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How to read the definition of Grothendieck Pretopology in SGA4?

In SGA4, the first axiom of a Grothendieck pretopology is given as: PT0: Pour tout objet $X$ de $C$, les morphismes des familles de morphismes de $Cov(饾憢)$ sont quarrables. (Rappelons qu鈥檜n morphisme ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Subobject classifier for sheaves on large sites with WISC

Let $\mathsf{C}$ be a possibly large category with a Grothendieck topology satisfying the Weakly Initial Set of Covers condition: there is for each $X$ a set (not a proper class) of covering families ...
Robbie Lyman's user avatar
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Subsheaves of Spec K, K a field

$\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}\newcommand\Ring{\mathrm{Ring}}\newcommand\op{^\text{op}}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\Sh{Sh}$In the category of schemes the objects of the form $\...
Nico's user avatar
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Is any constant Zariski sheaf already a Nisnevich sheaf?

Lat $A$ be a set and $\underline{A}$ the associated constant Zariski sheaf on the category $Sm/S$ of schemes which are smooth over $S$ for a fixed base scheme $S$. Is $\underline{A}$ already a (...
Lao-tzu's user avatar
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What to call a morphism of sites inducing an equivalence on categories of sheaves?

Is there a standard term for a morphism of sites $(C,J)\to(C',J')$ which induces an equivalence on sheaf categories $\operatorname{Sh}(C',J')\xrightarrow\sim\operatorname{Sh}(C,J)$? The nLab entry ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Locality in Grothendieck Topologies

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category and $\mathcal{J}$ be a Grothendieck topology on it (i.e., $(\mathcal{C},\mathcal{J})$ is a site). Then what is a good notion of locality in it? I came up with the ...
Chetan Vuppulury's user avatar
12 votes
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Reference request: Book of topology from "Topos" point of view

Question: Is there any book of topology in the modern language of topos theory? Motivation: In "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic" Mac Lane and Moerdijk say: "For Grothendieck, topology became the ...
M. Carmona's user avatar
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Two functorial definitions of schemes

I have been reading a bit about the "functor of points" theory for schemes. There seem to be two ways of going about defining schemes this way: Equip the category $\textbf {Psh}=\operatorname{Fun}(\...
A Rock and a Hard Place's user avatar
10 votes
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Representable Presheaf

I have a very quick question. Is there an easy example of a representable presheaf on a site that is not a sheaf? This certainly can't happen on a small FPPF site so I would expect a counterexample to ...
Lalit Jain's user avatar
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Coverage, itself considered as a presheaf

A coverage $J$ on a category $C$ assigns to an object $U$ of $C$ a set of covering families $J(U)$. The covering families are required to be stable under pullback, which amounts to requiring that for ...
Ali Lahijani's user avatar
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What are the easiest cases of base change (for sheaves on sites)?

I have a closed embedding of schemes $i:X'\to X$, and for each of them I consider three Grothendieck topologies for the category of the corresponding (relatively) \'etale schemes: the \'etale one, the ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
18 votes
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Locally constant sheaves for the étale topology, lack of intuition about "étale-localness"

I have started studying some 茅tale cohomology and I am trying to build up some intuition about the concept of local for the 茅tale topology. I can understand some nice examples (like Kummer exact ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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