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Expositions of the classical approach to local class field theory (Brauer group and Hasse invariant)

I've posted this question already on MSE and didn't get much out of it, so I hope it's OK to repost here. I'm an undergraduate trying to learn local class field theory from the corresponding chapter ...
St. Barth's user avatar
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gcrd and associates of an element of the quaternion algebra over a totally real number field $K$

Let $K$ be a totally real number field of class number 1, and $Q$ the quaternion algebra over the ring of integers of $K$ with basis $\{1,i,j,k\}$ such that $i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1$ and $ij = -ji, ik = ...
Don Freecs's user avatar
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Valuation theory on semisimple algebras used in the paper of Cohen-Martinet: reference request

I'm currently reading the paper of Henri Cohen & Jacques Martinet "Etude heuristique des groupes de classes des corps de nombres" On the 2nd section, they recall some facts on valuations, ...
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