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Action of the endomorphism monoid on an irreducible GL-module

Let $G=\mathrm{Gl}_n(\mathbb C)$ and $V$ an irreducible $G$-module on which $G$ acts polynomially. In other words, the algebraic group action of $G$ on the affine space $V$ extends to an algebraic ...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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Cohomology of Bott-Samelson varieties?

How is the cohomology of Bott-Samelson varieties (desingularizations of Schubert Varieties ) usually calculated? Let's fix the Lie group to be $GL_n(\mathbb{C})$ or $SL_n(\mathbb{C})$ here. Is there ...
Qiao's user avatar
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Centre of centralisers in connected reductive groups

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over an algebraically closed field. Let $T$ be a maximal torus and $x\in T$. Let $G_x$ denote the centraliser of $x$ in $G$. Question: What is an explicit ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Only Zariski-closed subsets of compact Lie groups with nonempty interior have nonzero measure

In this question, the following fact was used by the respondent A Zariski-closed subset of a compact Lie group $G$ with nonzero Haar measure contains a coset of $G^0$, the connected component of $G$ ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Unions of orbits of dimension $\leq n$

Let $G$ be a complex linear algebraic group acting on a smooth complex projective variety $X$ with finitely many orbits. Note that each $G$-orbit is a smooth locally closed subvariety of $X$. For a ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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