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rational homology of SO(2,1) over number fields

Let $\mathrm{SO}(2,1)$ be the special orthogonal group defined by the quadratic from $q(x,y,z)=x^2+y^2-z^2$. This is a connected non-simpy connected algebraic group. Now, let $F$ be a number field, ...
Claudio Bravo's user avatar
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Does the inclusion functor induce an injection in this case?

Notations : $R$ is a commutative ring with unity. $P(R)$ is the category of finitely generated projective $R-$ modules, $Ch^{b}(P(R))$ is the the category of bounded chain complexes on $P(R)$ and $C^q(...
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$K$-group of category of bounded chain complexes of Projective modules with finite length homologies

For a Commutative Noetherian local ring $(R, \mathfrak m)$, let $K_0^{\mathfrak m}(R)$ denote the abelian Group generated by isomorphism classes of bounded chain complexes of finitely generated free ...
user521337's user avatar
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Induced map in K-theory by a "trivial" bimodule

Let $R$ be a ring (not necessary commutative) and let $P_{\bullet}$ be a perfect $R$-bimodule (chain complex). I will denote the category of perfect right $R$-chain complexes by $\textbf{Perf}(R)$. ...
M. Cousto's user avatar
11 votes
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Are projective modules over a certain localised Laurent polynomial ring free?

Let $R=\mathbb{Z}[t^{\pm 1}]$ be the ring of Laurent polynomials, and let $S \subset R$ be the multiplicative subset generated by the polynomial $t-1$. I am interested in the ring $S^{-1}R=\mathbb{Z}[...
Anthony Conway's user avatar
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Spherical objects and K-theory

My question goes as follows: given a ring $R$ (with $1\neq 0$). Define $\mathbf{Perf}_{R}$ the the category of Prefect complexes over $R$. I want to prove that the Waldhausen $K$-theory of the ...
Let's user avatar
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12 votes
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Why does K-theory need schemes to be Noetherian?

The definition of K-theory of a scheme $X$ is defined as $G_i(X):=K_i(\mathrm{Coh}(X))$ or $K_i(X):=K_i(\mathrm{Vec}(X))$. But usually the schemes are required to be (at least locally) Noetherian, and ...
Li Guanyu's user avatar
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Injective envelope in the category of left exact functors

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an Abelian category. $\mathcal{L}$ is the category of absolutely pure objects of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A})$ is the category of the exact left functors of $\...
Danimenru's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Local property of split exact sequence

In the module category of a ring $A$, is a short exact sequence split if and only if the localization of this sequence is split for every prime ideal? Thanks!
Jian's user avatar
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5 votes
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Perfect chain complexes

In Thomason-Trobaugh in Remark 2.4.4 it is written: "On a general scheme, the perfect complexes are locally finitely presented objects in the "homotopy stack" of derived categories." I was wondering ...
Anette's user avatar
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When the restriction of derived equivalence to a summand is a derived equivalence as well

I have a question about the equivalence of derived categories. Let $\mathcal{A} = \mathcal{A}'\oplus \mathcal{A}''$ and $\mathcal{B} = \mathcal{B}' \oplus \mathcal{B}''$ are direct sum of abelian ...
GuNa's user avatar
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Split exact categories arising naturally

If you're interested in the $K$-theory of rings, a useful feature of the exact category of finitely generated projective (or free) modules is that it is split exact, i.e. every short exact sequence is ...
Tom Harris's user avatar
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Endomorphism Ring of Indecomposable MCM Modules

Let $R = k[[x, y]]/(f)$, where $k$ is algebraically closed of characteristic zero. I'm particularly interested in studying the endomorphism ring of indecomposable MCM (maximal Cohen-Macaulay) modules ...
Floresza's user avatar
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Quasi-isomorphisms in exact categories

I am trying to understand quasi-isomorphisms in an exact category as defined via the mapping cylinder. I would like to know whether these form a category of weak equivalences in the sense of ...
Tom Harris's user avatar
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Morphisms between $K_0$

I suppose this is a question with a well known answer. Suppose $A$ and $B$ are two algebras over some field and there is a map $$ f: \operatorname{K_0}(A) \to \operatorname{K_0}(B) $$ is it ...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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Differences between reflexives and projectives modules

Let R be a normal noetherian domain. What is the difference between a finitely generated reflexive module and a finitely generated projective module? Can anybody recommend any references or make ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar