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4 votes
1 answer

Cubic curve closest to the given set of points

Assume we are given the set $S$ of $n$ points on the real plane and want to draw a parametrized cubic curve (actually a segment of Bézier spline) with fixed startpoint in such a way, that the ...
4 votes
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Minimal $b_2$ in Sarkisov's construction

In the paper On the structure of conic bundles. Math. USSR, Izv., 120:355–390, 1982, Theorem 5.10, Sarkisov constructed the first example of non-rational, rationally connected $3$-fold $X$ with $H^{3}...
5 votes
0 answers

Which equation of a Butterfly?

Let $A, B$ be two points and $L$ be a line on the Euclidean Plane. Take two points $J, G$ on the line $L$ such that $JG=constant$. Let $AJ$ meet $BG$ at $P$, $AG$ meet $BJ$ at $Q$, then the locus of ...
7 votes
2 answers

Will (general points + small number of arbitrary points) impose independent condtions on plane curves?

It is well known that imposing vanishing at general points of $\mathbb P^2$ gives independent conditions on curves of degree $d$. Also, it is known that a small number ($\le d+1$) points always impose ...