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What classifies deformations of group schemes (or Hopf algebras)?

The cotangent complex of a scheme classifies its deformations. That is, if $X$ is a scheme over a field $k$ (with conditions?) and $\mathbf{T}^*_X\in D^b(\text{QCoh}(X))$ its cotangent complex, the ...
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Linear deformations of a morphism between stacks

Given smooth algebraic stacks $\mathcal{X}$, $\mathcal{Y}$ what are the linear deformations $\operatorname{Def}^1(f: \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y})$ of a morphism $f:\mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y}$? In ...
Robert Hanson's user avatar
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formal smoothness and cotangent complex

If $k$ is a field and $A$ is a formally smooth $k$-algebra, then we know that $\Omega^{1}_{A/k}$ is projective. What about its cotangent complex $L_{A/k}$? When is it quasi-isomorphic to $\Omega^{1}_{...
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