically closed, we may assume for instance that $k = \mathbb{C}(t)$). Does there exist a classification of degree four surfaces $S\...
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quasi-trigonal curves

I have read in the literature about quasi-trigonal curves. Such a curve C is a hyperelliptic curve X with two points p,q identified (basically a pinch). They seem to be pretty important in the theory ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Geometry of contracted divisors

Let $f:\mathbb{P}^3\dashrightarrow\mathbb{P}^2$ be a dominant rational map defined over a field $k$ (not necessarily algebraically closed) of characteristic zero. Consider a resolution $\widetilde{f}:...
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Surfaces with rational double points

Let $S\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$ a surface fibered in conics over a field. Assume that $S$ has a single non reduced fiber $F$ with two points of type $A_1$ on it. Blowing-up the two points and ...
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Rational and rationally chain connected surfaces

A projective variety $X$ over the complex numbers is rationally connected if two general points of $X$ can be joined by a rational curve in $X$, and rationally chain connected if two general points of ...
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Morphisms contracting a family of curves

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of normal projective varieties. Let $S\subseteq X$ be a surface admitting a morphism $g:S\rightarrow C$ to a curve $C$ such that any fiber of $g$ is a curve. ...
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Pseudoeffective divisors on surfaces

Consider a minimal smooth conic bundle $S$ of dimension two. Assume that there are two curves $C,F$ on $S$ such that $C^2 < 0$ and $F^2 = 0$. Let $D$ be a pseudoeffective divisor on $S$ such that $...
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