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Motivation for Henselian rings in algebraic geometry

In Andrew Kobin's script on Algebraic Geometry I found on page 355 a comment I would like better understand. It states Another way to view formal smoothness is as an abstraction of Hensel's Lemma. ...
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Connectedness, loops and formal moduli problems

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Formalizing a classical folk concept, Pridham and (in a different way,) Lurie defined a formal moduli problem (over $k$) to be a ...
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GAGA for henselian schemes

In this paper, F. Kato recollects basic facts on henselian schemes and proves some partial results towards GAGA in the context of henselian schemes. Let $I$ be a finitely generated ideal in a ...
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Smooth loci and formal neighborhoods

Let $R$ be a Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal $I$. Suppose we have a morphism of smooth $R$-algebras $f : A\to B$ such that its reduction modulo $I^n$ $$f_n : A/I^n \to B/I^n$$ is an ...
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Absolute approximation of formal schemes

Let $\mathfrak{X}_j$ be an inverse system of qcqs $p$-adic formal scheme, flat over $\mathbf{Z}_p$, with affine transition maps, and assume $\mathcal{O}_{\mathfrak{X}_j}$ is a coherent sheaf of ...
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Algebro-geometric version of {vector fields} $\longleftrightarrow$ {flows} correspondence?

Main Question: What Is the correpondence between flows and vector fields in algebraic geometry? Here is a more precise statement could be an answer If it was true (I have no idea it is): "...
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