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On Noetherianity and local ness of a completed tensor product

Let $R$ be a regular local complete (with respect to the maximal ideal) ring with field of fraction $K$. Let $S\cong R[[x_1,\cdots, x_n]]/J$ (this is a Noetherian local ring which is an $R$-algebra) ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Why is $M$ torsion-free?

I am studying the following article The main theorem is the Theorem 3.3. Howewer, I have the following questions about the proof: How does it help ...
Danimenru's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Are local, Noetherian rings with principal maximal ideal PIR?

A question asked by a friend. I believe it's false, but lack a decisive counterexample. This question shows that it is true for valuation rings, but I know too little about them. In the wider ...
Andrew Homan's user avatar