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One-parameter family of algebra structures: characterizing trivial deformation as adjoint 2-cocycle being a 2-coboundary

$\DeclareMathOperator\C{\mathbf{C}}$Motivation: this post discusses a simple criterion for a 1-parameter family of $n$-dimensional complex algebras to be a "trivial deformation", i.e., be ...
YCor's user avatar
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Poincare duality in families of smooth, projective curves

Let $f:\mathcal{C} \to \Delta^*$ be a family of smooth, projective curves over a punctured disc. Denote by $\mathbb{H}^1:=R^1f_*\mathbb{Z}$ the associated local system, such that for every $t \in \...
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Deformation theory with a view toward GW theory and DT theory

I am studying GW theory (and DT theory) in algebraic geometry. I now understand the heuristic "Aut, Def, Obs" argument written in Mirror Symmetry book (by Hori et al.), but it is too hard for me to ...
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Degeneration of cycle class map

Let $f:\mathcal{X} \to \Delta$ be a flat family of projective varieties, smooth over the punctured disc $\Delta^*$ and the central fiber is a simple normal crossings divisor. Let $\mathcal{Z} \subset \...
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Representability of Flattening stratification functor

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a projective morphism between noetherian scheme. Is there any know condition under which there exists a functorial stratification of $Y$ i.e., there exists a filtration by locally ...
user43198's user avatar
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Vanishing of space of first order infinitesimal deformations for irreducible algebraic stack

This question has a few bits, and apologies if some questions are phrased poorly since I am not knowledgeable on the language of stacks or deformation theory. Suppose $\mathscr{X}$ is an algebraic ...
Daniel Levine's user avatar
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versal deformation ring of a p-divisible group with some tensors

I'm trying to read Kisin's paper about the Integral model of Shimura varieties. In section five he discusses versal deformation ring of a p-divisible group. Assume that $K$ is a number field with ...
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Examples of semi-stable models of curves

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$ of characteristic zero and residue field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Assume $k$ is algebraically closed. I want to produce examples of ...
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Fiber of the specialization map of Picard groups

Let $R$ be a Henselian discrete valuation ring with residue field $k$ of positive characteristic and fraction field $K$ of characteristic zero. Let $\pi:X_R \to \mathrm{Spec}(R)$ be flat, projective ...
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Quantities associated to deformed sheaves

I am trying to figure out what happens to "quantities" associated to a sheaf when one deforms it. I am actually interested in deforming a bounded complex of coherent sheaves but I want to make the ...
mGb's user avatar
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Residual scheme to local complete intersection schemes in the projective space

Let $A$ be an integral Noetherian $\mathbb{C}$-algebra. Denote by $\mathbb{P}^3_A:=\mathbb{P}^3_{\mathbb{C}} \times_{\mathbb{C}} \mathrm{Spec}(A)$. Let $X,Y$ be closed local complete intersection ...
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Perfect complexes in a family

Consider a simple normal crossings variety $X=\bigcup_{i=1}^k X_i$ over $\mathbb{C}$ where $X_i$ are smooth projectiv and a flat family $\mathcal{X}\xrightarrow{\pi}\mathbb{A}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$ with $\...
TheWildCat's user avatar
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Obstruction to deformation of composite morphism (Reference request + question)

Let $f_0:X_0\xrightarrow{g_0}Y_0\xrightarrow{h_0}Z_0/S_0$ be a morphism of smooth projective $S_0$-schemes such that $g_0,h_0$ are flat. Let $S_0\subset S$ be a first-order thickening, and let $X,Y,Z$ ...
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Geometric meaning of residue constraints

$\DeclareMathOperator\Res{Res}$I have been reading Kontsevich and Soibelman's "Airy structures and symplectic geometry of topological recursion" ( and am having ...
user113988's user avatar
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Pull-back of line bundles and field extension

Let $X$ be a smooth, projective variety over a field $K$ of characteristic $0$ (not necessarily algebraically closed) and $L$ an invertible sheaf on $X_{\bar{K}}=X \times_K \mbox{Spec}(\bar{K})$, ...
Jana's user avatar
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Deformation of projective bundles

Let $\pi:\mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{P}^1$ be a flat, projective family of noetherian schemes with generic fiber a smooth, projective variety. Let $p:\mathcal{Y} \to \mathcal{X}$ be another flat, ...
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Smoothability of stable curves in mixed characteristic

Let $R$ be a complete DVR with residue field $k$ algebraically closed of characteristic $p$ and fraction field $K$ of characteristic zero. Let $C$ be a stable curve (in the sense of Mumford-Deligne) ...
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On tangent space of relative quot schemes in positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic and $f:X \to S$ be a smooth, flat, projective morphism between noetherian $k$-schemes. Assume that $S$ is a non-singular quasi-...
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