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3 answers

what is the maximum number of rational points of a curve of genus 2 over the rationals

Conjecturally, there exists an integer $n$ such that the number of rational points of a genus $2$ curve over $\mathbf{Q}$ is at most $n$. (This follows from the Bombieri-Lang conjecture.) We are ...
Dirk's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Varieties with infinitely many etale covers and rational points

Let $X$ be a (smooth projective geometrically connected) variety over a field $k$. Consider the set Et$(X,k)$ of finite etale covers $Y\to X$ over $k$, with $Y$ geometrically connected over $k$. ...
Jan Hendrik's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Pointless, non-singular, absolutely irreducible affine plane curves over finite fields

We think the following is true: For all sufficiently large primes $p$ and all natural $g \ge 1$, there exists affine plane curve $f(x,y)=0$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ which is non-singular, absolutely ...
joro's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Connected sum of algebraic curves, handlebody decomposition, and induction on genus

Are there any nice methods of taking algebraic curves $C_1, C_2$ of genera $g_1,g_2$ and producing a curve $C_3 = C_1 \# C_2$ of genus $g_3 = g_1+g_2$? I'm imagining doing this over any field, but ...
PrimeRibeyeDeal's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Rational points on towers of curves

Let $\ldots \to X_n \to X_{n-1} \to \ldots \to X_0$ be etale maps between smooth projective curves of genera $g(X_n)>1$, all defined over a fixed number field $K$. By Faltings' Theorem, we know ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Space of rational conics

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic different from two. Conics over $K$ (that is curves of degree two in $\mathbb{P}^2_K$) are parametrized by $\mathbb{P}(k[x,y,z]_2) = \mathbb{P}^5_K$. Conisider the ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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The smooth completion of a curve

Let $C$ be a smooth geometrically integral affine curve. This question concerns the smooth completion $C_1$ of $C$, both defined over a number field $k$. We know that given any smooth projective ...
oleout's user avatar
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Brauer-Manin obstruction and affine curves

I'm looking for references that can justify to what extent is the following statement true: Statement. Let $X$ be a smooth geometrically integral curve over a number field $k$. Then the Brauer-Manin ...
oleout's user avatar
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Existence of a curve with no points over finite separable field extensions

Does there exist a field $K$, and a smooth projective geometrically connected curve $C$ over $K$ such that, for all finite separable field extensions $L/K$ the curve $C$ has no $L$-rational points? I ...
Keesjan's user avatar
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Computational tool for checking the existence of non-trivial rational zero of a cubic form

Suppose we consider a arbitrary cubic homogeneous form $f$ in in four or five variables over the rational field. Is there any computational tool or algorithm to check whether this cubic homogeneous ...
Sky's user avatar
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0 answers

Computing the genus of a plane curve

Let $b(x)=x^4 + 3x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x + 1$, and let $a(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ be a separable polynomial. Let $C$ be the plane curve defined by $(y^2+(x+x^2+x^3)a(x))^2-a(x)^2b(x)=0$. I would need to show that ...
user36371's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Genus of algebraic curves with unknown degree

I am not sure if this is a valid question but posting any way: Say I am over $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ for a prime $p$. I have a curve of form $x^{2} = f(y)$ where $f(y)$ has an unknown form (and hence ...