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Polynomially countable varieties and virtual mixed Tate motives

Let $K_0(Var_k)$ be the Grothendieck ring of $k$-varieties for a field $k$. Let $\mathbb{L}$ denote the class of the affine line over $k$. Let $S$ be a $k$-variety and $[S] \in \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{L}]$,...
THC's user avatar
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Passing motivic decompositions from rational to algebraic equivalence

It is well known that there are several adequate equivalence relations for algebraic cycles (see for a list including definitions). The ...
nxir's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Equivalent descriptions of Hodge conjecture?

I would like to know equivalent descriptions of the Hodge conjecture (with references). Dan Freed's Version: Consider a topological cycle (boundary less chains that are free to deform) on a ...
7 votes
1 answer

Intuition behind the definition of finite correspondences

Finite correspondences were introduced by Suslin-Voevodsky (if I am not wrong) to define motivic complexes that compute motivic cohomology. Let $X$ and be smooth separated schemes of finite type over ...
Anandam Banerjee's user avatar
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On "splitting off small weights" from Chow motives

I am interested in certain properties Chow motives that seem to be (more or less) "classical" (so, I mostly need references; the base field may be assumed to be algebraically closed). So, consider ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the numerical equivalence relation coincide with the homological one for 1-cycles (in positive characteristic)?

Is the Grothendieck's Standard Conjecture D (stating that the numerical equivalence relation for algebraic cycles with rational coefficients coincides with the homological one) known to be true for ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Reference for Nori motives

I would like to study Nori motives and I am a complete outsider of the subject. I do, however, have background on Chow motives, Voevodsky motives $\mathrm{DM}$ and his stable homotopy category $\...
Tintin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Quadratic twists of 1-motives

Quadratic twists of elliptic curves (or, more generally, abelian varieties) are familiar objects in arithmetic geometry. I would like to extend that definition to the category of 1-motives over global ...
Cristian D. Gonzalez-Aviles's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

What should motives for $L(E,n)$ look like?

Goncharov and Manin showed in this paper that the zeta values $\zeta(n)$ can be realized as periods of framed mixed Tate motives constructed from moduli spaces $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n+3}$ of ...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
4 votes
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Derived equivalent varieties with differing integral Mukai-Hodge structures?

For a smooth projective complex variety $X$ of dimension $n$, let $H^i(X)$ denote its integral Hodge structure of weight $i$. Define $\tilde{ H^0}(X) = \bigoplus H^{2i}(X)\otimes \Bbb Z(i)$ and $\...
Dominik's user avatar
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8 votes
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Generalized Euler characteristics of non-motivic origin

By a generalized Euler characteristic $\chi$, I mean an isomorphism invariant $\chi(V)$ inside some abelian group $A$, defined for every varietiy $V$ over a field $k$, with the property that, for all ...
Dominik's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does the Grothendieck ring of varieties contain torsion?

Let $K_0(Var_k)$ be the abelian group generated by the isomorphism classes of varieties over the field $k$ with the relations $$[X]=[U]+[X\setminus U]$$ for every variety $X$ and open subvariety $U$. ...
Dominik's user avatar
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About the decomposition of a Chow group of a variety

I would like that someone helps me to find an article on the net treating the following decomposition : $ \mathrm{CH}^k (X)_{ \mathbb{Q} } = \displaystyle\bigoplus_{ i + j = k } \mathrm{CH}^{i,j} (X) $...
Hamilton1261's user avatar
12 votes
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Non-algebraic Hecke characters

Algebraic Hecke characters are ubiquitous in modern number theory. They are in 1-1 correspondence with one dimensional complex Galois representations, and in some precise sense they are the building ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Norm variety for n=5, p=2 not isomorphic to a quadric

In the paper "Motivic construction of cohomological invariants", the author displays a list of known norm varieties for several $n,p$ on page $11$. For $p=2, n=5$ it says that a norm variety is given ...
nxir's user avatar
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20 votes
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Why would one "attempt" to define points of a motive as $\operatorname{Ext}^1(\mathbb{Q}(0),M)$?

I'm a novice when it comes to motives. (I've read multiple introductory texts.) I'm attempting to read Galois Theory and Diophantine geometry by Minhyong Kim. In it, he says that "One might attempt, ...
Quinlan Aktaş's user avatar
11 votes
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Motivic cohomology and pushforward maps

I have a question about pushforward maps for the motivic cohomology groups $H^p(X, \mathbf{Q}(q))$, for $X$ a smooth variety over a characteristic 0 field. According to Mazza--Voevodsky--Weibel "...
David Loeffler's user avatar
9 votes
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Motivic fundamental group of the moduli space of curves?

Suppose I have a smooth projective family of varieties of varieties over $\mathcal M_g$ - i.e. a universal functor, commuting with deformations, from curves to smooth projective varieties. Can I ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Pure motives and compatible systems of $\ell$-adic representations

I am trying to understand the statement of the conjectures of Deligne on special values of certain $L$-functions, from his article titled, "Valuers de Fonctions L et periodes d'integrales" which ...
Rex's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Number of $\mathbb F_p$ points constant mod $p$?

I have some affine varieties $X$ defined over $\mathbb Z$, and associated integers $c(X)$, with the property that $\# X_{\mathbb Z/p} \equiv c(X) \bmod p$ for all $p$. (In particular $c(X)$ is usually ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
13 votes
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Which degree does a motivic Galois representation show up in?

Consider a representation $\rho: \operatorname{Gal} (\overline{\mathbb Q} | \mathbb Q ) \to GL_n ( \overline{\mathbb Q}_\ell)$ that is a subrepresentation of $H^i(X, \overline{\mathbb Q}_\ell (j))$ ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Hyperplane sections of principal homogeneous spaces

Let $P_i$ denote the $i$-th vertex in the Dynkin diagramm of an algebraic group. It symbolizes a parabolic subgroup of $G$ corresponding to the other vertices, meaning $G/P_i$ is a smooth, projective, ...
nxir's user avatar
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3 votes
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Chow groups of locally trivial affine fibrations

Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $0$. A locally trivial $\mathbf{A}^n$-fibration is a morphism $\pi \colon Y \to X$ such that $\pi^{-1}(U)\cong ...
Wille Liu's user avatar
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Do those manifolds atrached to L-functions give rise naturally to motives? [closed]

Edited after Will Sawin's comment: Consider the set $\mathcal{M}$ of all automorphic L-functions belonging to the Selberg class. Such a set is closed for the product $.$ and the tensor product $\...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Motives of a variety of type D4

Over the last decade Nikita Semenov, Skip Garibaldi and others have made some progress in the theory of cohomological invariants, (Rost)-motives and motivic decompositions of algebraic groups. For ...
nxir's user avatar
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motive of the general linear group

Let $k$ be a perfect field. Let $GL_n$ be the general linear group over $k$. Does anybody know a reference for the computation of the motive $$ M(GL_n) $$ in Voevodsky's category $DM(k)$?
voe's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Should the Grothendieck ring of varieties be K_0 of numerical motives?

Assuming the Standard Conjectures, should the Grothendieck ring of varieties be the $K_0$ of the abelian category of numerical motives?
David Corwin's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is Scholl construction of modular motives related to Deligne's construction of $\ell$-adic representations?

First of all, I need to declare my extreme ignorance on the topic of modular forms, so, please, does not assume that I know Deligne's construction in details. In Motives for modular forms, Scholl ...
user40276's user avatar
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Geometric vs combinatorial motives over Spec Z

Consider the category of reduced schemes of finite type over $\mathbb{Z}$. Take the Grothendieck group of this category, i.e. the free abelian group on isomorphism classes, modulo the usual "syzygy" ...
Andreas Holmstrom's user avatar
31 votes
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On Grothendieck's idea on his Standard Conjecture B

Let me recall the Standard Conjecture B (see [1,2] below): The $\Lambda$-operation of Hodge theory is algebraic. It more or less says that the partial inverse to “cupping with the class of a ...
jmc's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why do we need localization by Leftschetz motive?

Definition of the Grothendieck group and Leftschetz motive. The Grothendieck group of varieties is a free abelian group generated by classes of algebraic varieties with the following relation: $$ [X]=[...
IBazhov's user avatar
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21 votes
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Why is the CM closure of $\mathbb{Q}$ the "ultimate" coefficient field for motives?

In a rough way, a category of motives over a field $k$ with coefficients in a field $K$ gives a universal cohomology theory with coefficients in $K$ for algebraic varieties defined over $k$. I had the ...
user25309's user avatar
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Splitting varieties of two Galois cohomology symbols

One characteristic property of the so called norm varieties defined by Rost, is that they split pure symbols of Galois cohomology groups $H^n(k,\mu_p)$, meaning: For some $\alpha \in H^n(k,\mu_p)$ ...
nxir's user avatar
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Algebraic equivalence vs linear equivalence

Maybe the question is too general, but nevertheless: under what conditions on algebraic variety $X$, algebraic equivalence of divisors coincide with linear equivalence? What are typical classes of ...
Tim Gore's user avatar
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Etale Realization and Gysin Sequence

Ivorra defined a tensor triangulated functor from Voevodsky's triangulated category of motives to the derived category of complexes of etale sheaves of $\mathbb{Z}/n$ modules with bounded cohomology ...
Grilo's user avatar
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15 votes
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Are there known cases of the Mumford–Tate conjecture that do not use Abelian varieties?

(For a formulation of the Mumford–Tate conjecture, see below.) The question As far as I know, all non-trivial known cases of the Mumford–Tate conjecture more or less depend on the Mumford–Tate ...
jmc's user avatar
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Galois group for 0-dimensional motives

It is my understanding that in dimension 0, the theory of motives should just be Galois theory for fields. I am hoping to find a reference or two to help me get some things straightened out. One can ...
Julian Rosen's user avatar
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Use of derivators to the theory of motives?

This is a rather imprecise question but i think this could become a interesting pool of ideas and comments. The theory of motives has evolved to a complex field of research the moment Voevodsky (and ...
nxir's user avatar
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Mysterious quotes (at least for me)

I heard two quotes, one from Alain Connes and an other one from Orlov. Alain Connes was talking about noncommutative geometry and he said the following: " a noncommutative algebra creates its own ...
Max's user avatar
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16 votes
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why are motives more serious than "naive" motives?

I know my question is a bit vague, sorry for this. Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero. Consider the Grothendieck ring of varieties over $k$, usually denoted by $K_0(Var_k)$. This is generated ...
birk's user avatar
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7 votes
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Any counterexamples known for the Generalized Tate conjecture?

One can state the generalized Tate conjecture over arbitrary finitely generated fields; to this end one should just define Galois representation to be effective if the eignevalues of the actions of ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
2 votes
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relations between nori motives and pure motives

The category of Nori motives $NMM$ is defined by tools of graph category. I think one can similarly define a category $EM$ as the graph category of $P(k)$ (the graph of projective smooth k-varieties) ...
KylinChen's user avatar
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What can one say about zero-cycle groups for products of Chow motives

What can one say about the Chow group of zero-cycles (up to rational equivalence) for a product of smooth projective varieties and Chow motives (so, I am interested in the kernel $Chow_0(P)\otimes ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Which "concrete" morphisms of varieties and motives induce bijections of their lower Chow groups?

This question is a continuation of Varieties with Chow groups supported in positive codimension: examples and properties? What examples are known of morphisms of varieties and Chow motives (say, over ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes
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Standard conjectures on positive characteristic

In this MO answer of M. Bondarko, he says: "the Hodge conjecture implies all the Grothendieck's standard conjectures over base fields of characteristic 0..." and in Remarks on Grothendieck's ...
M. Carmona's user avatar
29 votes
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Is there a higher Grothendieck ring of varieties?

Fix a field $k$. The Grothendieck ring $K_0(\mathrm{Var}_k)$ of varieties over $k$ is defined as the quotient of the free abelian group on isomorphism classes of algebraic varieties by the scissor ...
Gring's user avatar
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Dimension of binary motives of a quadric

Let $Q$ be a anisotropic quadric of dimension $d$ over $k$. We work in the category of effective Chow-Motives over $k$. Let $T$ be the Tate-Motive. For a motive $M$ we write $M(l)$ for its $l$-th Tate-...
nxir's user avatar
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Differences and relationships between Motivic cohomology and Universal cohomology theory? [duplicate]

Differences and relationships between Motivic cohomology (Beilinson, Lichtenbaum and Voevodsky) and Universal cohomology theory (Grothendieck)?
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5 votes
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Connections between Standard, Hodge and Tate conjectures on algebraic cycles?

What implications would a solution of the Standard Conjectures have on the Hodge and Tate Conjectures and reverse?
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12 votes
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Motivic L-function vs motivic zeta function

Let $M$ be a pure motive over a field $k$. Roughly speaking, the L-function of $M$ is the product over all primes $p$ of $$L_p(M,s)=\det(I-Fr_p|_{M_\ell^I} N(p)^{-s})^{-1}$$ where $Fr_p$ is a ...
Tian An's user avatar
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