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2 answers

Involutions in $\mathbb{F}_p[[x]]$

Question: For a prime $p$, is every involution in $\mathbb{F}_p[[x]]$ with a zero constant term a reduction modulo $p$ of some involution in $\mathbb{Z}[[x]]$? Here involution in $A[[x]]$ means $f\in ...
Alexander Burstein's user avatar
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name for a degree-like invariant of a power series over a commutative ring

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, and let $f \in R[\![X]\!]$ be a formal power series. Sometimes (and for example, this will always be possible if $R$ is Noetherian), one may write $f$ in the form $$ f =...
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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3 answers

Groebner bases for power series rings (reference request)

Hello, Could you help me with a reference to elementary properties of Groebner bases in rings of formal power series over a field? I am especially interested in generic initial ideals. Thank you in ...
Serge Lvovski's user avatar
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Degree of an even/odd part of a formal power series over a polynomial ring

Let $K$ be a field with $\operatorname{char}K\ne 2$ (say, $K=\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$) and consider a formal power series $f=f(x)\in K[[x]]$ such that $[K[x,f]:K[x]\,]=d$. Suppose $f_e,f_o\in K[[x]]...
Alexander Burstein's user avatar
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On analytic transcendence degree and Krull dimension for homomorphic images of power series rings

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and $I$ be a radical ideal of $k[[x_1,\ldots, x_n]]$. Let $P$ be a minimal prime ideal of the reduced ring $R:=k[[x_1,\ldots, x_n]]/I$. Then, $R_P$ is a field ...
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Completion of $\mathbb F_q(T)$

It is easy to prove that for a an irreducible polynomial $P$ of degree $d$ of $\mathbb F_q[T]$, one can embed $\mathbb F_{q^d}$ in $\mathbb F_q(T)_P$ (the completion of $\mathbb F_q(T)$ at $P$) and ...
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