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Are the real and complex Adams operations compatible under the inclusions $U(n) \rightarrow SO(2n)$?

Does the following diagram commute? $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} BU @>{\psi^k}>> BU \\ @VVV @VVV \\ BO @>{\psi^k}>> BO \end{CD} $$ Evidence for: $rc = 2$, it works for $BU(1) \...
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Adams operation on Q-construction of fields

Let $F$ be a field that we want to compute its rational algebraic $K$-theory using the Quillen's $Q$-construction. Let $QF$ be the $Q$ construction of the category of finite dimensional vector spaces ...
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Adams operation on the rational homology

The Adams operation acts on the algebraic $K$-theory of $R$ but the action as far as I know doesn't come from a endo-functor on the category of projective modules over $R$. For the $K_0$ there is an ...
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