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15 votes
6 answers

What does keep you "doing what you do"? [closed]

I am towards the end of my Phd (with some difficultues to overcome, I can say I am really satisfied about it) and I was wondering about what to do next. There are basically two paths: academia or ...
17 votes
2 answers

Research and exposition: how does writing "basic" books affect your "serious" research work?

I can see the benefit of writing a mathematical monograph: you revise and organize your own work and recollect the key ideas of your own research. But this applies only to books aimed at researchers ...
15 votes
3 answers

Research in mathematics without a degree in mathematics

This question might not make much sense or be a big deal for someone but I genuinely would like to know the opinions. I am currently a software developer in a small start-up. I had to drop out of ...
31 votes
19 answers

Research-only permanent positions worldwide

Most academic jobs involve some amount of teaching. Post-docs generally do not, but they are only short-term positions. Question: in which countries can one obtain a research-only permanent ...
338 votes
16 answers

What's a mathematician to do?

I have to apologize because this is not the normal sort of question for this site, but there have been times in the past where MO was remarkably helpful and kind to undergrads with similar types of ...
11 votes
1 answer

Use of an appendix in a long paper

I am writing a long paper (around 100 pages). I would consider 50 pages of it interesting in that it solves a problem of some significance in my field and contains an number of difficult ideas in the ...
12 votes
1 answer

What would you do if you improve your own result that is submitted but not published?

Here is a hypothetical situation: You have proven a result and written up a paper about it. You have submitted your article to some journal and it is being reviewed. While you are waiting, you have ...
9 votes
1 answer

How common is it for universities to create new positions for dual hires?

Let's say you happen to be a mathematician, and your spouse is also an academic and in a humanities field in which there are very few jobs advertised. Assuming that you can convince universities to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Publication Of 50 pages [closed]

Does anyone know of a research journal in mathematics that is willing to publish 50 pages of peer-review research? I would like to submit research that explores how to develop predicate models for ...
7 votes
3 answers

What are journal rankings that employers look at? [closed]

What are journal rankings that employers look at? There are few questions on this topic already, but I don't think they fully address my question. Please close this one if it is not appropriate for ...
3 votes
1 answer

Math graduate school applications and personal hardships [closed]

This question is on mathematics, career, and personal life. I.) Assumptions. i.) Suppose that I am a Junior in college majoring in mathematics at a top research institution in the U.S. I have "...
1 vote
1 answer

I want to enter graduate school in pure math. Is doing REU in “mathematical modeling” a good idea? Is it an essential skill to learn?

(please let me know if this question is not suitable here) Hello! I'm an undergraduate rising senior majoring in mathematics and it seems that I got rejected by an REU that is held in my university ...
0 votes
1 answer

Advice for PhD in Algebra [closed]

I hope that this question is okay to post here. I'm in my final year of my master's degree in Sweden, and I'm starting to feel that some doors are closing in regards to applying for a postgraduate ...
39 votes
3 answers

How to write mathematics without typing?

What solutions exist for mathematicians who need to write papers, but can't type? (I'm an early-career research mathematician and I can't type for the next few months.)
1 vote
2 answers

Are there grants supporting sabbatical year in US? [closed]

I am a tenured mathematician at a university outside of the US. I would be interested to spend my sabbatical year in one of the US universities. Are there grants I can apply to partially support my ...
31 votes
5 answers

Beginner's questions on the post-doc application

I am going on the (research oriented) post-doc job market (mainly in the US) this winter and would like to ask some questions. I am aware of the site, but I am ...
158 votes
8 answers

Resources for mathematics advising.

This question is possibly ill-advised. (If it is not right for this site I will delete it.) I, suddenly, have students. It is very clear to me that there is nothing in my education that has ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to handle a research identity crisis

I have studied applied math and got a PhD (3yrs) in that field with applications in fluid dynamics. Then in my first postdoc (1.5yrs) I did again a postdoc in applied math but studied applications in ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Amount of mathematical knowledge required for starting Ph.D. in pure mathematics [closed]

How much mathematics should one know before starting a Ph.D. program in pure mathematics? For example what topics one must understand well to pursue a Ph.D. in US University in Number Theory (...
59 votes
10 answers

What do you do when you're stuck?

I'm pretty sure almost all mathematicians have been in a situation where they found an interesting problem; they thought of many different ideas to tackle the problem, but in all of these ideas, there ...
5 votes
4 answers

Funding programs for mathematical research [closed]

In the USA, as far as I know, the main grants available to mathematicians are collected on the NSF or the AMS websites [please, correct me if this perception is inaccurate]. On the other hand, for ...
74 votes
8 answers

What to do after a pure math academic path?

I don't know whether my question is in the appropriate place. I've studied physics, and then did a PhD in (pure) math and 2 postdocs. I definitely love math research, but I am not ready to apply all ...
176 votes
8 answers

How to escape the inclination to be a universalist or: How to learn to stop worrying and do some research.

As an undergraduate we are trained as mathematicians to be universalists. We are expected to embrace a wide spectrum of mathematics. Both algebra and analysis are presented on equal footing with ...
0 votes
1 answer

Applying Phd directly after undergraduate [closed]

I'm a math undergraduate and I'm about to finish my second year at UCL. It's time to consider my graduate school, and I have some questions about it. In the UK, many universities provide math PhD ...
1 vote
1 answer

What qualities and achievements can outweigh bad grades? [closed]

I will try to formulate my question so that the answer is not opinion-based. My question: Considering a undergraduate math student planning to pursue a PhD program, what qualities and achievements can ...
8 votes
0 answers

How difficult will it be to start doing research in pure mathematics in the near future? [closed]

I am a first year PhD student in mathematics (complex differential and Kahler Geometry) and the other day I had a thought about the difficulty of starting to do research. This is my first post here ...
31 votes
6 answers

Pros and cons of specializing in an esoteric research area

If a mathematician specializes in a popular research area, then there are many job positions available, but at the same time, many competitors who are willing to get such job positions. For an ...
44 votes
3 answers

Publishing a Simple Paper as an Undergraduate

First off I apologize if this question does not belong here, I would be happy to hear about any better locations to post this on. I am a (first year) undergraduate mathematics student, and I recently ...
43 votes
11 answers

Research topics restricted to students at top universities?

Hello everybody. I am a Ph.D student in North America looking for advice about my prospective research area. My supervisor works in a research area, let's say area A, so as soon as I was accepted as ...
49 votes
3 answers

how to use arxiv?

This is a soft question. How do people usually use arxiv to put their papers? At which stage does one usually put his/her paper/report there? Someone suggests me to submit a paper while putting it on ...
19 votes
10 answers

Research Experience for Undergraduates: Summer Programs

Some time ago, I found this list of REU programs held in 2009. The main aspects that characterize such programs are: (a) a great deal of lectures on specific topics; and, admittedly more importantly,...
12 votes
0 answers

State of research in moduli space of flat connections

I am a recent PhD student trying to settle into a research topic. Even though I have a current project I am working on, I am not particularly enjoying it and would like to switch. Before braving the ...
29 votes
3 answers

Etiquette of publishing folklore results

I am wondering what is the etiquette of publishing a "folklore" result? Though special cases of the result are well-known, the proof is not readily available in any reference text or paper I've seen....
43 votes
8 answers

Should one attack hard problems? [closed]

When I applied for a PhD student position I had an interview with two professors. Somehow we touched the problem if $P$ is $NP$ and, once we got there, for some reason both professors made it clear ...
31 votes
7 answers

Advice on doing mathematical research [closed]

Please share any general tips or advice you have on doing mathematical research. How do you identify good problems to work on or to think about? What do you do when you get stuck on a problem? Etc.
49 votes
4 answers

How much reading do you do before you attack a problem?

When going off on a tangent from your regular area, where, presumably, you have such mastery of all cutting-edge research from your routine reading that you hardly need to do any extra (if this is ...
22 votes
7 answers

Where to find (personal) motivation [closed]

I think it would be appropriate to make this question CW... It is likely that this question will not survive here on MO for long, but I do hope that the community gives it a chance. I also hope to ...
55 votes
5 answers

Advice for pure-math Phd students [closed]

Pursuing a Phd in pure math can be a daunting task. A number of students who begin a Phd in pure math don't complete it, and there are high-quality dissertations and those which are not so high ...
33 votes
3 answers

How to transition from pure math PhD to nonacademic career?

I'm finishing up a PhD in math and am thinking about options outside of academia. So far, I've really only focused on pure mathematics, but I have a year left of grad school. Suppose I am interested ...
5 votes
1 answer

Preparing for Set Theory Research

Is reading Jech's text on Set Theory too little, just enough, or overkill to prepare oneself to do independent research in set theory? This would be my first attempt at doing independent research ...
7 votes
1 answer

How should a professor feel peace of mind when a student leaves academia? [closed]

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question -- if so, could somebody please point me to the correct one? I'm a professor who recently started advising graduate students, and I'm trying ...
17 votes
3 answers

Contacting an eminent mathematician

I have recently started a PhD. and am researching an area that two now eminent mathematicians devoted considerable time to in the 1980s. However, there appears to have been fairly moderate focus on ...
53 votes
8 answers

Publishing a bad paper?

First, I apologize if mathoverflow is a bad fit for this question, but it is the only place where I can think to get advice from professionals given my circumstance. I'm also sorry about any vagueness ...
7 votes
2 answers

Does it ever make sense NOT to go to the most prestigious grad school you can get into? [closed]

I'm a senior undergrad at a top-ish(say, top 15) math school. I'm a solid, not stellar, student. This year I'm taking the qualifying exam grad courses in algebra and analysis and have been taken aback ...
26 votes
5 answers

Presenting work in progress [closed]

At some point in the evolution of a project, one has to decide when to start talking about it in seminars and at conferences. I am interested in hearing about how other mathematicians make this ...
29 votes
9 answers

Can breadth hurt a job candidate? [closed]

I am a junior mathematician, currently on the job market. I have been involved in a number of projects spread over several very different topics of mathematics, some being very mathematical projects ...
16 votes
4 answers

How important is it for one on the job market to have thought about suitable REU projects?

An REU is a "Research Experience for Undergraduates" and entails undergrads (usually after their junior year) coming for 8-10 weeks out of the summer to University X to learn about and work on a ...
31 votes
11 answers

Switching Research Fields

I am a recent PhD specializing in algebraic geometry. But I also want to do research in some other areas of math (e.g. quantum computation, compressed sensing, and PDE's). What would be a good way of ...
23 votes
5 answers

Moving to academia from industry

I hope that the following question is suitable for MO. There have been several others in a similar vein, including this one about moving from maths into industry, this one about careers advice for ...
36 votes
3 answers

What counts as an 'invited' talk?

When you write your CV, what do you count as an invited talk? Does it count if you're invited but not provided funding (this has happened to me several times at AMS special sessions)? What if someone ...