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64 votes
5 answers

Intuition about the cotangent complex?

Does anyone have an answer to the question "What does the cotangent complex measure?" Algebraic intuitions (like "homology measures how far a sequence is from being exact") are as welcome as ...
Peter Arndt's user avatar
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39 votes
9 answers

What is a deformation of a category?

I have several naive and possibly stupid questions about deformations of categories. I hope that someone can at least point me to some appropriate references. What is a deformation of a (linear, dg, ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Clifford algebras as deformations of exterior algebras

$\def\Cl{\mathcal C\ell} \def\CL{\boldsymbol{\mathscr{C\kern-.1eml}}(\mathbb R)}$ I'm not an expert in neither of the fields I'm touching, so don't be too rude with me :-) here's my question. A well ...
fosco's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Deformation theory of representations of an algebraic group

For an algebraic group G and a representation V, I think it's a standard result (but I don't have a reference) that the obstruction to deforming V as a representation of G is an element of H2(G,V&...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Why are derived categories natural places to do deformation theory?

It seems to me that a lot of people do deformation theory (of schemes, sheaves, maps etc) in derived category (of an appropriate abelian category). For example, the cotangent complex of a morphism $f:...
Daniel's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Almost Complex Structure approach to Deformation of Compact Complex Manifolds

I don't know much about the deformation of compact complex manifolds, I've only read chapter 6 of Huybrechts' book Complex Geometry: An Introduction. There are two parts to this chapter. The second ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Accumulation of algebraic subvarieties: Near one subvariety there are many others (?)

Let's work over the field $\mathbb{C}$ of complex numbers, and let $X\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ be a projective variety. Let $\tilde{X}\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ be any small open neighborhood of $X$, in the ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Strict applications of deformation theory in which to dip one's toe

I hesitate to ask a question like this, but I really have tried finding answers to this question on my own and seemed to come up short. I readily admit this is due to my ignorance of algebraic ...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

algebraic group G vs. algebraic stack BG

I've gathered that it's "common knowledge" (at least among people who think about such things) that studying a (smooth) algebraic group G, as an algebraic group, is in some sense the same as studying ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Is a 'generic' variety nonsingular? Or singular?

I'd like to know whether there's some coherent meaning of 'generic' for which one can say that a 'generic' variety over an algebraically closed field $K$, say, is nonsingular or singular. We could ...
Saul Glasman's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

obstruction theories in algebraic geometry

I'd like to know about the history of obstruction theories in algebraic geometry, as well as the relationship with concepts of the same name in topology. I would also like to know where obstruction ...
Jonathan Wise's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Example of a smooth morphism where you can't lift a map from a nilpotent thickening?

Definition. A locally finitely presented morphism of schemes $f\colon X\to Y$ is smooth (resp. unramified, resp. étale) if for any affine scheme $T$, any closed subscheme $T_0$ defined by a square ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Accumulation of algebraic subvarieties: Near one subvariety there are many others (?), 3

Part 3 of this series of questions. In the meantime, I realized that there is some very simple question that was left open in Accumulation of algebraic subvarieties: Near one subvariety there are many ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Deformations of the punctured affine plane

Let $k$ be some field, algebraically closed and of characteristic $0$, if you like. Let $U= \mathbb{A}^2_k \setminus \{ (0,0) \}$ be the punctured affine plane over $k$. Write $U$ as the union of $...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

What is an explicit example of a variety X which is finite over Spec F_p but which does not lift to a scheme Y which is finite and flat over Spec Z_p?

What is an explicit example of a variety X which is finite over Spec F_p but which does not lift to a scheme Y which is finite and flat over Spec Z_p?
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Are deformations of a scheme some kind of a "derived gerbe" under the cotangent complex?

(This is probably a very naive question. My understanding of the cotangent complex is quite vague.) Let me first recall the picture for deformations of a smooth morphism: If $f:X_0\to S_0$ is a ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Grothendieck-Messing theory for finite flat group schemes

Classical Grothendieck-Messing theory relates deformations of $p$-divisible groups to lifts of the Hodge filtration (if the ideal defining the nilpotent immersion is equipped with a PD-structure). If ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

GAGA for henselian schemes

In this paper, F. Kato recollects basic facts on henselian schemes and proves some partial results towards GAGA in the context of henselian schemes. Let $I$ be a finitely generated ideal in a ...
user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Deformations of Calabi-Yau manifolds

Let $X$ be a compact complex smooth manifold with holomorphically trivial canonical class. It is true that any (sufficiently small?) deformation of the complex structure of $X$ also has ...
asv's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Cotangent Complex in Analytic Category

I am looking for a reference which develops the theory of the cotangent complex for complex analytic spaces. I need this to justify some computations I did assuming some formal properties which hold ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Kodaira-Spencer theory of deformation done right

I thought in asking this question on Math StackExchange, but by my experience I don' t think anyone will notice me. Recently, I started studying deformation of complex manifolds in the sense of ...
user40276's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Lie groups vs. algebraic groups and deformations

I am interested in deformations of (discrete subgroups of) Lie groups. But, as I understand it, deformation theory, as a theory, prefers to speak schemes. At least the classical Lie groups can be ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

"Spec" of graded rings?

From the discussion at Hochschild cohomology and A-infinity deformations, it seems that general Hochschild cohomology classes correspond to deformations where the deformation parameter can have ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Is Hironaka's example the only known deformation of Kähler manifolds with non-Kähler central fibre?

A well-known example in the deformation theory of compact complex manifolds is the one given by Hironaka in his 1962 paper An Example of a Non-Kählerian Complex-Analytic Deformation of Kählerian ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Deformations of semisimple Lie algebras

In the questions Is "semisimple" a dense condition among Lie algebras? and What is the Zariski closure of the space of semisimple Lie algebras?, something equivalent to the following is ...
ndkrempel's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

DGLA or $L_{\infty}$-algebra controlling the deformation of Einstein metrics and instantons

As proposed by Quillen, Drinfeld, and Deligne and other important mathematicians, there is supposed to be a philosophy that, at least over a field of characteristic zero, assigns to every "deformation ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

What is the universal deformation of the formal additive group $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}_a$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$?

Lubin and Tate show in their paper Formal moduli for one-parameter formal Lie groups that for any formal group over a field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ with height $h<\infty$, the functor of ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Infinitesimal deformations of the formal group of $\mathbb{G}_m$

For a commutative ring $R$, consider the formal group $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}_m$ over $R$ that is the completion of $\mathbb{G}_{m, R}$ along its identity section (naively, $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}_m$ is ...
Lisa S.'s user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Les deux théorèmes d'existence en théorie formelle des modules

In Exposé 195 of the Séminaire Bourbaki, Grothendieck states the following two theorems of non-flat descent. Theorem 1. Let $\Lambda$ be a noetherian ring and $C$ the category of $\Lambda$-algebras ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

What does deformation theory have to do with Serre duality?

The cotangent bundle $\Omega_X$ of a smooth scheme $X$ shows up in two places in my understanding of algebraic geometry. The first is deformation theory, where maps out of $\Omega_X$ control the ...
Jonathan Wise's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Deformation invariance of Fano varieties

Let $f:X \to T$ be a flat, projective morphism of noetherian schemes with $T$ an irreducible curve. Suppose that there exists a point $0 \in T$ such that the fiber $f^{-1}(0)$ is Fano. Q. Is it ...
Chen's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Accumulation of algebraic subvarieties: Near one subvariety there are many others (?), 2

This is a sequel to the question Accumulation of algebraic subvarieties: Near one subvariety there are many others (?) . Let $Y$ be some projective variety, over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $X\subset Y$ be ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Geometric meaning of small extensions ?

Let $(A,\mathfrak{m}_A)$ be a local Artinian $k$-algebra with residue field $k$. Then the scheme $\mathrm{Spec}(A)$ can be loosely seen as a "fat point", or an "infinitesimal neighbourhood" of a point ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Obstructed automorphisms of schemes

Let $X$ be a smooth projective scheme over a field $\mathbf{k}$ of characteristic zero such that $\mathrm{H}^0(X, \mathrm{T}X)$ vanishes, and let $f$ be an automorphism of $X$. I would like to have an ...
Julien Grivaux's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Motivation for Henselian rings in algebraic geometry

In Andrew Kobin's script on Algebraic Geometry I found on page 355 a comment I would like better understand. It states Another way to view formal smoothness is as an abstraction of Hensel's Lemma. ...
user267839's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Deformations of a blowup

Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface over $\mathbb{C}$. (I guess this can be more general—higher dimension, other ground fields, non-projective, maybe even singular?—and I'dd like to hear that.) Let ...
jmc's user avatar
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11 votes
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Connectedness, loops and formal moduli problems

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Formalizing a classical folk concept, Pridham and (in a different way,) Lurie defined a formal moduli problem (over $k$) to be a ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Deformation theory over the field of algebraic numbers

Let $X_0$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $\Theta_{X_0}$ be the locally free sheaf of $O_{X_0}$-module corresponding to tangent space of $X_0$. Goal: To find a sufficient ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is the generic deformation of a symplectic variety affine?

Kaledin and Verbitsky have shown that symplectic varities have a remarkably nice deformation theory as symplectic varieties. Let $X$ be a symplectic variety (a smooth quasi-projective variety over $\...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Deformations of smooth projective hypersurfaces and the Jacobian ring

It is a well-known result of Griffiths that the pieces of Hodge filtration of a smooth hypersurface $X:= (f=0)$ of degree $d$ in $\mathbb{P}^{n}$ are isomorphic to graded pieces of the Jacobian ring ...
Jack's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Are periods of rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds over $Q$ algebraic?

Let $X$ be a (smooth) compact complex manifold, and suppose that $H^1(X, \Theta_X) = 0$, where $\Theta_X$ is the tangent sheaf. In other words, suppose that $X$ is rigid. Suppose moreover that $X$ ...
Marty's user avatar
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11 votes
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Surfaces with $q=2$ and generically finite Albanese map

I have a family of surfaces of general type $S$ with $q(S)=2$, and such that the Albanese map $$\alpha \colon S \longrightarrow A:=\mathrm{Alb}(S)$$ is generically finite of degree $n$. By a result of ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Algebraic definition of the Kuranishi map

Let $X$ be a smooth projective algebraic variety over an algebraically closed field $k$. If $k=\mathbb{C}$, we know by work of Kuranishi that the base of the versal deformation of $X$ is the germ at $...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Tangent space of the stack $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(X,\beta)$.

Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(X,\beta)$ be the moduli stack of stable maps $f$ from genus $g$, $n$-marked curve $C$ to a variety $X$ i nth curve class $\beta \in H^2(X,\mathbb{Z})$. I would like ...
Zheng's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Some examples of $\mathbb Q$-Gorenstein smoothing

I am trying to understand $\mathbb Q$-Gorenstein smoothings, and especially the third condition in the following definition. Definition. For a normal projective surface $X$ with quotient ...
SAG's user avatar
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10 votes
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Kodaira-Spencer map in a concrete instance

Let $\pi:X_{\epsilon} \rightarrow \Delta$ be a family of (say smooth) projective plane curves parametrized by $\Delta:=\operatorname{Spec}(k[\epsilon])$, and let $X=X_0$ be the closed fiber. Suppose ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Reference or explanation: Cup products, deformations of complex structure and Mirror Symmetry

In section 0.3. of their paper "Frobenius Manifolds and Formality of Lie Algebras of Polyvector Fields," Barannikov and Kontsevich discuss the fact that Kontsevich's formality morphism (from his paper ...
Johan Alm's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What is an example of a smooth variety over a finite field F_p which does not lift to Z_p?

Somebody answered this question instead of the question here, so I am asking this with the hope that they will cut and paste their solution.
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Specialisation of rigid varieties

Recall that a variety $X$ over a field $k$ is called rigid if $H^1(X, T_X) = 0$. I am interested in understanding this property under specialisation. Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring and let $\...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Algebro-geometric version of {vector fields} $\longleftrightarrow$ {flows} correspondence?

Main Question: What Is the correpondence between flows and vector fields in algebraic geometry? Here is a more precise statement could be an answer If it was true (I have no idea it is): "...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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