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Is Hironaka's example the only known deformation of Kähler manifolds with non-Kähler central fibre?

A well-known example in the deformation theory of compact complex manifolds is the one given by Hironaka in his 1962 paper An Example of a Non-Kählerian Complex-Analytic Deformation of Kählerian ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
13 votes
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What does deformation theory have to do with Serre duality?

The cotangent bundle $\Omega_X$ of a smooth scheme $X$ shows up in two places in my understanding of algebraic geometry. The first is deformation theory, where maps out of $\Omega_X$ control the ...
Jonathan Wise's user avatar
11 votes
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Surfaces with $q=2$ and generically finite Albanese map

I have a family of surfaces of general type $S$ with $q(S)=2$, and such that the Albanese map $$\alpha \colon S \longrightarrow A:=\mathrm{Alb}(S)$$ is generically finite of degree $n$. By a result of ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
9 votes
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Does every sequence of deformation of singularities eventually become equisingular?

Suppose we are over a field of characteristic zero and $f_i\colon X_i\to \mathrm{Spec}(R_i)$ $(i=1,2,\cdots)$ are flat families of singularities over DVRs. Assume that the generic fiber of $f_i$ is ...
ormula's user avatar
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Clarification on relationship between Grothendieck-Messing and Honda systems

It's well-known, due to work of Fontaine (see e.g. this), that if $k$ is a perfect field of characteristic $p$, then one can classify $p$-divisible groups over $W(k)$ by Honda systems. Namely, these ...
SomeGuy's user avatar
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derived schemes and perfect obstruction theories

In a survey article of Toen's it is claimed that that there is forgetful $\infty$-functor between the $\infty$-category of derived schemes locally of finite presentation over a field $k$ and the $\...
Fred's user avatar
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"A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants" by Joyce & Song

Is anyone else working through this paper: A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants, by Dominic Joyce, Yinan Song? I am trying to verifying example 6.2 (m=2 for simplicity) using only the ...
David Steinberg's user avatar
8 votes
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On the cohomology of Kontsevich graph complex

Kontsevich's formality theorem asserts that a certain quasi-isomorphism of chain complexes between the graded Lie algebra of polyvector fields on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and the dg Lie algebra of ...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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Def-Obs theory of sheaves with fixed determinant on CY3.

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a stable sheaf on a smooth complex projective threefold $X$ and $Ext^k_0(\mathcal{E},\mathcal{E})$ be the traceless Ext groups, defined by the kernel of the trace map $$ Ext^k(\...
Zheng's user avatar
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A general definition of an equisingular family of singular varieties?

This question is about the existence of a definition. I'm far from being an expert in the field in question I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies or stupid and wrong assumptions. Let $X$ be a ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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"Tubular neighbourhood" for non-reduced curves

I have a manifold $X$ covered by a family of elliptic curves, some of which have non-reduced structure (like multiple fibers on elliptic surfaces; such non-reduced curves $C$ are members of my family, ...
Katia Amerik's user avatar
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What is the connnection between "jet-space" and algebro-geometric deformation theory?

Charles Doran, wrote an annoted bibliography on deformation theory that is available from him via email (I have asked him the question below via email). In it one finds the quotation: Grothendieck'...
mathdude's user avatar
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Lefschetz morphisms from the relative tangent sheaf exact sequence?

Let $X\subseteq {\mathbb{P}}^N$ be an $n$-dimensional complex projective manifold. Denote by $\pi\colon U\to X$ the affine cone of $X$ with the vertex removed; it is a $\mathbb{C}^*$-bundle over $X$. ...
Enrico's user avatar
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A versal deformation of a simple node

I have a passing familiarity with moduli theory, which gets me in trouble when I want to understand specific examples. The basic question I would like to understand is how to prove something is a ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
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Globalization of Brieskorn-Grothendieck resolution

Brieskorn (1970) showed that for semiuniversal deformation of rational double points surface singularities $X\to S$, there is a finite base change $S'\to S$, such that the new family $f:X\times_{S}S'\...
AG learner's user avatar
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Obstructions to locally trivial deformations

Let $X$ be a complex projective variety. If $X$ is smooth, then the first-order infinitesimal deformations are given by $H^1(X, T_X)$ and the obstructions are in $H^2(X, T_X)$. Now assume that $X$ is ...
pgraf's user avatar
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Fibers of blow up in families

Let $T$ be a smooth curve over $\mathbb{C}$ and $p:\mathbb{P}^n \times T \to T$ the natural projection. Let $V \subset \mathbb{P}^n_T$ be a $T$-flat subscheme of codimension at least $2$ and $\pi: \...
user45397's user avatar
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Deformation of Complex Spaces

I am trying to learn about deformations of complex spaces from the paper of Palamodov. I am particularly interested in the relative tangent cohomology. Is there any other modern reference to this ...
Chitrabhanu's user avatar
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Spectral sequences and Koszul complexes in Deformation Theory

I'm reading this paper of A. Vistoli and I have some questions about the discussion in page 5. This is the context (If you don't want to download the paper): Let $A'$ be a noetherian local ring with ...
Pedro Montero's user avatar
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A question on infinitesimal deformation (related to intersection theory)

Let $X$ be a connected projective scheme in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Assume, $2 \le \dim X \le n-2$. Let $H$ be a general hyperplane in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Denote by $Z:=X.H$ and $Z'=X.H^m$ for $m \gg 0$. Then ...
user46578's user avatar
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Formal neighborhood of stable curves

For a smooth projective curve $X/\mathbb{C}$, every (infinitesimal) deformation is trivial when restricted to $X \setminus x$ for any $x \in X$. In particular, all deformations can be obtained by “...
E. KOW's user avatar
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What classifies deformations of group schemes (or Hopf algebras)?

The cotangent complex of a scheme classifies its deformations. That is, if $X$ is a scheme over a field $k$ (with conditions?) and $\mathbf{T}^*_X\in D^b(\text{QCoh}(X))$ its cotangent complex, the ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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One-parameter family of algebra structures: characterizing trivial deformation as adjoint 2-cocycle being a 2-coboundary

$\DeclareMathOperator\C{\mathbf{C}}$Motivation: this post discusses a simple criterion for a 1-parameter family of $n$-dimensional complex algebras to be a "trivial deformation", i.e., be ...
YCor's user avatar
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Reducible surface as a degeneration

I am interested in the following situation. If $S_1\cup_D S_2$ is a union of two irreducible smooth projective surfaces over $k=\overline{k}$(over $k=\mathbb{C}$ is enough, if it's relevant) glued ...
Sungwoo's user avatar
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Deformations of vector bundles and tubular neighborhood

I had a number of questions that are somewhat related to each other. I decided to post them altogether instead of separately. I'd appreciate any kinds of answers, ideas or sources regarding any of ...
user127776's user avatar
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Deformations of a blow up

My question is related to this question, but I'm looking for something a bit more explicit. Let $S$ be a smooth surface over $\mathbb C$, fix a point $s\in S$ and take the blow up $\beta \colon S' \...
Roberto Pignatelli's user avatar
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Extension of holomorphic maps to smooth family of holomorphic maps

Let $\pi:X \to D^2$ be a family of diffeomorphic (but not isomorphic) complex manifolds. Each fiber is allowed to have boundary but is compact (maybe not Stein) and $D^2 \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a ...
Paul's user avatar
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Theorem from Deformation Theory

My question refers to some steps it the proof of Theorem 3.3 part (b) in Christensen's paper treating Deformation theory (see pages 9-11):
user267839's user avatar
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Poincare duality in families of smooth, projective curves

Let $f:\mathcal{C} \to \Delta^*$ be a family of smooth, projective curves over a punctured disc. Denote by $\mathbb{H}^1:=R^1f_*\mathbb{Z}$ the associated local system, such that for every $t \in \...
Chen's user avatar
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Is it true that all smooth group schemes can be deformed?

Consider for instance the map $\mathbb Z/p^2 \to \mathbb Z/p$ and suppose we are given a group smooth scheme $G$ over $\mathbb Z/p$. Is it always possible to lift it to a smooth group scheme $G'$ over ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Torsion-free sheaf cohomology over discrete valuation rings

Let $R$ be a Henselian discrete valuation rings with algebraically closed residue field and $X$ be a regular, flat, proper $R$-scheme. Assume that the generic fiber to the natural morphism from $X$ to ...
Ron's user avatar
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Deformation of finite coverings between smooth projective varieties

Assume that we have a finite covering $$f \colon X \longrightarrow Y,$$ where $X$ and $Y$ are smooth, complex projective varieties of dimension $n$. Therefore we obtain a splitting $$f_* \mathscr{O}_X ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Infinitesimal deformation and contractibility of algebraic curves

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface and $X'$ be an infinitesimal deformation of $X$. Denote by $f: X \to X'$ the natural closed immersion. Let $C' \subset X'$ be a curve such that $f^{-1}(C')$ is ...
user43198's user avatar
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formal smooth morphism with a formal smooth source

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a morpism between $k$-schemes ( $k$ a field). We suppose that X is formally smooth and f is formally smooth and surjective. Do we have that $Y$ is formally smooth? Or if it's ...
prochet's user avatar
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Deformation theory with a view toward GW theory and DT theory

I am studying GW theory (and DT theory) in algebraic geometry. I now understand the heuristic "Aut, Def, Obs" argument written in Mirror Symmetry book (by Hori et al.), but it is too hard for me to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Why does a deformation modify the complex structure *holomorphically*?

This is a question regarding Chapter 9.1 of Claire Voisin's book [1] Let $\phi: \mathcal X \to B$ be a family of compact complex manifolds, that is a proper holomorphic submersion, with central fiber $...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Stability of Ricci-flat Fujiki class $\mathcal C$ by small deformations

As we know, a compact Kähler manifold remains Kähler after any infinitesimal deformations. Since a compact complex manifold in Fujiki class $\mathcal C$ is bimeromorphic to a Kähler manifold, it was ...
Tom's user avatar
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Artin's "Versal Deformations and Algebraic stacks": Question concerning proof of Theorem 3.3

I have been reading Artin's paper titled "Versal deformations and algebraic stacks" and am a bit confused about a statement he makes in the proof of Theorem 3.3, in the first few lines of pg....
user's user avatar
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Deform a non-Kähler manifold to a Kähler one

Let $X$ be a compact complex non-Kähler manifold, then what conditions do we need to make it has a Kähler deformation? that is to say it can be deformed to a Kähler manifold. Obviously not all the ...
Tom's user avatar
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Rigid non-algebraic manifolds

The famous Kodaira problem asks: whether a compact Kähler manifold can always be deformed to a projective manifold? In order to provide a counterexample, one way is trying to construct a rigid compact ...
Tom's user avatar
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Deformation of pairs (X,D) isotrovial along D

I have a log pair $(X,D)$ which is purely log terminal and $D$ is a projective $\mathbb{Q}$-Cartier divisor ($X$ may not be projective). Moreover, $D$ is a variety of Fano type. Is there a space of ...
user73577's user avatar
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Does the local Bertini theorem in mixed characteristic imply the global Bertini theorem

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$ and residue field $k$. Assume that the characteristic of $K$ is $0$ and of $k$ is $p>0$. Let $\pi:X \to \mbox{Spec}(R)$ be a flat, ...
Jana's user avatar
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Is complete intersection a open or closed property in Hilbert schemes

Fix an integer $N$, $X$ a (smooth) complete intersection subvariety in $\mathbb{P}^N$. Denote by $P$ the Hilbert polynomial of $X$ (as a subvariety in $\mathbb{P}^N$). Consider the Hilbert scheme $\...
Ron's user avatar
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Deformation space and Kodaira-Spencer map of cyclic Galois coverings

This question concerns a statement from the paper by Ben Moonen "Special subvarieties arising from families of cyclic covers of the projective line. Documenta Math. 15 (2010)", Lemma 5.5. ii). More ...
Darius Math's user avatar
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Deformations of the moduli space of ppav's

Consider the complex algebraic moduli space $X:=\mathcal A_g^n$ of ppav's of dimension $g$ with some high enough level $n$ structure (so that it represents the corresponding functor). Can one compute ...
Christian's user avatar
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Obstruction to lifting of global sections of invertible sheaves

Are there known examples of smooth projective hypersurface in $\mathbb{P}^3$, say $X$ and an invertible sheaf $L$ on $X$ with $H^0(X,L)>0$ satisfying the following property: There exists an ...
Ron's user avatar
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A possible application of deformation theory?

Let $f : \mathbb{R}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a real-valued polynomial function. Consider the family of real algebraic sets: $$ V_c = f^{-1}(c), \quad c \in (-1,1). $$ I am interested in determining how ...
user82261's user avatar
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$H^2(X,T_X)=0$ implies the Frölicher spectral sequence degenerates at $E_1$?

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold, if $X$ satisfies $H^2(X,T_X)=0$, then it is well-known that the Kuranishi space of $X$ is smooth by Kodaira and Spencer's deformation theory. On the other hand, ...
Tom's user avatar
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Grothendieck-Messing in characteristic 0?

Let $A$ is an abelian scheme over a base scheme $S$. Let $S \rightarrow S'$ be a thickening defined by an ideal of square zero (for example). If $p$ is locally nilpotent on $S$, then Serre-Tate and ...
351910953's user avatar
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Obstruction to the existence of a deformation of a subvariety compatible with the given deformation of a variety

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$ of characteristic 0, and let $A$ be a local Artinian $k$-algebra, say, $A=k\oplus I$ where $I$ is an ideal such that $I^2=0$. Let $\frak X$ be a ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar