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Langlands in dimension 2: the Yoshida conjecture

Background: One prominent part of the Langlands program is the conjecture that all motives are automorphic. It is of interest to consider special cases that are more precise, if less sweeping. ...
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What are "fractional motives"?

Kirti Joshi's musings mention "fractional motives". Do you know what are they good for and what the current state of constructions is for them? Edit: Further cases of "fractional motives" as ...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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Is Scholl construction of modular motives related to Deligne's construction of $\ell$-adic representations?

First of all, I need to declare my extreme ignorance on the topic of modular forms, so, please, does not assume that I know Deligne's construction in details. In Motives for modular forms, Scholl ...
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Explicit linear object underlying $l$-adic cohomology for almost all $l$

If you are working with closed manifolds you can consider cohomology with any coefficients you like but ultimately everything is determined by the singular cohomology with $\mathbb{Z}$-coefficients. ...
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