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Does there exist a GRR-like generalization of the AS Index Theorem?

The Hirzebruch Riemann-Roch Theorem (HRR) expresses an analytic/algebraic invariant, namely the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of a vector bundle $V$ over a compact complex/algebraic manifold $X$, as ...
MathCrawler's user avatar
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Does the $K^1$-group of a complete flag variety vanish?

For $U(n)$ the Lie group of $n \times n$ unitary matrices, and $T^n$ its maximal torus subgroup, the homogeneous space $$ U(n)/T^n $$ is called the complete flag variety of order $n$. For the special ...
Quin Appleby's user avatar
5 votes
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K-theory for a (geometric) stack

There is a notion of $K$-theory for a manifold $M$. Is there a notion of $K$-theory for a stack $\mathcal{D}\rightarrow \text{Man}$ that is representable by a Lie groupoid $\mathcal{G}$; that is $...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Trivial normal bundle

I would like to know if there is a theorem along those lines: let $V$ be a submanifold in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $V$ is the boundary of a submanifold with boundary $W$. Then, the normal bundle of $V$...
Melchior's user avatar
7 votes
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Non trivial rank 2 holomorphic vector bundles in complex dimensions greater than or equal 2

Does every compact complex manifold of complex dimension greater than or equal two possess a nontrivial rank 2 holomorphic vector bundle?
Hamed's user avatar
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Splitting principle in equivariant cohomology

The following is a weaker version of what is called splitting principle in Appendix C, page 12, see also for a lighter version Brions Eq cohom and eq intersection theory, page 6: Let $G$ be a compact ...
Julia Sauter's user avatar