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Concrete reasons to study derived categories of quasi-coherent sheaves on algebraic stacks?

Title says it all. There seems to be a lot of work done on derived categories of quasi-coherent sheaves on stacks, and yet I couldn't find many "external" applications. I'm mainly wondering ...
Calculus101's user avatar
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Comparison between pushforward-pullback and quasi-coherent pushforward-pullback

In the following, an algebraic stack means a stack over the big fppf site of a scheme, admitting a smooth, representable, surjective morphism from a scheme (no separation hypotheses), and let $\mathsf{...
Stahl's user avatar
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Canonical comparison between $\infty$ and ordinary derived categories

This question is a follow-up to a previous question I asked. If $\mathcal{D}(\mathsf{A})$ is the derived $\infty$-category of an (ordinary) abelian category $\mathsf{A},$ then the homotopy category $h\...
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Derived McKay correspondence between a weighted projective plane and a Hirzebruch surface

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of $\text{ch}(k) =0$. Let $\mathbb{P}(1,1,2)$ be the weighted projective plane of weight $(1,1,2)$ as a stack. Let $\mathbf{P}(1,1,2)$ be the weighted ...
Z.N's user avatar
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$D^b_\text{Coh}(X)$ for a smooth, proper Deligne-Mumford stack

Let $X$ be a smooth, proper DM stack over a field $k$. I see in Hall-Rydyh's paper "Perfect Complexes on Algebraic Stacks" ( a discussion of compact ...
locally trivial's user avatar
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Commutative group stacks and Galois cohomology

"Classically", if we consider an abelian variety $A$ over some number field $k$, we get a $Gal(\bar{k}/k)$-module $A(\bar{k})$, or equivalently a sheaf of abelian groups on the étale site $\...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Skyscraper sheaf on a stack associated to a singular surface

Suppose $X$ is a normal projective surface with a du Val singularity. In this case, we know a crepant resolution $Y$ exists, and results of Kawamata (, Corollary 3.5) ...
Franco's user avatar
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Derived pullback of the coarse moduli morphism

Let $f: \mathcal{X}\to X$ be a morphism from a smooth DM-stack $\mathcal{X}$ to its coarse moduli space $X$. Assume that $X$ is also smooth. Is it true that $Lf^*$ is fully faithful and induces an ...
Nullstellensatz's user avatar
14 votes
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Is $\mathcal{D} \bigl( \mathrm{QCoh}(\mathfrak{X}) \bigr)$ compactly generated?

An object $E$ in a triangulated category $\mathcal{T}$ with (small) coproducts is called compact if the functor $\mathrm{Hom}_{\mathcal{T}}(E,-)$ commutes with arbitrary coproducts or, equivalently, ...
Tobias Sitte's user avatar