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Questions tagged [ac.commutative-algebra]

Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

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12 votes
2 answers

Maps between K-groups induced by rings homomorphism

Let $f: R\to S$ be a map between two commutative Noetherian rings. Let $G_0(R)=K_0(mod R)$ be the Grothendieck group of finite generated modules over $R$. It means $G_0(R)$ is the quotient of the free ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
  • 30.5k
3 votes
1 answer

Decomposition of modules using computer packages

I am interested in computing direct sum decomposition of modules over some quotients of polynomial rings over a field (do not care much about the field at this point). Does any one know a package ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
  • 30.5k
5 votes
1 answer

Classifying Algebra Extensions over a fixed extension?

There are lots of "Ext groups" in homological algebra which measure extensions of various things. I'm sure there must be a homological algebra machine for computing the following, and I'm hoping that ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Two-dimensional quotient singularities are rational: why?

I've read that quotient singularities (that is, spectra of invariant subrings of finite groups acting linearly on polynomial rings) have rational singularities. Is there an elementary proof of this ...
Graham Leuschke's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

About maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules

I´m trying to solve a problem of cancellation of reflexive finitely generated modules over normal noetherian domains. When $R$ is regular domain with $\dim R \le 2$, for finitely generated modules, ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Field structure for R^n

Hi! Is it possible to define a product on R^n for n>2 such that R^n can be made into a field? R is a field in its own right with the standard operations and R^2 can be made into a field by ...
queijo84's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What is the localization of Q[x]/(x) at 0

Q is a rational field. Q[x] is polynomial ring over Q 。(x) is maximal ideal of Q[x]. Take Q[x]/(x) as a module over Q[x]. Then what is Q[x]-module Q[x]/(x) localize at 0?? I think the result is Q[x]/...
MAJIA's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Examples of algebraic closures of finite index

So there are easy examples for algebraic closures that have index two and infinite index: $\mathbb{C}$ over $\mathbb{R}$ and the algebraic numbers over $\mathbb{Q}$. What about the other indices? ...
Andrew Homan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

The inverse limit of locally free module

A is an I-adic complete Noetherian ring. M is a finitely generated A module. For any n>0, $M/I^nM$ is a finitely generated locally free A/I^n-module. Is M necessarily a locally free A-module?
TJCM's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Can I define the polynomial ring A[x] with an isomorphism f: A ---> A[x]? [closed]

I'm sorry if this isn't an appropriate question for MO. I've been reading here for a while, but I still haven't got a good grasp of what's a good question.Given a field A and the polynomial ring A[x], ...
Andy Lana's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Definition of étale for rings

Let $A \to B$ be a ring extension. What is the definition of $B/A$ étale ? When $A$ is a field, do we get a nice characterization ?
user2330's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

What does "linearly disjoint" mean for abstract field extensions?

All definitions I've seen for the statement "$E,F$ are linearly disjoint extensions of $k$" are only meaningful when $E,F$ are given as subfields of a larger field, say $K$. I am happy with the ...
Andrew Critch's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Homomorphism between exterior powers of a free module of finite rank

I´m looking for homomorphisms between exterior powers of a free module M of rank m ΛmR M → Λm-1R M Exactly, I´m looking for an explicit isomorphism M → Hom R (ΛmR M , Λm-1R M) I compare the ranks ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Do there exist non-PIDs in which every countably generated ideal is principal?

The title pretty much says it all: suppose $R$ is a commutative integral domain such that every countably generated ideal is principal. Must $R$ be a principal ideal domain? More generally: for ...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is tensoring with a module representable iff it is locally free of finite rank?

Motivation: It's nice when you can think of the elements of an $A$-module $M$ as sections some $A$-scheme $Y\to Spec(A)$. That is, maps $Spec(A)\to Y$ such that $Spec(A)\to Y \to Spec(A)$ is the ...
Andrew Critch's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Splitting matrix of rank one

Let R a normal domain, that is an integrally closed noetherian domain, like Dedekind domains, UFD, etc Let A=(a i j ) a matrix with elements in R and dimension n x m. Suppose rank A=1 ↔ all 2 x ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Examples of finite local rings of length 2 or 3

What is an example of a finite local rings, that has length 2 or 3? I want something different from $F_{q}[x] / x^{i}$ for $i=2, 3$; I'm looking for something more interesting. If you can give me ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Factorization of elements vs. of ideals, and is being a UFD equivalent to any property which can be stated entirely without reference to ring elements?

Why exactly is the unique factorization of elements into irreducibles a natural thing to look for? Of course, it's true in $\mathbb{Z}$ and we'd like to see where else it is true; also, regardless of ...
Zev Chonoles's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Do DG-algebras have any sensible notion of integral closure?

Suppose R → S is a map of commutative differential graded algebras over a field of characteristic zero. Under what conditions can we say that there is a factorization R → R' → S ...
Tyler Lawson's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Trace map attached to a finite homomorphism of noetherian rings

Let $f:A\rightarrow B$ be a homomorphism of noetherian rings which makes $B$ into a finite $A$-module. Under what conditions on $f$, $A$, $B$ can one associate to this map a canonical "trace map" $$\...
B. Cais's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Are any finitely generated reflexive module a 2nd syzygy?

Are any finitely generated reflexive module a second syzygy? (I´m thinking especially in normal noetherian domains) More general... Are any divisorial lattice a second syzygy? (I´m thinking ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When can one localize Ext?

Let $R\to S$ be a ring map such that $S$ is projective over $R$ (I am willing to assume $S=R[X_1,...,X_n]$). Let $M,N$ be finite $S$-modules. Let $P\in Spec R$ such that $M_P$ is $R_P$-flat. Under ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

When is a commutative ring the limit of its local rings?

Let $A$ be a commutative ring. Then we get local rings $A_p$ by localizing at each prime ideal $p$. Moreover, we get $A_p \rightarrow A_q$ when $p$ contains $q$. So we get a big diagram indexed by the ...
Dinakar Muthiah's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Some examples of depth

This is related to the question I asked last time. This sounds a bit too specific, I hope this question is still acceptable on MO. I am still not quite comfortable with the concept of depth, and ...
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21 votes
1 answer

Two conjectures by Gabber on Brauer and Picard groups

In a paper I need to make reference to two conjectures by Gabber, from Ofer Gabber, On purity for the Brauer group, in: Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, MFO Report No. 37/2004, doi:10.14760/OWR-2004-37 ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Inversion of Laurent series

For a power series $f(z) = \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} a_i z^i$ with $a_1$ nonzero, Lagrange's inversion formula gives an explicit way to compute the Taylor coefficients of the inverse function. Is there any ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

When is every submodule pure?

Recall that a module is called semisimple if every submodule is a direct summand pure semisimple if every pure submodule is a direct summand There is quite a bit of work on semisimple and pure ...
Mark Hovey's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Differences between reflexives and projectives modules

Let R be a normal noetherian domain. What is the difference between a finitely generated reflexive module and a finitely generated projective module? Can anybody recommend any references or make ...
Hideyuki Kabayakawa's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is (relatively) algebraically closed stable under finite field extensions?

Let $F\subset F'$ be a field extension such that $F$ is algebraically closed inside $F'$, i.e. if $x\in F'$ is algebraic over $F$ then $x$ belongs to $F$ itself. Let now $F\subset L$ be a finite field ...
Jason's user avatar
  • 51
15 votes
5 answers

Generalizing miracle flatness (Matsumura 23.1) via finite Tor-dimension

Let $(A,m_A)$ and $(B,m_B)$ be noetherian local rings and $f:A\rightarrow B$ a local homomorphism. Let $F = B/m_AB$ be the fiber ring and assume that $$\mathrm{dim}(B) = \mathrm{dim}(A) + \mathrm{dim}...
B. Cais's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

What does primary decomposition of (sub) modules mean geometrically?

I want to know how I should visualize modules in algebraic geometry. The way we visualize rings, via their spectra, automatically (or by the beauty of its design) depicts primary decomposition of ...
Andrew Critch's user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

Classification of finite commutative rings

Is there a classification of finite commutative rings available? If not, what are the best structure theorem that are known at present? All I know is a result that every finite commutative ring is a ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Class groups of normal domains over finite fields

Let R be a local, normal domain of dimension 2. Suppose that R contains a finite field. I am interested in knowing when the class group of R is torsion. In characteristic 0, this is known to be ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

When can we prove constructively that a ring with unity has a maximal ideal?

Many commutative algebra textbooks establish that every ideal of a ring is contained in a maximal ideal by appealing to Zorn's lemma, which I dislike on grounds of non-constructivity. For Noetherian ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
75 votes
9 answers

Why is an elliptic curve a group?

Consider an elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+ax+b$. It is well known that we can (in the generic case) create an addition on this curve turning it into an abelian group: The group law is characterized by the ...
Harald Hanche-Olsen's user avatar
95 votes
11 answers

Can a non-surjective polynomial map from an infinite field to itself miss only finitely many points?

Is there an infinite field $k$ together with a polynomial $f \in k[x]$ such that the associated map $f \colon k \to k$ is not surjective but misses only finitely many elements in $k$ (i.e. only ...
Philipp Lampe's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

When is tensoring with a module representable by a scheme?

Consider the following: Let $A$ be a commutative ring, let $M$ be an $A$-module. When is the functor from $A$-algebras to Sets given by $R \mapsto R \otimes M$ representable by an $A$-scheme? Unless ...
Dinakar Muthiah's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Is projectiveness a Zariski-local property of modules? (Answered: Yes!)

I know that for a finitely presented $A$-module $M$ ($A$ a commutative ring), TFAE: $M$ is projective; $M$ is max-locally free, meaning that $M_{\mathfrak m}$ is free for every maximal ideal $\...
Andrew Critch's user avatar
45 votes
5 answers

How to think about CM rings?

There are a few questions about CM rings and depth. Why would one consider the concept of depth? Is there any geometric meaning associated to that? The consideration of regular sequence is okay to me....
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8 votes
1 answer

Completion of modules of differentials (A strange exercise in Liu's AG textbook)

A is a Noetherian ring, B is an f.g. algebra over A, I is an ideal of A. let $\hat B$ be B's I-adic completion. Prove that $\Omega^1_{\hat B/A}$'s I-adic completion is isomorphic to $\Omega^1_{B/A}$'s ...
TJCM's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Can different modules have the same symmetric algebra? (answered: no)

Algebraic geometry allows one to think of an $A$-module $M$ geometrically as a module of functions on the $A$-scheme $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathrm{Sym}(M))$. I'm wondering if anything is lost in just ...
Andrew Critch's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

When is a localization of a commutative ring finitely generated as an algebra?

Prove or counterexample: If A is a commutative ring and $A_p$ is a finitely generated algebra over A for all prime ideal p of A, then A is a product of local rings.
TJCM's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

Dense section of sheaves of modules

Here is something that isn't yet very clear to me. Say, I've got a commutative ring A. I consider the affine scheme from A, so it's a sheaf of rings over Spec A. EDIT: And additionally let's say ...
Jose Capco's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Intuition for Nagata's altitude formula?

This is theorem 14.C on p.84 of Matsumura's commutative algebra. Let $A$ be a noetherian domain, and let $B$ be a finitely generated overdomain of $A$. Let $P \in Spec(B)$ and $p = P \cap A$. Then ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Spectra of rings that are projective module over a subring

This question is motivated from my last question here. I wonder if one has a ring A and an over-ring of this ring say B, and if we know that B is a projective A-module can we have a particular idea of ...
Jose Capco's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Atiyah-MacDonald: exercise 5.29 - "local ring of a valuation ring"

The exercise is the following: Let $A$ be a valuation ring, $K$ its field of fractions. Show that every subring of $K$ which contains $A$ is a local ring of $A$. Does anyone know what is meant by "...
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Are quotients of polynomial rings almost UFDs?

If $K$ is a field then the polynomial ring $K[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ is a UFD. On the other hand, quotients of such a polynomial ring usually don't enjoy unique factorization: consider, for instance, $\...
Armin Straub's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Dirichlet series with integer coefficients as a UFD

I recall the following question from Ulam's book "Unsolved math problems": show that the ring of Dirichlet series with integer coefficients is a factorial ring. I believe that soon after Ulam wrote ...
Vladimir Dotsenko's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

Algebraic description of compact smooth manifolds?

Given a compact smooth manifold $M$, it's relatively well known that $C^\infty(M)$ determines $M$ up to diffeomorphism. That is, if $M$ and $N$ are two smooth manifolds and there is an $\mathbb{R}$-...
Jason DeVito - on hiatus's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

When are dual modules free?

Let $A$ be a commutative integral domain, with fraction field $K$. Let $T$ be a torsion-free finitely generated $A$ module, so $T \otimes_A K$ is a finite dimensional vector space $V$. Let $T^*$ be ...
David E Speyer's user avatar