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Closed Model Category Structure on Chain Complexes Related to A Left-exact Functor

Let $F:A \to B$ be an additive left-exact functor of abelian categories (Do not assume that they have enough injectives / projectives.) Suppose we are given a class of objects $R$ adapted to $F$ (see ...
Mikhail Gudim's user avatar
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Do dg schemes have derived points?

Working over a base field $k$ of characteristic $0$, say $K$ is a field (over $k$) and $X$ is a ("nice" if necessary) dg scheme in the sense of Toen-Vezzosi and others, and say $X^0$ is the reduced ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
1 vote
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Chain complexes indexed over measurable subsets of $\mathbb{R}$: Towards a measurable notion of Euler Characteristic

I have for a while tried to generalize the notion of a chain complex in a way to obtain a "continuous" or at least "measurable" notion of Euler Characteristic. I have come up with ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar