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21 votes
3 answers

Examples when quantum $q$ equals to arithmetic $q$

First, as a disclaimer, I should say that this post is not about any specific propositions, but is more of some philosophical flavor. In the world of quantum mathematics, the letter $q$ is a standard ...
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Is there an analogue Beilinson-Bernstein localization for quantized enveloping algebra

I am completely a beginner in this field. I wonder know whether there is appropriate notion for quantum flag variety of finite dimensional Lie algebra. If so, what is the correspondent notion for &...
Peter Lee 's user avatar
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On the definition of the Cherednik algebra of a variety with a finite group action

Let $X$ be a connected complex smooth affine variety, acted on by a finite group $G$. We define a reflection hypersurface $(Y,g)$ as a smooth codimension one subvariety $Y\subset X$ which is fixed by $...
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