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Automorphism of integral Hodge structures

Let $(V,V^{p,q},Q)$ be a polarized integral Hodge strucutre of weight $n$. I would like to understand the automorphism of this datum better. Specifically, I'm wondering if there are good conditions ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Applications of Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations [closed]

I am wondering if the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations have any further applications/ developments in Kahler or algebraic geometry. Let me briefly remind the statement. Given a compact Kahler ...
asv's user avatar
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The compatibility of the Gysin sequence with mixed Hodge structures

Let $X$ be a compact complex $n$-manifold and $D$ be a smooth comdimension $1$ submanifold. Also let $U:= X\setminus D$ and $j$ be the inclusion of $U$ in $X$. Then it is well known that the ...
Priyavrat Deshpande's user avatar