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Clarification on relationship between Grothendieck-Messing and Honda systems

It's well-known, due to work of Fontaine (see e.g. this), that if $k$ is a perfect field of characteristic $p$, then one can classify $p$-divisible groups over $W(k)$ by Honda systems. Namely, these ...
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Is it true that all smooth group schemes can be deformed?

Consider for instance the map $\mathbb Z/p^2 \to \mathbb Z/p$ and suppose we are given a group smooth scheme $G$ over $\mathbb Z/p$. Is it always possible to lift it to a smooth group scheme $G'$ over ...
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Square-zero extensions mod $p^n$

$\DeclareMathOperator\LMod{LMod}\DeclareMathOperator\Mod{Mod}\DeclareMathOperator\Sp{Sp}$A square-zero extensions of rings is, conceptually, a map of rings $R \to A$ such that any two elements in the ...
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versal deformation ring of a p-divisible group with some tensors

I'm trying to read Kisin's paper about the Integral model of Shimura varieties. In section five he discusses versal deformation ring of a p-divisible group. Assume that $K$ is a number field with ...
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Absolute approximation of formal schemes

Let $\mathfrak{X}_j$ be an inverse system of qcqs $p$-adic formal scheme, flat over $\mathbf{Z}_p$, with affine transition maps, and assume $\mathcal{O}_{\mathfrak{X}_j}$ is a coherent sheaf of ...
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galois deformation ring with type is union of irreducible components

Notation: $K$ finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $G_K$ absolute Galois group of $K$, $E$ is finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ (coefficient field), $O_E$ is ring of integer in $E$. In this paper of ...
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