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On the relative class number of a cyclotomic extension

Let $\Bbb Z[\zeta_p]$ denote the cyclotomic integers where $p$ is a prime and let $h_1 = h_1(p)$ denote its relative class number. Question: Is it known whether there are infinitely many primes $p$ ...
John Klein's user avatar
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References for $K_{4k}(\mathbb{Z})$

Weibel's "Algebraic K-theory of rings of integers in local and global fields" says $K_{4k}(\mathbb{Z})$ are known to have odd order, with no prime factors less than $10^7$, but are conjectured to be ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Where can I find the article of A. Borel: "Values of zeta-functions at integers, cohomology and polylogarithms"? [closed]

Where on the internet can I find this article? I know that it is in this book: Current trends in mathematics and physics, Narosa, New Delhi, 1995.
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